Saturday, August 30, 2014


I married into a family of animal lovers.  Anyone who knows me well knows that I am not a big fan of animals, let alone animals living in my house.    In spite of that, I have been blessed with three kiddos who love animals.  One of the kiddos is like me and could take them or leave them (which is funny because he is our Chicken Whisperer) and the other kiddo is too young to have an opinion on any animal yet. 

So, what’s a Mama to do when their daughter saves her babysitting money up to buy a rabbit again?  Clear a spot in the kitchen and celebrate with her of course.  We have a new bunny. Yep, this anti-animal in her house Mama cleared a spot in her kitchen for a small bunny cage.  The animal loving kiddos are thrilled, the not so animal loving kiddo is okay with it, and Mama and Daddy are happy because their kiddos are happy. 

Introducing the newest member of the Best family, Clementine.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


I am in love with cloth diapering. I love my prefolds and covers for the days that it is just me changing diapers.  BUT, prefolds and their covers are not a favorite of my husband or my kiddos.  They prefer to use my AIO (All in One) or my AI2 (All in Two) diapers that I got from Sugar Britches Nappies. I LOVE her custom diapers, they are adorable and I get compliments on them every time that I use them. My love for these adorable diapers is one reason I was so excited when the owner contacted me and asked me if I would help her get the word out.  More than that, I am humbled and honored I get to help her out.

My little man in his Sugar Britches Nappies diapers!

So what’s the news?  Melanie at Sugar Britches Nappies is ready to pay it forward.  From now until November 20th she is taking nominations for a lucky person to WIN an awesome diaper starter, completer, or filler stash!   It comes with 10 AI2 with inserts, 6 prefolds and 4 waterproof wraps. The only requirement is that when the winning family is finished using all those goodies, Melanie asks they pay it forward by donating it to another family in need.  What a HUGE blessing this will be for a lot of people!

A sample of the winning diapers!

Take a minute and head over to her Etsy store and check out the rules and get your paperwork turned in.  If you can, order some diapers too!  Melanie’s customer service is phenomenal, seriously she is the BEST to work with, and you will be supporting a business that believes in blessing others!  When you’re done, look for ways to bless someone today the way that Melanie and Sugar Britches Nappies is looking to bless someone too!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I haven’t chatted about cloth diapering in a while.  I am still happily using cloth diapers.  My go to diaper is a prefold and a cover.  My favorite covers are Thirstie’s, but I have some Kawai’s and Sweet Peas as well.  I do have some AIO (All In One) diapers and some AI2 (All In Two’s) that I had custom made by Sugar Britches Nappies from her Etsy store.  I mainly use these diapers for church and babysitters since they are as close to a “disposable” diaper as they come.
Wearing his red AIO diaper.

LOVE the camo AI2 Diaper!

Gotta love a cowboy fluffy bottom!  All the diapers above came from Sugar Britches Nappies!  LOVE THEM!

Surrounded by prefolds....

In a Thirstie's cover with a prefold on under it!

BUT, I’m not here to talk about what I’m using or why I LOVE them!  I’m here to chat about what I am getting more and more often, the comments and questions about WHY I’m cloth diapering!  Most people when I say that I am cloth diapering just stare, then comes the comments.  Most often the comments are the same, with some wording variation.  Usually they start off with:

                   Wow, I could never do that!
                   I didn’t know you could still do that!
                   How do you clean them?
And my personal favorite………….
                   What about the pooh?

And on that note, I always want to respond the honey bear or baby pooh?  The answer is always  the baby pooh; as in the cleaning of the baby pooh.  Yep, that's the answer,  always!

Ah yes, the dreaded pooh diapers, that is really the heart of the matter when it comes to cloth diapering.  People want to know how you handle the mess that can be in a diaper, or more to the point, why would you!  Easy, I’m a MOM!

Let me preface this by saying that as a mom, I lost all my dignity when I found out I was having my first little one.  I had morning sickness almost anywhere.  I lost all my dignity when I was in labor, and it was the same with each subsequent pregnancy.  As a mom you have to get used to icky situations from the get go.  Then the baby arrives and the ickiness morphs into a new form.  That precious baby spits up and then pooh’s and they pooh a lot!  That pooh is what makes someone squeamish about cloth diapering.  BUT, here are some things that a lot of people don’t realize.

With cloth diapering the dreaded blow outs aren’t as frequent.  Yep, blow outs are a dreaded occurrence for any mom.  BUT, since I’ve been cloth diapering I’ve had only two blow outs, and that was when we were starting out on solids and the baby’s tummy was still adjusting to new food and not just breast milk.  After his first two diapers, we got into the swing of things and that the blow outs ended.   So what do I do about pooh?  Easy, I change his diaper and we go…….just like in a disposable.

 Not the answer you were looking for was it? Goggle cloth diaper washing routines and you will find a million different ways to wash diapers and deal with pooh.  People can make this so difficult.  I know my mom told me her wash routine and I was almost in tears.  Here’s what most people think you must do…..

A.    Rinse the diaper in the toilet.
B.     Soak in water for 24 hours or overnight at least.
C.    Rinse in hot water.
D.   Rinse in cold water.
E.    Wash in hot water with specialty soap that costs more than disposable diapers every month.
F.    Wash in cold water with regular soap.
G.   Bleach.
H.   Don’t bleach.
I.    Rinse in hot water.
J.   Rinse in cold water.
K.    Don’t put in the dryer until the diapers have spent at least 10 hours in the sun on your clothes line.
L.    Stand on your head!
M.  Jump up and down!
N.   Do a rain dance!

So, are you turned off from cloth diapering yet?  Umm, yeah, I would be too!  But dealing with messy diapers IS not that complicated, no more so than dealing with spit up or blow outs.  When the baby is just breast fed or on bottles, the first few steps aren’t always necessary, but once solids are introduced they are.  This is my diaper washing routine, including dealing with those pooh diapers.

A.    Get a diaper sprayer.  I know that these are luxuries, but for me, they are a must.
B.    Get some gloves.  Yep, those wonderful yellow cleaning gloves come in handy when baby starts solids.
C.    Rinse all pooh diapers off into the toilet and throw the diapers into a bucket next to the toilet.  Most people LOVE the Home Depot buckets for this charge since they say “Let’s Do This” on them!  I just use an empty bucket that has a lid that Robert got from work.
D.   All diapers that are just wet diapers or diapers that are breast fed pooh can be tossed into the wet bag in your diaper pail.
E.    Wash day start off rinsing your diapers.  I use warm water for this, but you can use whatever you want.
F.    Wash the diapers.  Now this is where things can get tricky. Most people insist on special soaps but really Tide or whatever you use is just fine!
G.   Rinse your diapers.
H.   Hang on the clothes line or dry in the dryer.
I.    Put your diapers away, folding is optional.  (I do like to fold mine!)

Yep, it’s that simple.  And in reality, dealing with pooh is the least of my worries as I deal with a teething and grumpy little one.  To be honest, I have to wash Robert’s work clothes in a more “intense” way than I do diapers.  So in answer to the question that I know everyone is wondering…..YES, I do still enjoy cloth diapering.  I’m a mom, diapering and cleaning up after kiddos is really no big deal!

Thursday, August 7, 2014


There is a beautiful fellow homeschooling mom that I have met on an online forum and then connected with on Facebook whom I consider a true friend.    To be honest, I’m not sure she would even think that of me; I have not had the privilege of meeting her in real life, but I just know we’d get along fabulously, because she’s an honest, open, and transparent person.  Every day, in spite of the challenges she is dealing with in her life, she posts uplifting and edifying messages.  She herself will readily admit that there are days when she is doing this to build herself up, being in her situation can be challenging, but more often than not her positive outlook is so contagious, it over joys me to read her little messages about life.

Every Thursday, this sweet spirited woman, starts a blog and Facebook post titled Thankful Thursday.  This speaks volumes to me about her and the person that she is.  It also reminds me to step back and evaluate my life, what I am thankful for.  Most often I comment on her Facebook post and let that be that, but today I needed to do more.

This Thursday I am thankful for this sweet woman, and all of the Sonlight Mom’s on the forums that have helped me so much.  Some days, most days really, they are the only ones who “GET” where I’m coming from in my frustration and need to vent.  I am thankful for the people in our lives who love my children so much that they sacrifice their time to teach them new things, be it quilting, riding, or just wanting to hang out with my kids, your kindness blesses my heart more than words can say.  I am thankful for naps; sleep is a glorious thing, especially for a growing, teething, grumpy baby.  I am thankful for being able to homeschool my kiddos, and wanting them to stay at home with me for another year.  I am thankful that I can work at their pace in their schooling and not try to make them fit into a mold but make the mold fit around who they are as an individual.  I am thankful that my husband loves me enough to bring me home Reese’s Peanut Butter cups and put them in the freezer so I can have a daily pick me up.  I am thankful that there are women who care enough about me that they call me and tell me they are taking me out Saturday morning without kiddos so I can unwind some.  I am also thankful that my husband encourages this to happen.  I am thankful that God is so real and alive that all I need to do is read His word and He is willing to show me and teach me something new, even if it is in a passage I thought I had mesmerized and already knew!

There is so much more that I have to be thankful for, but I think for now I will stop.  I need to fold some laundry and ponder about all my blessings and my life.  I need to focus on what I am ultimately thankful for; Christ and His completed work on the cross for me.  I need to go sit at His feet and tell Him how thankful I am.  Because today, as I am every day, I am truly thankful, I am truly blessed, and I am truly loved.