Monday, December 13, 2010

CHRISTMAS… What Does This Day Mean to God?

What does this time of year mean to you?  Is it presents, family, or friends that matter the most?  Or perhaps you do choose to celebrate the birth of the Risen Savior.  BUT, have you ever stopped to wonder what Christmas really means to you and those whom this day is truly about?

 Have you ever wondered what it meant for Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Angles, and even God Himself to see the events unfolding at the first Christmas?  What about now, what do you think Christ thinks of how commercialized we have become over this most wondrous of days?

Think about it.  Mary is a young girl of around 13, who finds out that she is pregnant, after NOT being with a man.  Let me restate that!  Mary has done NOTHING to get herself pregnant, in that ‘sticky’ situation of motherhood, yet she finds herself in that spot!  Do you think she was ashamed, unwilling to go through with this gift that was to be given to her?  How would YOU feel if it was you in Mary’s shoes?

Then there is her betrothed Joseph!  He finds out that his fiancĂ©e, the girl that he loves is pregnant by what he thinks is another man!  How would YOU feel if you were in their shoes?  Would you be willing to love that woman that “betrayed” you no matter what?  Come on, be real here!   Would you say, “YES LORD!” they way that both Mary and Joseph so eloquently did and allow God to have you participate in the miracle of the life of Christ, or would you run and hide from the gift that God had for you?  

What if you were a Shepherd, seeing the night sky fill up with angels proclaiming that the Messiah has come, BUT, He is born in a stinky, smelly, nasty barn!  Would you want to run and tell others that you have seen God’s gift to the world, or would you run and hide?

What about the Angles, those heavenly creations that witnessed their King be born in the barn!  Have you ever thought about why they marvel at us silly humans, why they are so curious as to our ability to accept Christ?  Have you ever wondered what they felt witnessing God’s answer to our sin in fruition, only to see our trite response to it now?

What of God Himself?  Have you thought, seriously considered how much He REALLY loved you?  Christ loved you enough to leave all the riches of Heaven, to be born into that stinky smelly barn, to be parented by two young teenage kids, to go to the Cross.  Have you thought about Him at all this Christmas season? 

I want to challenge you, that IF you have not accepted Christ as your Savior, you have indeed hid from the greatest Christmas gift that anyone could be given!  John 3:16 is one of the most beautiful quoted scriptures of all times, but it is just the beginning!

“For God so LOVED the world, that He GAVE His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life….. (keep reading)….For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, BUT that ht world through Him might be saved!” John 3:16-17 

WOW!  God came as a baby at Christmas not to condemn the world, BUT to save the world?  From what?  Look around you!  Do you see the suffering, the evil, the SIN!  That is exactly why Christ came, why He was born to die, to save the world from its sin.  

So let me ask you again, as you celebrate this Christmas, have you accepted God’s greatest gift?  Do you have to ask What Does This Day Mean to God, or do you know?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

THANKSGIVING, A New Holiday Challenge

It seems to me, in my humble opinion that we have gone from a nation of people that are thankful, grateful for what we have, to a nation of consumers.  We always want and demand more…more…MORE until we are not satisfied or thankful for anything!  We have skipped over Thanksgiving, in our actions, attitudes, and dare I say it, retail market!  Remember when Christmas wouldn’t be put on display until November?  I do and I am not THAT old, (well I am getting older…but that is another post in and of its self)

What I have noticed is that we are not thankful for anything anymore.  Our children are not happy with what they have, after all Christmas is coming, the season of MORE…MORE…MORE!  There are posters, bumper stickers, plaques with the words “Who ever dies with the most toys wins!”  Is that our American Dream?  We are the wealthiest nation in the modern world, and yet we are one of the most ungrateful, unmannered, unkind people on the planet.  In short, we are miserable!  Why?  So glad you asked!

My theory, and remember that this is just my opinion, is that we are miserable because we have nothing to want for!  Everything we want and desire is just a trip to the store.  Want peaches in November; the produce department will have it!  Want a new seat warmer for your car, all the dealership and order it!  Want a ‘newer’ vehicle, after all ours is only (gasp) 5 years old…head to town and purchase it!  Who cares if it takes five, six, or seven years to pay off!  We, after all, deserve only the very best!  

Here is where I want to challenge you!  We are at the start of the holiday season with the amazing holiday of THANKS GIVING!  We are seeing a demand for more in our nation as our economy and economic situation is growing worse, it seems like a silly and pointless holiday to celebrate!  After all, what is there to celebrate in job loss, economic downturn, stock market plummeting!  There is a lot to be thankful for!  Can you breathe?  Did you make the air that you are inhaling?  Can you walk, write, see, hear, and think?  Who gave you the ability to do all of that?  Changes perspective a little bit doesn’t it?  We have a lot to be thankful for, we are creations the Almighty God, ruler of the universe!  He loves us enough to give us today, allow us to live, and live in America.  BUT, being thankful is only one part of THANKS GIVING.  The other part is the GIVING!  What are you going to give to someone else this holiday season?  There are needs everywhere, the Angel Trees at Wal-Mart and the mall, the bell ringers for the Salvation Army, the World Vision website (which has added a section for donations needed for American families), Compassion International needs people to sponsor children, and the local Care Centers need food for their pantries, gifts for their children.  The need is everywhere!  So my challenge to you is what are you going to GIVE and be THANKFUL for this Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday!

We have much because Christ gave much.  “For God so loved the world that He GAVE His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.  Christ willingly gave up His life so that we could be blessed!  What are you going to give to bless others this Thanksgiving?  My prayer is that is nothing short of your very best, just like Christ!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  Joshua 24:15 b

1.      Always use soft words, even when you don’t feel well.
2.      Always display kind actions and joyful attitudes, even if you have been mistreated. Have the right response by quickly forgiving others in your heart even before they ask.
3.      Always be enthusiastic and look for opportunities to praise others' character.
4.      Always deflect praise and be grateful to God and others for the ways they have benefited your life.
5.      Always use manners and be respectful of others and their belongings.
6.      Always do what is right, even when others may not, or when no one is looking.
7.      Thank God for how He made you, for what He has given you and everything He allows you to go through. (Romans 8:28)
8.      Don’t mock or put others down. Develop compassion and pray for others.
9.      Never argue, complain, or blame. Quickly admit when you have done wrong and ask for forgiveness (even if you were only 10% at fault). Don't wait till you’re caught. Be sure your sins will find you out. He who covers his sin will not prosper, but he that confesses and forsakes it shall find mercy.
10.  Have a tough accountability/prayer partner to daily share your heart with and to keep you in line (your parents, spouse). The power of sin is in secrecy.
11.  Be attentive and look for ways to serve others with sincere motives and no thought of self-gain.
12.  Think pure thoughts (Philippians 4:8, Romans 13:14).
13.  Always give a good report of others. Don't gossip! Never tale-bear unless physical harm will come to someone. (Use Matthew 18.)
14.  Never raise a hand to hit.
15.  Never raise a foot to kick.
16.  Never raise an object to throw.
17.  Never raise a voice to yell.
18.  Never raise an eye to scowl.
19.  Use one toy/activity at a time. Share!
20.  Do your best to keep your surroundings neat, clean and organized.
21.  Never let the sun go down on your wrath. (Don’t go to bed angry or guilty)
22.  Amendment J.O.Y. -
       Put Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.

Compliments of the Duggar Family Rules!

Practical Parenting Tips: The “C” Word

Last time I offered a fun parenting tip, with no bites, so today I am getting practical!  There are, after all, times to laugh but there are also times to be serious!  Today, I am in a reflective serious mood; I want to talk about the dreaded “C” word……CHORES!

I am amazed at the amount of parents that do not believe that children need to assist in their home, there are no chores!  That is not something that happens in our home, not only do we have chores, but we have chore charts, and rules.  Even the “baby” of the family, (who by the way is 3), has chores.  All of the children have to make their beds, all of the children are responsible for their toys, and there are certain things that they do to help Mommy and Daddy maintain their home.  For example, feeding their animals, wiping their bathrooms, dusting and even doing their own laundry!  The work that is done by our children is not corrected, unless they have made a horrible mistake!  I know that they can't make their beds like I do every morning, that's not the point, the point is that they tried, and they did it!

Now, here is where we get controversial.  Our children do NOT get an allowance or payment for their work?  WHY?  Simple, they are a member of the Best family, and we work together to make family life more acceptable for everyone.  It is everyone’s responsibility to make the home and family life comfortable, from the baby to the parents, we all work together.  In the midst of the chore times, you can often hear laughter, giggling, talking, sharing, and music.  Interesting huh?  Do “CHORES” really equate to a happy, laughing family!  You bet!  

The “C” word….what a glorious parenting word it is!


In our house, November is C-R-A-Z-Y!!!!!  Why?  So glad you asked!  The main reason is that God, in His infinite wisdom and grace, gave us two babies three years and five days apart!  LOL!  That’s right, Doodle Bug is 11-8-00 and Cowboy is 11-14-03!  Can you say BUSY?  Yes, we are with a capital “B”!  Between school, finding the perfect gift, planning the perfect party, and keeping up with life in general (who knew that laundry still had to be washed in November?), November is CRAZY!

However, today I find myself in a reflective sort of mood.  Our oldest was 10 on Monday…our middle will be 7 on Sunday.  Yes, reflection is common for a Mother whose children are growing too fast.  I was thinking of Hannah, that amazing example of not only an awesome Mother but a True Woman found in 1 Samuel.  She longed for a child, just one, and then had to give him away, not having the privilege of watching him grow up!  WOW!  That is something that I could not imagine.  Next my thoughts drifted to other family members, who through their own choices or not, lost babies.  I could not imagine laboring to be told that I can not hold my baby, for whatever reason.  Then I closed my eyes and saw my children as babies, and had the overwhelming urge to weep!  Gone are the cherubic cheeks, milk grins, beautiful sleeping eyes, contented sighs.  My children are growing, and I don’t want them to!  How selfish is that?

After all that reflection (and a few Kleenex that were used), I realized something; something profound and deeply important.  I am morning the loss of my children. WHY?  They are growing too fast for this mother’s liking.  Yet, because of the provisions of my God, (the One that gave my children to me to start with), I have nothing to mourn over!  You see, one of my children accepted Christ as their Savoir at the young and tender age of 5!  The other one, while not having made an open profession of faith, is working on it!  They are questioning everything, wanting to understand the mind workings of a God that loved them enough to die for them.  Knowing that, I have peace that I will have my children forever!  All because of the never ending love of a Father that wants to have His children with Him forever!  AMAZING!

When was your Happy, Happy Birthday?  Not the date your were born, but the date that your were born again?   Don’t know if you have a Happy, Happy Birthday?  There is a way to know, it involves some personal reflection, thinking, confessing, and looking at the one True God to provide you with a Birthday that will last forever!

Happy Birthday to my amazing children!  I look forward to the next millennia with you all, celebrating the happiness that only Christ can bring to our lives!  I love you and it is a pleasure being your Mommy!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Sleep…I LOVE SLEEP!!!!  I am not a middle of the night kind of person.  I am not someone who can get up and then quickly fall back asleep.  I, as a matter of fact, like to sleep, a lot.  I relish being able to snuggle down into the covers, roll up in a tight little ball, lay on my side against my body pillow and drift off into a sleep induced oblivion. I LOVE sleep!  What a gift it is as a mother to leave the days cares aside and drift off into dreamland…sweet dreams, good night, leave the world behind…pure bliss….That didn’t happen last night!

First of all we have a new puppy.  Yes, this anti-animal person is now raising children and all the various pets that come with them!  (For those who don’t know we have horses, a Zebu calf, a pen full of hogs that just had little piglets, and now 2 dogs! UGH!)  Well last night after a day filled with playing with the kids, the puppy curled up in his bed and promptly fell asleep at 8:00!  Perfect timing that is the boy’s bedtime!  However, at midnight there was the most incessant whining and whimpering.  Being the good Mommy that I am, (and knowing that I didn’t have to nurse or change this baby!), I promptly woke up Daddy and told him to take the puppy out….which he did with no complaints! (WOW!)  However, after a four hour nap, the puppy decided that he was up, so we needed to be too!  Needless to say we didn’t get back to bed until around 3:00 this morning!  MAN….did I mention that I need sleep?

Enter problem number two!  Thirty mere minutes after snuggling back under the covers the bedroom door slams shut and little man with freezing toes crawls into bed.  “What’s wrong?” his dutiful parents promptly ask.  “Mommy & Daddy, can I sweep wif you?  I had a bad dream!”  Of course the answer was a resounding YES and our sleep was destroyed for the rest of the night while our little one was snoring comfortable, safe, secure and warm in his Daddy’s arms, all within five short minutes of interrupting us and crawling into our bed!

That is the scene that I was looking at as I was contemplating my life.  How often am I interrupted by bad dreams, a dead battery in the car, someone was rude in the store, I was cut off on the road?  Bad dreams happen a lot in this world.  We call it a bad day and determine that there is nothing that we can do about it.  We have to suffer through life’s injustices alone, painfully alone.  Right?  WRONG!!!  This scene playing out in my sleepless night reminded me of Matthew 7”7-11:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.  Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?  Or is he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?  If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”  (NKJV)

WOW!  All we need to do is run into the open arms of our heavenly Father, even in the middle of our bad dreams, and He will give us perfect rest!  What a picture of love, peace, and comfort a small frightened child can be!  Thank you Lord for my interrupted sleep!  Thank you Lord for my children, animals and all!  Thank you Lord for Your open arms, perfect rest, and for giving me sweet dreams!

Who needs sleep?  I have too much learning and growing to do, waiting with open arms for my children to crawl into them!  Right now, I think I am going to go crawl up into God’s lap with His Book and snuggle down!  Last night I had a bad dream, today I a have perfect comfort!  Oh Father, to be a parent like you!!!!

Sleep?  Who needs sleep?  Not me!  Sleep is overrated when Christ is waiting on me anyway!  

Friday, October 22, 2010


Laundry……is there any other word in the English language that can instill more dread in the heart of a mother than laundry?  (OK…I will admit there are a few, like stomach virus, surgery, accident, BUT as far as housework, I think that laundry is it!)  Take our home.  There are 5 of us; Daddy, Mommy, Daughter, Son 1 and Son 2.  We are not a typical 1.5 child American family; there are 5 of us after all not 3.5!   So Laundry is a BAD WORD.

I will readily admit that I do not mind washing clothes, I have a washing machine that does that!  I even don’t mind drying them, after all we have a drier and a clothes line (which I do use every time I wash thank you very much!)  I don’t mind folding the clothes….What I hate is putting them away!  Is there any more tedious or mundane chore than putting clothes away?  After all we are going to drag them out and wear them again!  What’s the point?   Yet my family revolts at the idea of living out of clothes baskets so….

Laundry is the thorn in my daily side.  Take last night for example; we were outside playing together as a family, something we purpose to do often.  I have boys.  One son wants to be a bull rider, the other wants to ride tractors.  They are as different as night and day.  Yet, they both have a mutual attraction to one thing: DIRT!  Boy were they black when they came in.  Oh no, they can’t play in nice white playground sand, but they can go and roll, (yes I said ROLL) in the black dirt by the barn!  There was dirt in every crevice on their body and in their clothes!  We had to set the hose nozzle to stun just to get them brushed off to come into the house…..which brings me to laundry!

Have you ever had to shake out your children’s clothes, prewash, soak, and then wash them just to do it all over again a day or two later?  I do, every time I wash, which is at least three times a week if not more depending on of we are washing bed linens….that’s another story! 

  Yet it struck me today as I was soaking the clothes for the second time this morning, I have the unique privilege of washing my children’s clothes!  How many woman long for the chance to wash one little pair of dirty jeans, and I get to wash THREE!?  How many women would endure anything to have the joy that comes from laughing and watching their child get THAT dirty?  I get to watch them on a daily basis!  One day my children will be gone, one day my house will be clean, one day my laundry will be done!  I don’t want that day to come anytime soon!  Thank you Jesus for my children and laundry!

LAUNDRY….what a beautiful word!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Great Supper Debate

OK, so if your lives are anything like mine, supper is often thought of all of about 30 minutes a day...the 30minutes before we have to eat, UGH!,  (which is usually around 4:30-4:45 pm daily!  And to clarify things, we eat dinner at noon and supper at night, we are a Southern family!)  I must admit, I am told that I am a good cook, BUT the only reason that I cook is because my family insists on eating!  If I could have someone deliver ready made meals, I would...BUT alas, we experience the nightly Great Supper Debate:  "What do you want for supper tonight!" 

I purpose to cook healthy, we use only ground turkey, venison (we are a Sothern hunting family), and as low fat organic foods as possible.  I keep the kitchen stocked with apples, grapes, cheddar cheese sticks, and funyons. (There are some things that even a Mommy needs after all!)  I have a handful of favorite recipes that I fall back on, often.  Yet, even I the non-cook cook, get tired of the same old thing!  If you have a healthy kid friendly EASY recipe that you would be willing to share, please do so!  Know this, as much as we are Southern, we are also "amateur foodies" and are willing to try almost any flavor combination!!!!


Parenting isn’t for the weak or the faint of heart!  It is an ongoing battle to raise these little people so that they will grow up to have the mind of Christ!  This section of the blog I will post parenting tips, and I ask that you all do the same!  Remember we are in this together, let’s have fun with it!

Tip # 1

Never let children smell your fear!!!!!

True Woman Movement

There is a need in American society today!  It is a dramatic need for woman to take up the role that they were created to be, a wife and a mother that will stand counter-cultural to our society.  We are told that we are goddesses that deserve the happiness of our own making.  (Don’t believe me; think about the Gillette woman’s razor commercials!)  The simple fact of the matter is that we are not in the active roles that we were created to be in if we are acting outside the God ordained role of being a True Woman!

What is a True Woman?  I am so glad that you asked!  Being a True Woman is a concept that has been introduced by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.  I readily suggest that you check out her website:  For me, purposing to be a True Woman is answering YES to the calling that my God has put on my life!  What does that look like you ask?  So happy you did!

The first thing that one needs to realize is that if you are going to answer the calling of Christ on your life, you have to have a relationship with him.  I am not talking about “knowing” who He is; I am talking about KNOWING HIM!  If you haven’t had a personal experience, a meeting of Christ in your heart, soul, and mind, than you will NEVER be able to become a True Woman.  I didn’t say that, Jesus did!  As a woman I KNOW that I was created at this time, for this purpose in my life to show off the glory of Christ.  Do I mess up, EVERY DAY!  Yet, I have chosen to live my life to my best ability (through His strength) to showcase His glory to our world.  That is what being a True Woman is: showcasing the glory of God to a dying world in a way that could not be showcased if I was not a woman!  Seems simple, but it is really powerful stuff!  If you are interested, I invite you to join me on this journey to being a True Woman!

 Together we can change our lives, America, and the world, one True Woman at a time!


OK all!  Since life is so super crazy, I figured that it was time to jump on the blogging bandwagon, much to Robert's distaste, we are in the 21st Century!  Since we are all so very busy, very far away, and often so time consumed that we are unable to connect on a daily basis, this is my way of keeping you all abreast of what life is like in our family, the Best family in town!