Thursday, May 16, 2013


Every Thursday an awesome woman and fellow Sonlight Homeschooling Mama creates a blog post and a Facebook post called Thankful Thursday!  I adore this idea, there is so much that we have to be thankful for and just remembering your blessing at one time of year is November is, in my opinion, not enough!  So I am taking this beautiful and wise woman’s idea and making it my own.  On a weekly, if not daily basis I am going to find something to be thankful for! 

Today, I am thankful for the gift of encouraging words from the “older” generation.  Today I ran into Aunt Helen at the store.  I have not seen her since I was expecting Cole.  She oohed and awed over each one of my children, told me that she was so very sorry to hear of the loss of Samuel.  She loved it that we had chosen to name him Samuel Buford (Buford being an old family name).  BUT, more than that, she blessed me with her words:

“Your family is beautiful!  You have an amazing heritage here in these children.”

This made my heart smile.  Our children are our heritage.  They are a gift from a perfect and loving God.  Every one of them, the ones that we get to raise or the ones that are waiting for us in Heaven are a heritage.  We are told that our offspring is a reward from God.  Indeed it states in Psalm 127:3 (and I love how the International Version phrases this), “Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him.”  Yes, God gives riches, lands, homes, and money; but our heritage, our rewards are found in our children!

Today I am thankful for being blessed with a heritage that will impact generations.  Today I am thankful for the calling of being a mother that has the ability to impact the world for many generations to come with the heritage of my rewards, my children. 

So, now I must ask you.  What’s something that your thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. I am Thankful that you are my daughter and have given me some awesome grandkids. I am thankful that everyday I can hear your voice, and my kids too. I love everything about each one my kids, Maggie, John, Ethan, and my new explorer Cole..... Your mom
