OK, I freely admit it. I am the world’s most inconsistent blogger. In my defense there is so much that I have to keep up with, that I don’t always put my thoughts and ideas down. Oh I have opinions, don’t get me wrong. I actually have lots and lots of opinions, but well they normally stay locked inside my head. UGH!
On to today. There is so much that I can reflect on. It has been a rollercoaster of a day here in the Best world. First and foremost Cole is now in 6 to 9 month clothes. Who gave this 4 ½ month old baby permission to grow? I don’t remember saying it was alright for him to get so big so fast, but he is! I will be the first to admit that he did look utterly adorable in his new giraffe plaid overalls from Kohls at church today. Say that one five times fast if you dare…I buy clothes for Cole at Kohls! Sorry, I digress. Did I mention that this same little monkey is now rolling over from tummy to back, has almost mastered from back to tummy, (we get hung up on our side), and today started “airplaning”. You know, “airplaning”, where they lift their arms and legs up while laying on their tummies. In our house this is the beginning of the end….soon Cole will be crawling, then walking, then college. OK, maybe that is jumping the gun a bit, but…..
So here I am preparing for a day of worship when it hits me. Not only are all of my children getting way big, but they are growing in maturity as well. Take, for instance John Robert. This morning I told him that he really needed to go to Children’s Church. His response, “OK Mom, but can you make sure this money I’ve been saving makes it into the offering plate.” What a statement! And it was from my 8 year old. His generosity broke me before we even left the house. I was very proud of that. Or how about Ethan, who is about to celebrate his 5th birthday. He asked if we could clean out some toys for kids who don’t have any. Or take Maggie who just shows up to take the baby when I just say, help! Oh sure, there are days when I hide on the washer, chocolate in hand, praying (begging really), that God would tone down the craziness of my life somewhat. Then circumstances like today happen.
You see, there are 2 women that I have never met in real life who have touched me deeply. More than two really, but again, I digress. One woman lost her only son, her only child, in an automobile accident a year ago. The other lost her daughter today to leukemia. As I have wept for these women (and yes, I mean it I have cried hot tears for them), I realize something very important. None of us are promised tomorrow, ever. Nowhere does God say that we are guaranteed a perfect life. On the contrary, Jesus Himself said in John 16:33; “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (NIV). Nowhere does God promise us a life without suffering. Nowhere does Christ promise us constant sunshine. BUT, He does promise us that He and He alone has overcome the world.
As I look at my children who are growing too quickly for my liking. As I weep for the mother’s whose arms are empty tonight, I look to the only Father that I know of who can make this world bearable. I know that my days are numbered. I know that I will not always have today. I guess it’s time that I start to live like I what I know is true. Starting tomorrow, I am going to love more. I am going to praise my God more. I am going to hide on the washer less. I am going to run to Christ when I am feeling down.
So here I stand tonight, reflecting on my life and looking in the mirror. I see eyes that are starting to get crow’s feet. I see hair that needs to be highlighted to hide the gray. I see 20 pounds more than I want to carry, but brush that off due to excess baby weight. I see a wife and a mother who is often times very tired. But, that is not what I want to see. When I reflect on my life, when I look in the mirror, I want to see Jesus. I pray that when you look at my life you will too.