Saturday, September 14, 2013


Most of us are familiar with the idea that the Bible teaches that we are to walk by faith.  Actually the Bible clearly states in 2 Corinthians 5:7 that: “We walk by faith not by sight.”  This is a hard concept for most of us.  WHY?  We live in a world where our “sight” is the only thing that we think we can rely on.  If we can’t see the tangible evidence of something, we don’t believe that it is real, can actually happen, or truly exists.  BUT, as a Christ Follower, we are to walk by faith.  We are to look for things that make sense in the spiritual realm, and these things don’t always make sense here on earth.

Take, for example, our family dynamic and family size.  To most people it is not something that makes sense.  They see a large family and see the burden of monetary needs: diapers, food, clothes, child care, and the big one…COLLEGE.  They don’t see the impact that these children have the possibility of changing the world for the better.  They see an immediate problem, not the blessing that the Creator of the Universe says that these children are. We people tend to see with our eyes.  We are walking by sight.

Truthfully it is hard to walk by faith.  Oftentimes we are asked to go into unknown areas or territories that are unfamiliar.  We are asked to leave the comfort of our nice lives and go into an area that is scary, unknown, and unchartered territory.  We are asked to walk on a path not traveled, unknown, and well….it’s frightening.  Walking by faith is not for the faint of heart.

Walking by faith is not something that I have mastered, not by any stretch of the imagination.  The ability to keep my eyes focused on Christ and Christ alone is one that I fail at daily.  I get distracted by the naysayers.  I get distracted by the harsh words, criticisms, lack of faith in who I am, and what I can do.  My feelings get hurt when I hear that I don’t count, I’m not really good enough to be “family” or even a “friend”, I don’t meet expectations, I am a failure in someone’s eyes because of my life choices.  I hear this and so much more almost daily that I have to battle to stay focused to walk a straight path some days.  Walking by faith is by no stretch of the imagination easy, in all honesty it can be the one of the hardest things that we are called to do.

The Bible tells us that if we “Delight ourselves in the ways of the Lord; He will give us the desires of our heart.” (Psalm 37:4).  The Bible also tells us that we are to: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways honor Him and He will direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  Both of these verses have a lot in common with 2 Corinthians 5:7.  We are to be willing to take the first step, to walk out of our comfort zone and walk by faith.  No matter what, we are to walk.

I am trying to learn how to walk by faith.  I am purposing to honor Christ with every step that I take.  Truthfully, I fail daily.  I stumble. I fall.  I skin my knee and it breaks my heart.  BUT, I don’t stay down; I get up to walk again.  Am I perfect? NO!  BUT, I am willing to try again, keep moving, and pray that God will allow me a few of the desires of my heart as I walk the path that He has set before me.

So here I go.  I am closing my eyes, I am taking the first step, and I am praying.  I pray that the changes that my heart desires will be answered.  I am praying that my desire will match Christ’s desire for my life.  I am praying that my walk will honor God, no matter the cost to me.  I am praying that my desire and request will be blessed.  More than that, I am praying that I will have the strength to put one foot in front of the other and walk!

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