Sunday, October 21, 2012

FIVE CHILDREN: No, It’s Not Enough!!!!!

Yes, we are having our fifth child!  Yes, I meant what the title said…..I do not believe that five is enough!  WHY?  So glad that you asked!

The Bible tells us that children are a gift from God.  Indeed Psalm 127:3-5 states:

“Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.” (NIV)

Did you see the first part of that verse: children are a reward from God! They are not a punishment.  They are not an inconvenience.  They are not something that should be taken lightly, they are a reward.  When you stop to ponder what this means, I wonder why more Christians are limiting themselves to only two children.

 I have heard some people state that it is selfish to have more than two children, and I wonder why.  Why is it selfish to desire a reward from a faithful and loving God who wants to bless His children?  How am I being selfish my sacrificing my life to raise these little people in the admonition and faith of Christ?  Last time I checked, cleaning dirty diapers was not a highly prized job, yet I relish in being with my children.  How is that selfish?

Another thought that we have heard is that the world is such a bad place, aren’t we cruel for bringing more children into it.  We have also heard that children are burdens.  Show me how Maggie, John Robert, Ethan, or Cole is a burden.  Show me how they don’t brighten the day with their love, laughter and smiles.  My soon to be teenage daughter is feeling called into the mission field and desires working with the deaf people of the world.  I don’t know if that will happen or not, but I do know that if she chooses to stay faithful to Christ she can change this world.  How is that a problem?

What I am about to say is unpopular.  Robert and I know that we are living lives that are counter cultural, that we do not fit into the American Dream.  Truthfully I abhor the American Dream.  I want God’s dream.  If God in His wisdom wants to give me 20 children, than I want to accept them graciously, lovingly, and with open arms.  Yes, this flies in the face of everything that America stands for, but how much longer are we Christ Followers going to sacrifice our lives on the altar of our selfishness instead of laying them down at the foot of the cross?  Are we truly going to believe what the Bible teaches?  Are we truly going to ask God to bless us with His gifts and His desires for our lives or are we going to continue to flaunt our desires and demands before his throne? Knowing this, I can honestly state that I want all the children God wants me to have, even if it means we have enough for a baseball team!


  1. Amen! Congratulations on your upcoming reward!!!!

    An exciting surprise indeed :)

  2. Jennifer,

    Good Morning Cousin! I congratulate your family on this little 5th miracle - but Jen, what about the folks who have child after child and can't afford them? Our tax dollars pay for the roof over each head, food in tummys, illnesses over their lifetime, utility bill assistance, etc. etc. I'm so happy for you and Robert - as you are to my knowledge NOT in this group I currently work my hiney off to "support" with my hard earned tax dollars. I would have loved to have another child - but currently with two in college and our income - we would have been unable to adequately provide for a third. I would love to see a blog from you - stating the many parts of the Bible that quote financial responsibility as it is so needed in American and around these days. I hope I didn't offend you. Love
