Friday, October 26, 2012

Food and Memories

Here in the South we make a big deal about eating good food.  There is always a memory associated with a meal, we always find a reason to celebrate and enjoy a well cooked meal.  Did a child get good grades on a test?  We celebrate with their favorite food.  Did a family member get the much needed new job?  That’s right, let’s eat! Do we want to reconnect with old friends?  Hey, come on over for a home cooked meal.  Food provides us with joy, comfort, and with memories

Today was a memory sort of day!  I was contemplating that when I was first married, almost 15 years ago, I could not cook.  My Dad’s parents bought me a subscription to “Taste of Home” Cooking magazine.  I stared at the first issue and did not know what to do with it.  Slowly, I learned how to cook, all thanks to my grandparents.  Now whenever I make my meatloaf or even boil rice (there is another fun memory with my dad’s parents there), I smile and think of them. 

 Then there was today.  I was boiling egg noodles and I thought of my Grandpa Peacock.  No, egg noodles are not what he was known for.   He was known for tacos, chicken and dumplings, and homemade biscuits that would melt in your mouth.  BUT, when I cook egg noodles, I always think of him.  WHY?  One of the last conversations that I had with my Grandpa Peacock was about homemade chicken noodle soup.  He always told me that he wished he could have tasted my soup, he was so proud of me and the way that I had learned to cook.  He was proud of the wife and mother I had become.   In short, he was proud of me for being me.  Today as I sat boiling my egg noodles to feed my family, I sniffled some and really missed my Grandpa.

Food and memories, I love them both!

STRIPPING AWAY: The Loss of the Dream

Recently Robert heard a message by Dr. Tony Evans about allowing God to strip away all ideas of self and allowing God to pour into your life what He wanted, His dreams for you.  I agreed with everything that my husband shared.  It all sounded good in theory.  After all, what Christ Follower doesn’t want to have all of God that they can?  I know that I don’t want to limit myself from being what God wants me to be, so half heartedly I prayed that God would have His way in my life!  I didn't know what I was in for!

OUCH!  Being stripped of self is hard!  It hurts!  It causes pain to put yourself out there and be  attacked by people, people that are supposed to care for you, love you, and support you.  BUT, I told God that He could have His way in my life.  I meant it.  Then the dream was crushed.  To many people it is no big deal.  Most people will conclude that the discontinuation of my dream is because I can’t follow through with anything.  Most people have already judged my heart and my motives and believe that they are correct.  BUT, when that moment arrived where I was so close to realizing my dream and then I was told that I could not; I was devastated.  I couldn’t sleep that night.  My heart hurt.  I got up the next morning teary eyed and finally did what I should have done from the beginning; I went to my prayer closet.  I shut the door and sobbed.  BUT, I told God that I wanted His will for my life, even at the cost of my dream.  That’s when He showed me that my dream was not to bring Him glory, but to bring me glory.  What I am doing right now, being a wife and a mother is what I am supposed to be doing.  I am not supposed to be pursuing my dream right now.  I am supposed to be pursuing God’s dream.  As I confessed my selfishness and pride, praise songs came pouring out of my mouth as hot tears ran down my face. 

So, being stripped by God hurts, a lot!  I am giving up a dream that I have had to pursue God’s dream for me.  I continue to endure the remarks, attitudes, and comments by those who do not know what I am walking through.  In spite of them, I want to continue to praise.  Being stripped away of myself is not fun.  BUT, I know that as God pours into me more of Him, I will be more beautiful than I was before.  So my dream is not a go right now.  Guess what, I am okay with that.  WHY?  Because God’s dream is so much better than anything that I can imagine, I want His dream more than mine; even when it hurts. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Building Day

There comes a time in every young boy’s life where he just needs to hang out with his Daddy.  Saturday of this past week was that day!  We are thrilled with Robert’s new job and the fact that he has the chance to make overtime and a little bit more money.  BUT, the boys have really been feeling Robert’s absence.  We didn’t go to E-Man’s basketball game since we still had cold symptoms running rampant along with a baby recovering from pneumonia and a rash.  Ethan woke up, looked at his daddy and said

“Daddy, even if you get called out today, don’t go!”

Well, this of course melted Daddy’s heart!  He did the only thing that he could do!  He gathered his big boys up and took them to Tractor Supply to begin making the chicken coop for John Robert’s Youth Fair chickens.  The boys spent the entire day with their daddy.  There was no fighting, no bickering, no complaining;  just men working on men’s projects.  No, they didn’t get the chicken coop totally done.  They still need to build the laying box and put the roof on.  BUT, they did spend the whole day together laughing, talking about important “guy” stuff, and just hanging out!  I think that Daddy needed that day as much as the boys did!

I for one am thankful for building day!  I am thankful for a husband who will sacrifice his time to spend it with his children.  And don’t worry; he did a shopping day with just Maggie too!  What a great father he is!

John Robert working on his PHD's!

Daddy did the measuring and cutting!

Putting the floor in.  We have a coyote den in the pasture!
Daddy wanted a floor!

Working with Daddy to get the last boards in place.

Time to start putting up the wire!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

FIVE CHILDREN: No, It’s Not Enough!!!!!

Yes, we are having our fifth child!  Yes, I meant what the title said…..I do not believe that five is enough!  WHY?  So glad that you asked!

The Bible tells us that children are a gift from God.  Indeed Psalm 127:3-5 states:

“Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.” (NIV)

Did you see the first part of that verse: children are a reward from God! They are not a punishment.  They are not an inconvenience.  They are not something that should be taken lightly, they are a reward.  When you stop to ponder what this means, I wonder why more Christians are limiting themselves to only two children.

 I have heard some people state that it is selfish to have more than two children, and I wonder why.  Why is it selfish to desire a reward from a faithful and loving God who wants to bless His children?  How am I being selfish my sacrificing my life to raise these little people in the admonition and faith of Christ?  Last time I checked, cleaning dirty diapers was not a highly prized job, yet I relish in being with my children.  How is that selfish?

Another thought that we have heard is that the world is such a bad place, aren’t we cruel for bringing more children into it.  We have also heard that children are burdens.  Show me how Maggie, John Robert, Ethan, or Cole is a burden.  Show me how they don’t brighten the day with their love, laughter and smiles.  My soon to be teenage daughter is feeling called into the mission field and desires working with the deaf people of the world.  I don’t know if that will happen or not, but I do know that if she chooses to stay faithful to Christ she can change this world.  How is that a problem?

What I am about to say is unpopular.  Robert and I know that we are living lives that are counter cultural, that we do not fit into the American Dream.  Truthfully I abhor the American Dream.  I want God’s dream.  If God in His wisdom wants to give me 20 children, than I want to accept them graciously, lovingly, and with open arms.  Yes, this flies in the face of everything that America stands for, but how much longer are we Christ Followers going to sacrifice our lives on the altar of our selfishness instead of laying them down at the foot of the cross?  Are we truly going to believe what the Bible teaches?  Are we truly going to ask God to bless us with His gifts and His desires for our lives or are we going to continue to flaunt our desires and demands before his throne? Knowing this, I can honestly state that I want all the children God wants me to have, even if it means we have enough for a baseball team!

Monday, October 8, 2012



I do not like surprises….I never have!  I have always been that person who can find all their Christmas and birthday gifts just because I HAVE TO KNOW ahead of time what I am getting.  Waiting to find out what is going on or what is for me is seriously hard!  I am not good at being given surprises!


Guess what!  God in His infinite wisdom, glory, loving kindness, and dare I say humor has given me a surprise!  We are having a new baby!  Not only are we having a new baby but we are already in the first stages of our second trimester!  I have been in shock for days!  Did I mention that I do NOT like surprises!  Guess who is smiling down from His throne.  I must admit that this is a pretty cool surprise and everyone here in our little family is thrilled!