Saturday, March 1, 2014


It is time to begin our annual birthday party planning.  This year we will have a 14 year old, an 11 year old, a 7 year old, and a 3 year old to plan parties for.  We will also have a new month to add for next year when our little big man turns 1 in January.  We have a lot of birthdays to plan for.

This year I have a couple of ideas for birthday themes.  I know that Ethan wants to have a cowboy party.  One of his all time favorite TV shows is Daniel Boone.  (Yep, the old TV show starring Fess Parker!)  So we might mix it up and have a Cowboys and Indians party.  I think that will be lots of fun!  I am also considering having his birthday at the “old” park in town.  We will soon have two parks to choose from since the city is working on fixing the older park up again, and I LOVE all the trees there.  It might be the perfect place for a Cowboys and Indians party!

The next theme that I know of is Cole’s, but we have tons of time to plan for it.  He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, particularly the “Hot Dog Song”, so I’m thinking a Mickey Mouse party will be in order.  Once again I’m thinking play park, but we will see since I have until December for this one.

Lastly I’m already contemplating a FIRST birthday for big little man.  I LOVE the Little Man themes with the mustaches, but I still have plenty of time to gather my thoughts and plan this party out.  I will keep checking Etsy, my party inspiration website for fun ideas between now and next year!

So there you have it, three out of five kiddo’s birthday theme ideas.  Now I just need to sit the big ones down and decide what to do for them!  I LOVE planning my kiddo’s birthdays.  Nothing makes me happier than celebrating my children in a big way!

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