Tuesday, January 22, 2013


There are things that we all struggle with.  There are things that we all need to learn to change and let go.  There are issues that plague our hearts and born into our minds to the point that we worry about them and cannot let them go.  Today has been that kind of day for me.

I have been in the Word.  I have cried.  I have tried to rest.  I am still restless.  I hate this part of humanity.   I hate the way I struggle to not be in the flesh but to walk in the spirit and feel like a failure in the process.  I hate the lonely way my heart feels.  I hate the tears that come so easily.  It is not an easy day.

In spite of the way that I feel, there are some things that I can do.  I can choose to praise God no matter what.  I can choose to keep moving, one foot slowly going in front of the other as I try to navigate through the pain that I feel in my emotions.  I can choose to be thankful as I struggle to remember who I am.

I know that God has awesome plans and dreams for me.  He told me so.  I know that I am not done yet; I am still learning and growing into His image.  There are some days that growing up hurts.  Today just happens to be one of those days.  I know that tomorrow will be better; joy comes in the morning light!  God, through His word, told me so!

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