Saturday, February 22, 2014

BOX DAY 2014!

Box Day is a phrase that has been coined by Sonlight Curriculum.  It is the day that Fed Ex arrives at your doorstop with at least one box of books to kick off your new homeschool year.  For us, Box Day was Thursday February 20th.    What a great day that was!!

To kick off our Box Day adventure, we started by sorting out all of our books, workbooks, school supplies, and any and all papers that were related to the previous year.  Since we school year round and take breaks as needed, like for the birth of our newest little one Jacob, our school year starts when we need it to and we take breaks as we need them.  This year it starts the first week of March.  This year we will be adding a little bit of fun things for Cole in the mix, so we took the time to go through the toys in the boy’s room and pulled out some educational toys that will be great to use for school hours with Cole.  We also set up a little “cubby” with some books and toys for Cole. After we got the kitchen area organized and cleaned up, we realized that we needed more paper and pencils so we took a trip to Wal-Mart to get some things and get some storage bins for the books for our old cores.
I forgot to take a BEFORE picture of the kitchen, here is the end results.
I am so excited to have things organized again!

When we got back home from grocery shopping and supply trip it was time to tackle my desk and then the book shelves around the table that we keep all our current school books at.  I must admit that as we organized, pulled out our favorite books, and dusted and cleaned, I was getting more and more excited at the idea of opening that beautiful box that was filled with so many new, exciting, and wonderful books.
Messy and ready to be reorganized!

One shelf almost empty and crying out for new books.
 The books from last year being packed away.
Organized chaos!  HA!

At last we were ready to set things up!  YAY!  This year John Robert and Ethan will be using Sonight’s Core “D” and begin an introduction to American History.  We will also be starting a brief overview of Florida’s history, something that I am excited about.  Maybe we can plan a weekend field trip to my favorite Florida city, St. Augustine.  This year Maggie will be finishing up her delve into world history by finishing up with Core “H”.  I must admit that I was getting really excited as I sorted out all of her school books and looked at the history that was there, specifically with regards to more modern history, from World War II on. 
Isn't this beautiful?
Ethan was so excited to open the box this year!
 He was even excited about the math book box!
John Robert holding the Love to Learn sticker!
Books, glorious books!!!
Ethan was my main sorter while John Robert "babysat" Cole and Maggie took pictures while snuggling Jacob.
Look at all those glorious books!!  YAY!
After sorting all the books, it was time for me to sit down and set up the two new Instructor Guides (IG’s).  Of course this is when I get really excited.  I get to separate all of the wonderful books into History, Readers, Read Alouds, and Bible and then see how they all relate to each other within the IG.  I also adore that the IG has all of the planning done for me.  The only person that doesn’t have a “reading” list this year is Ethan since I had almost all of his books already, so I get to organize and make our own reading list and reading guide. 
Checking the books off my list.

Sorting, working, and assembling the IG's!
After all the hard work, the new books are up, the old are put away, the bookshelves are clean, Mama’s desk is cleaned, and Cole was happy to help us celebrate! 
Cole "reading" Maggie's new book.

 Box Day isn't fun unless you GET IN the box!

That smile says it all!
I love how organizing and setting things up for a GREAT start to school makes everyone so happy, especially this homeschooling Mama!
Ethan, Maggie, and John Robert's books are ready to go!

The math books are up.

And there are lots of P3/4 and P 4/5 books left out for Cole and well all of us to enjoy!

Someone was very proud of all Mama's hard work!
I love Box Day!  I love the look, feel, and even the smell of new books!  Here’s to a great school adventure and an organized one too!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


We love to spend lots of time showcasing how much we love each other as a family, and what better holiday to do this than Valentine’s Day?!?  This year we got the kiddos individual gifts to match their unique personalities.  All kiddos got a new movie and then a little something special along with their favorite chocolates.  Robert and I exchanged cards and he got me two HUGE packages of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.  Yep, he knows me well!  HA!  Of course I took photos of the kiddos throughout the day, trying to catch them loving and playing together. 
LOVE John Robert's face here!

Small smiles from our "big" little man!

Cole loves Maggie and Jacob so much!

What love is shared in our house, even when silly faces are shown!
After Robert got home from work we gave the kiddos their gifts from us and then headed to Catfish Country to eat a delicious supper that Mama and Maggie DID NOT have to cook!  WOOT ~ WOOT!
Four of my five loves!
Silly faces getting warmed up!
Maggie and her "date"!
Cole has a new love....THOMAS!
Time to be silly at the restaurant.  Maggie took ALL the photos there, we had a good time!

All in all, our Valentine’s Day was laid back but perfect for us!  We celebrated in the Best Family usual style, with lots of laughter, lots of hugs and kisses, and lots of silly faces!


Saturday, February 8, 2014


Two weeks ago our lives were forever changed but the birth of our fourth son here on earth.  Jacob entered into our lives in a rather unusual way for us.  We had been planning a homebirth but, due to his breech presentation we had to walk the unchartered path of a c-section.  The surgery, albeit a surprise, was a success and we were blessed with a large bouncing baby boy.

The overall birth experience at the hospital was awesome.  We loved the staff and the treatment that we were all given.  Then, Jacob and I were released to come home.  Oh my, has life been different.  Not good, bad, worse, or indifferent but very, very different. How so?  I’m glad you asked!

The first major difference that I have seen is the healing time that is needed.  After the birth of our other children, including the birth of Samuel into Heaven, I was back to “normal” within a few days.  Not so with the c-section.  At any given moment I can cough, sneeze, or just turn wrong and get a sharp shooting pain on my ride side near where the incision line is.  I’ve been told this is normal, but wow has it been a surprise for me.  As the Mama of five little ones, being uncertain of when pain will strike, it has made me slow down a lot.  Let me say that I am not one that is good at slowing down! In spite of that, this c-section has taught me that I need to slow down and take help when it is offered.

The second lesson that I’ve learned is that my big kiddos are amazing.  All I have had to do is ask and they have jumped to help.  Laundry needs to be thrown into the dryer, no problem.  Jacob needs a diaper, no problem, even if it is a super messy one.  Supper needs to be started, no big deal.  Dishes need to be done, checked off the list.  My big kiddos have been awesome when it comes to stepping up to the plate and helping.  I am forever grateful for that and for them.  I have asked them if the extra work has bothered them, but they look at me like I’m a nut, and snuggle Jacob tighter.  Just one of the many joys of a large family and making baby’s a priority worth loving.

The third lesson that I have learned is that it is okay to say “NO!”  I am not one that says no easily.  Usually I am the one that people call on and ask for help.  Now, I am the one that isn’t answering their phone, is willing to let someone knock on the door, and is even willing to turn a blind eye to the mess on the floor that needs mopping right now.  I have learned that it is ok to say NO, I can’t do whatever right now.  It has been a freeing lesson that has helped me stay somewhat sane.

The fourth lesson that I’ve learned is that I don’t do well being stuck at home or relying on others to help me run errands.  Life has a way of making us slow down and take into account that some days or weeks are not what we think they should be  Having to rely on other’s has been humbling and frustrating.  It has been a lesson in patience and humility.  Nothing can be more frustrating than needing to go to the grocery store and having to wait for four or five hours for someone to arrive to help you, especially when you are down to one roll of toilet paper.

The fifth and final lesson that I have learned is that God’s grace is always sufficient.  On the days that I need grace, all I have to do is ask and pray for it and it is given.  I have had to do this a time or two when I am dealing with the little ones that want to hug Mama and their head hits the incision line at just the right angle to bring her to her knees.  Or when the baby needs to nurse, a toddler has a dirty diaper, one is stuck in the bathroom without toilet paper because my help hasn’t arrived yet, and poor Robert calls to say that he is going to be at least four hours late.  Yes, crying out to God in those moments and begging for grace is the only thing that can help me to survive.  And in those moments where life is insane, the pain is intense, and I don’t think that I can move on; grace is sufficient.

I have learned quite a lot within these last two weeks.  More than any other lesson, I have learned that I can ask God for anything and He will provide at the right moment and the right time, always.  His grace is sufficient, His mercy is everlasting, and His love is all encompassing.  Life can be crazy, but when you slow down you can learn some lessons from your experiences, even if it is a c-section.