Monday, June 27, 2016

IT'S A BABY............

Isn't the newest Best cute?

And it's a BOY!

Yes, you read that correctly, the Best family is growing by another two little feet, specifically boy feet!  I'm not getting my lace and pink.  I am not getting my bows and princess tiaras.  I am getting another son.  I am getting more rough play, more trucks, more dirt, more action figures, and one more son. 

We had an ultrasound at the end of May and the ultrasound tech suspected that our new little one was a boy.  However, the baby was uncooperative so it wasn’t confirmed.  I must admit, I did cry.  Knowing that this will be our last Best, I really wanted a little girl.  I had a ladybug bedding set picked out.  I had headbands and bows ready to order.  I had ruffles and bows in mind.  I did mourn that for a minute.  I know what I am missing out on; I’ve had the privilege of tea parties and pedicures with our daughter.  I know the joy that little girls can bring.  I missed out on so much because I worked for the first year of Maggie’s life that I really, REALLY wanted to experience it all again.  Of course, God in His infinite wisdom had other plans.

This past Thursday, June 23, 2016, Robert and I ventured to Winnie Palmer hospital for a level two ultrasound.  The previous ultrasound showed that the baby has enlarged kidneys so they are monitoring them closely.  It was on Thursday that it was confirmed that indeed, the newest Best Baby is a BOY!    We had already suspected as much thanks to our previous ultrasound, but Thursday confirmed it for us.  This time I didn’t cry, I didn’t mourn, I have accepted that we are having a boy.  I am fine with that now.

I know that I am not getting lace, bows, and princess things.  I am getting more dirt and mud, more rough housing, more loud insanity, more fart jokes, more burps, more endless appetites, and most of all more love.  I am getting early morning snuggles, more cries for mama, more declarations of being my boy, more hugs, more kisses, and most of all the love of a son, not just any son but another Best Son. 

I adore all my children.  I am so happy that we have been blessed with our sixth baby here on earth.  I am so grateful God thought that we were worthy of another son, another young man to train to be a man of integrity and honor like his Daddy.  We are being blessed with another boy to raise and train to be a man of God.  What a gift that it!

 So, without further ado, the Best Family would like to announce the addition of Thomas Lane Best coming October of 2016!

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