Friday, March 13, 2015


Robert and I are working on a new tradition.  Thursday nights are date nights.  This tradition started last Thursday and we managed to make it happen again last night.  This little tradition all started thanks to a sweet friend of mine, sort of.

You see, this very sweet friend gave me a book by Angela Thomas, 52 Things Kids Need From a Mom.  One of the first chapters was on the importance of date nights.  If a Mom is single or married, Angela encourages that weekly she take the time to charge and refresh.  This spoke directly to my soul.  So often the only adult conversation that I get is the passing "Hey, How Are You" kind during the busy work week with Robert and the hour long interaction in my amazing Sunday School class.  I've been craving more than this.  I've been craving time with Robert where we can chat about anything and everything!  Thankfully when I mentioned this to him, he had listened to a broadcast by James Dobson and Focus on the Family that was similar to what I was saying and he agreed.  

We talked about what night would be best for us and agreed that Thursday would work the best.  We chose this night since Maggie is starting to have invitations to head out on Friday's and Saturday's some weeks.  We want her to have a social life too, but part of her phone payment for the month is babysitting for us.  That's how our Thursday night date night began.  It was a compromise and a win for everyone involved.

Last week our date was a shopping trip to Home Depot and some blizzards from Dairy Queen.   Last night Robert offered to plan our date and it was a trip to Chili's complete with desserts for us both and a stop at Publix for milk and cereal for the kiddos.  Next week Robert is on call so our date night might just be a trip to McDonald's for ice cream. I am already running out of ideas, but that's what Pinterest is for!  HA! Whatever our date is, I am beyond thrilled that he heard me when I told him that I needed this and agreed that as a couple we need to start connecting more.

While we realize that we still have young children at home, we also realize that we have children who will be leaving our home soon.  I don't want to be a couple who splits later in life because the whole focus the marriage has been children.  I also don't want to make my children the whole focus of my life.  Date night has been the answer that I was looking for and to a question I didn't even realize I had: how can I connect with Robert, and the answer is working. 

 Once a week for two hours a night it's about us.  We talk about anything and everything, from bills to dreams.  We focus on each other and what we would LIKE to see happen in our lives.  We reconnect and purpose to love each other more.  After two weeks, I already crave this time with Robert.  The kiddos need to see that we are more than parents, that we are friends, lovers, life partners that genuinely want to be together.  This new tradition is doing that and so much more.

I am loving our new date night tradition.  I am loving that Robert and I are talking about things we never thought of before.  I am loving that we are showing our kids that we do choose to stay together, that we really do like each other.  I am also amazed at how much it is improving my attitude and heart during the week as I look forward to Thursday nights.  

Do you have a date night?  If so, what are some of the things that you love to do?  I'd love to hear from you!

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