Thursday, February 17, 2011


Stress happens!  We all know that life is unpredictable, unstable, and the only thing that remains the same is that life is constantly changing!  Not every one day is the same as the last one.  My reality is not the same as yours.  There is more than one way to saddle and ride a horse, there is more than one way to walk down the path of life.  There is more than one way to live.  The key to all of this is to find the joy in the journey.

So often I allow life’s circumstances rob me of my personal joy.  God’s word is very clear on this, “giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20.  Anyone else feel totally overwhelmed, unprepared, unable to do this, in other words, totally humbled?  How can I, me; the woman that most people seemingly over look, the woman that spends days  at a time stuck in her house(yes, days, there have been weeks when the only time that I have left the house was to go to church on Sunday!)  washing clothes, cleaning up after children, educating the same children, dealing with fights, laundry, dirty noses and dishes, find reasons to give thanks?  What am I supposed to thank God the Father for?  More laundry?  UGH…I HATE laundry!  (Well, hate is too strong a word….I don’t like sorting, washing, drying, folding, and putting laundry away, but that is in another post isn’t it?)  How am I supposed to all of that and still find the joy of the journey?  

I can’t do this!  I am totally unprepared to be joyful when we discover a rat’s nest under our bath tub because when they built the house they left gaping holes in the floor!  Not just one hole under the sink but seven and two more that were left open under the cabinet!  UGH!  How can I be joy-filled in our latest remodeling venture?  My house is torn apart right now and, believe it or not, the mess and chaos is driving me insane!  Add to this the three children that are home with me, filling my days with their needs, like food, and I am not finding joy at all!  I am finding chaos, confusion, one bathroom, and in general…STRESS!  How can I be prepared to find the joy of the journey?  How can I give thanks for all things, including the seven inches of dust, one toilet, one shower, and a huge mess?

One word; ATTITUDE!  How I relate to others and the world around me is a direct reflection of what I truly believe about life, and that is shown in my attitude!  I am not perfect.  Okay, no big surprise there….anyone who knows me knows that I can probably stand to loose a few pounds, that I can probably stand to not eat another piece of chocolate, that I could probably try to exercise more patience and organize my home a little bit better.  BUT, the good news is that I don’t have to be perfect!!!!  I’m never going to be perfect!  I just have to be like Christ, He will perfect me in His timing and in His way!  “Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children.  And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us.” Ephesians 5:1-2b.  That is the key to finding the joy in the journey….walk with Christ, imitate Christ, and love like Christ.  Children fighting, no problem, love can guide the way.  One bathroom, no problem, Jesus will shine as I wait patiently while my little E-Man is singing and taking his sweet time in the bathroom.  Laundry, no big deal, I can hold and pray for the clothes that will be worn by my family and ask that God provide them with a divine opportunity to reach others for Him while they are wearing their favorite clothes.  

Stress, who has time for that?  I am too busy, purposing to imitate Christ, purposing to love like Jesus, purposing to be who I should be.  I am NOT the woman that is overlooked, underpaid, and unappreciated, I am a Daughter of the King!  That is why I can give thanks for all things!  I am a Princess, and that is where I can find my joy for the journey!