It seems to me, in my humble opinion that we have gone from a nation of people that are thankful, grateful for what we have, to a nation of consumers. We always want and demand more…more…MORE until we are not satisfied or thankful for anything! We have skipped over Thanksgiving, in our actions, attitudes, and dare I say it, retail market! Remember when Christmas wouldn’t be put on display until November? I do and I am not THAT old, (well I am getting older…but that is another post in and of its self)
What I have noticed is that we are not thankful for anything anymore. Our children are not happy with what they have, after all Christmas is coming, the season of MORE…MORE…MORE! There are posters, bumper stickers, plaques with the words “Who ever dies with the most toys wins!” Is that our American Dream? We are the wealthiest nation in the modern world, and yet we are one of the most ungrateful, unmannered, unkind people on the planet. In short, we are miserable! Why? So glad you asked!
My theory, and remember that this is just my opinion, is that we are miserable because we have nothing to want for! Everything we want and desire is just a trip to the store. Want peaches in November; the produce department will have it! Want a new seat warmer for your car, all the dealership and order it! Want a ‘newer’ vehicle, after all ours is only (gasp) 5 years old…head to town and purchase it! Who cares if it takes five, six, or seven years to pay off! We, after all, deserve only the very best!
Here is where I want to challenge you! We are at the start of the holiday season with the amazing holiday of THANKS GIVING! We are seeing a demand for more in our nation as our economy and economic situation is growing worse, it seems like a silly and pointless holiday to celebrate! After all, what is there to celebrate in job loss, economic downturn, stock market plummeting! There is a lot to be thankful for! Can you breathe? Did you make the air that you are inhaling? Can you walk, write, see, hear, and think? Who gave you the ability to do all of that? Changes perspective a little bit doesn’t it? We have a lot to be thankful for, we are creations the Almighty God, ruler of the universe! He loves us enough to give us today, allow us to live, and live in America. BUT, being thankful is only one part of THANKS GIVING. The other part is the GIVING! What are you going to give to someone else this holiday season? There are needs everywhere, the Angel Trees at Wal-Mart and the mall, the bell ringers for the Salvation Army, the World Vision website (which has added a section for donations needed for American families), Compassion International needs people to sponsor children, and the local Care Centers need food for their pantries, gifts for their children. The need is everywhere! So my challenge to you is what are you going to GIVE and be THANKFUL for this Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday!
We have much because Christ gave much. “For God so loved the world that He GAVE His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. Christ willingly gave up His life so that we could be blessed! What are you going to give to bless others this Thanksgiving? My prayer is that is nothing short of your very best, just like Christ!
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