Monday, March 28, 2016


Our Resurrection Sunday didn’t go as planned this year.  To me this wasn’t that big of a deal, I have learned over the years that if you want to have children you need to be flexible.  In spite of the lack of planning that went into this Sunday, it was a perfect day for us.

Our morning started off with the kiddos Easter baskets readied and the boys’ toys hidden for them to find.  Easter baskets in our home are kind of like stockings at Christmas, they are filled with tons of practical things like shampoo, toothbrushes, and a little candy.  This year Ethan, Cole, and Jacob got a Lego set of some kind while Maggie and John Robert got some new art supplies.  The boys also had their toys hidden that were personalized for them.  The little’s had new truck toys while the big’s had water guns and water bomb toys.  I know my kiddos and their gifts were a big hit. 

All six baskets waiting and ready to go.

Ethan and all his goodies.

Cole and his baskets.

Jacob and his new Mega Block tractor.  

John Robert finding his basket of toys.

While the kiddos scrambled to unload all their new goodies, Robert fixed us a super yummy sunrise breakfast.  We had ham, eggs, and grits.  Of course there was lots of coffee and orange juice.  While he was making breakfast, I was putting together our dinner.  I wasn’t supposed to be cooking, normally we go to my parents for Easter Sunday, but this year my mom and dad both have pneumonia, so cooking for us was now the new plan.  My Mom called to cancel our dinner on Saturday; thankfully she called while I was in the grocery store, so everything worked out perfectly.  We had jalapeƱo poppers, roast, mashed potatoes, cheesy broccoli and cauliflower, and banana pudding for dessert.  We asked Robert’s Granny to come eat with us since this was her first Easter without Granddaddy.  So while Robert made breakfast, Maggie and I threw together what we needed for our Easter dinner.

Maggie made the banana pudding.

We of course, spent our morning at church enjoying the service that First Baptist here in Lake Wales offers.  Unfortunately because our morning was so busy, I forgot to take pictures of everyone in their Sunday best. But, our color of choice was blue and everyone looked wonderful in their Easter finery.    After church we came home to eat, play, and eat some more. 

Maggie doing her weekly coffee face mask hiding with her dark chocolate candy.

This Easter there were no egg hunts.  There were no kiddos scrambling to compete and find the big money eggs.  There was lots of good food.  There was lots of sweet fellowship.  Most of all, there was time spent reflecting on the wonder of what Christ did for us at Calvary and how his resurrection made us who we are today.  No, our Sunday didn’t go as planned, but it was perfect for us.  

Monday, March 21, 2016


It has been brought to my attention that people think that my family dynamic is an oddity.  Robert and I decided to allow God to determine our family size.  This is an ideal that leaves many people scratching their heads and looking at us like we are crazy.  More often than not we hear how the kiddos are ruining our lives; each pregnancy is a burden, and my personal favorite that we are selfish for having more than two kids.  This is something that honestly flabbergasts me.  How is caring for another person, someone created in the image of God, known by the Creator before the foundations of the world, and destined for His purpose, selfish?

There are few things that can make me smile as much as my husband and my children.  Each one of our five kiddos is so unique, so totally themselves, and so totally awesome that it is impossible to NOT look at them and smile.  My husband, having no desire to have more than two kids when we first married almost 19 years ago, amazes me with his parenting style and love for his kiddos.  The other day the kiddos and I were talking that if each one of them marries and has at least four kiddos each, Robert and I will have 24 grand-kids.  Most people would balk at that.  I on the other hand, got excited.  What a legacy!  What an amazing blessing! What a gift to pass on our family love to that many little people.  Those little people have the opportunity to grow up and change the world.  All because of Robert and me, the world can be mightily impacted.  That is a humbling thought.  That is an amazing thought.   Our family is uniquely imperfect and I adore it.

I love having a “large” family, although in my opinion we don’t have that big of a family.  I love how my kiddos are learning to work together to care for each other and even our extended family.  I love how they look to each other to build friendships.  I love how they come to Robert and me for advice.  I love how our relationships work together to make our lives what they are.  I love how the kiddos pitch in to help.  I love how Robert doesn’t complain when the house isn’t absolutely perfect.  I love how he purposes to spend time with his kids and let them be who they are.  I love how the kids don’t complain that they have to pitch in more because I’m in the first trimester blah feeling.  I love how excited the kiddos are at the idea of another new baby.  I love how they can’t wait and are talking about what they can do when the new baby gets here. 

I know that our family isn’t perfect. On any given day there is sand everywhere in the house, boys running naked because I just can’t keep them in clothes, fights breaking out because someone looked at someone wrong, touched them, or breathed their air, and my personal favorite; the wrestling never that never stops, EVER. I know that our lifestyle isn’t for everyone.  There are days that I get tired of laundry and cooking.  There are days when I would gladly ship all the children away, if I could find someone to take them all at once, ha!  I know that my lifestyle is crazy, chaotic, hectic, and just plain nuts!  But I wouldn’t trade my life for anything.  I honestly can’t imagine my life without all my little ones.  I don’t know how I would manage if we would’ve listened to the naysayers and stopped after John Robert.  I honestly cannot imagine this world without Ethan, Cole, and Jacob. 

I love that we aren’t the typical American family.  I love that we are having another baby.  I love that my kiddos are as excited as they are.  I love how our family dynamic works.  I love how the kiddos all come together to take care of things, most of the time without complaint.  I love how excited everyone is to see each other, even if a family member has only been gone for a day.  I love the dirt on the walls and floor.  I love the sarcasm and crazy conversations. I love the under cooked scrambled eggs that were made with love.  I love the hugs and kisses.  I love the outrageous grocery bills.  I love how my kiddos are more concerned with someone’s heart than anything else.  I love my “large” family and I wouldn’t have life any other way.   

Friday, March 11, 2016


Tuesday was my birthday.  I am now another year older and only two years shy of the big 4-0, and yes I do realize that I just admitted that I am now 38!  What was funny to me is that this year I really did sound like my Mom when I asked my amazing husband: “How old am I again?”  Yep, I seriously had to ask, guess the old age is really creeping up on me now huh?  HA!

I didn’t want a lot for my birthday this year.  Robert worked the weekend before but he still took me to Olive Garden on Saturday night.  I adore our date nights and I loved that we were able to celebrate my birthday a few days early.  We had a great time, totally overate, and relaxed as soon as we got home.  It was wonderful to have those few hours to ourselves, and if that would’ve been my gift it was the perfect birthday.  However, when I woke up Tuesday morning (my real birthday), I was in for a treat.

I knew what I wanted but it took Robert longer to decide..

It was worth the wait, the food was so yummy!

Maggie had set everything up for me.  I had a big present waiting along with my favorite hot tea.  Then she proceeded to make me some French toast, a breakfast that I adore.  She was so funny; it’s not a breakfast she usually cooks so she hovered over me to see if I was really enjoying it!  Of course I was it was delicious.  Then I left for my first prenatal checkup which turned into an all day affair and as a sweet lady pointed out, made for a memorable birthday.  Needless to say when I got home, I was exhausted, but I still had presents to open.

My view when I woke up Tuesday morning!

I LOVED my french toast!

Yes, I'm rocking my Minion pajamas while my two favorite Little's help me open my birthday presents!

I’ve wanted to get a good quality black and brown leather purse for a while.  BUT, I was being super picky about the style of the bag because I now need to carry John Robert’s Epi Pens with me.  When we were shopping in February I was looking at TJ Maxx and Ross for some nice quality bags and trying to explain to Maggie what I wanted and why.  She told me I was being too picky and to give up.  BUT, Maggie and Robert listened to me.  For my birthday I got a beautiful black Michael Kors purse and a lovely brown Coach bag.  I was thrilled; they met all my requirements and are perfect for what I wanted.   

While my day wasn’t what I had hoped it would be, my birthday was perfect.  At the end of the day I was surrounded by my husband and my children.  There is no one else I’d rather grow another year older with than them!

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Once again Robert and I are pleased to announce the new miracle coming to our family.  Our newest blessing is set to arrive this October.  Robert and I are beyond thrilled, our big kiddos are beyond thrilled, and the Little’s are a little unsure but excited because we are excited. 

We know that we are abundantly blessed to be given the chance to raise another little one.  We have also prayerfully decided that this will be our last Little One.  This makes this pregnancy and impending babyhood very bittersweet.  Every first smile, first tooth, first step, and first word will be our last first as parents.  I must admit that I have cried over this some, but in the end I know that this is what is right for our family.

So here’s to new babies.  Here’s to our amazing gift.  Here’s to God’s greatest blessing, the joy of children.  Mostly, here’s to recognizing the joy in this baby, the gift of our legacy, our greatest gift; our children.