Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I’ve been sharing how we are exploring a more natural and organic lifestyle as we look at becoming healthier in our home.  We have made some eating habit changes, like the kiddos grabbing granola bars, carrots, or an orange instead of the bag of chips.  Instead of juice cartons with tons of sugar we are buying more natural and organic juices.  Don’t get me wrong, we still enjoy chips, candy, and well “junk” but we are trying to be healthier in all of our choices.

After my sister shared the issues with her beloved daughter (my beautiful niece who happens to share a birthday with my awesome oldest son!) and their battle with eczema and the treatment that the doctor wanted to do, I did some research.  I noticed that our skin, hair, and body care products all had issues, ingredients that are not good for us!  Take the Baby Magic products that I adore, it’s full of stuff that has been shown to cause cancer (you can read more about that here ).  I LOVE how that product smells, but how can I in good conscience use something on my son knowing that it could potentially cause cancer.  So I did some research, talked some to my sister, checked out a blog, Naturally Paula, that she shared written by a friend of her' (you can see it here.), and decided that we needed to change our hygiene items since we’ve changed our cleaning products.  We switched everything in the house three weeks ago.  I have waited to do any reviews so I can show how we have responded, discuss any issues we have had, and share what I like or don’t like.  Today I am going to talk about baby skin care items.

The products that I decided to try are made by Earth Mama Angel Baby. This company has a lot of products, but I was drawn to their baby care items mainly because they offered a sample pack to try everything out.  Check out Earth Mama Angel Baby here.  I was a little uncertain of this product at first, mainly because it didn’t smell like my beloved Baby Magic.  Then my sister pointed out that the scents in the Baby Magic cleaning line were all manmade and not HOW a baby is really supposed to smell, so I relented and switched.  For baths we are using the Angel Baby orange/vanilla body wash and lotions, the unscented baby oil, and the bottom balm. 

The Earth Mama Angel Baby sample pack.
When we started this journey Jacob had a diaper rash that would not go away.  I was using Desitin, Boudreaux’s Butt Paste, Vaseline, and aloe and it seemed like NOTHING was working.  Every diaper presented itself with a red, ugly, and whelped little bottom.  After one day of the Angel Baby Bottom Balm, the diaper rash was gone! Seriously, that’s all it took was one day!  That one experience sold me on the bottom balm.  It’s also a great organic version of Neosporin.  I have used it for a lot more than diaper rashes, mainly on all of Cole’s many boo-boo’s and splinters he has earned from playing outside.  Cole is band-aid phobic (as in he falls down like he’s been shot screaming and crying if you put a band-aid on him), and I have found that the Angel Baby Bottom Balm is a wonderful natural way to cover a small boo-boo without Cole going into panic mode!  WHY?  He sees us use it on “Jaypup” so it must be ok! HA!  So far I was sold on the bottom balm, but will bath time be a blast?
The biggest concern that I had was that the warning labels all clearly said NOT to get the soap in the baby’s eyes.  Apparently part of the nasty ingredients to make things tear free in products such as Baby Magic or Johnson’s Baby Wash are numbing agents that are similar to Novocain.  Being an organic product, Angel Baby doesn’t contain these numbing agents.  So far, I loved that and loved that I could easily read and name all the ingredients listed.

 Now it was time for Jacob’s bath with the Angel Baby products.  Let me say I was a nervous wreck and almost drown Jacob his first bath. (Yep, I just admitted to that, I poured the water a lot faster than I intended to rinse his hair off because I saw bubbles near his little eyes!)  Now, I am an old pro! (HA!) The baby wash foams wonderfully and smells like an orange dreamsicle (to me anyway).  And the lotion and baby oil, oh my, I adore them!  I love how the baby lotion goes on so smoothly with the sweet orange vanilla smell.  After every bath Jacob gets so excited because he knows his massage with lotion is coming, the lotion and oil have been wonderful for his little skin.  Since using them I have not noticed any diaper rashes and his little bumps that were starting on his elbows are gone.  I have also noticed that his cradle cap hasn’t been as pronounced or “smell” as bad as it did.  (Cradle cap can be kind of stinky by the way!)
All snuggly warm after his bath.  See, he survived.
I will admit that I was reluctant to change, but I now cannot imagine using anything BUT Angel Baby products on my little ones.  Since I’ve switched, the Baby Magic products smell harsh to me, too perfumey if you will.  I now love the soft and sweet orange dreamsicle smell of the Angel Baby products.  I also love the way the products seem to rinse off easier and “cleaner” than the Baby Magic or even the Johnson’s Baby Wash did. Seriously, the bath water is not as cloudy anymore as we are bathing little man.  Jacob has not run any reactions to any of their products and that is a huge plus considering he broke out from the Johnson’s Baby Wash.  For me they get a 5 star or A++ rating!  And since I love their baby products so much, I am considering ordering their C-Section healing balm to help my incision line heal, some days it still hurts!
**Once again I have not been compensated in anyway by Earth Mama Angel Baby.  All the opinions are my own, to be honest, they don’t even know who I am!**




  1. Glad to see you've found a product line that's working out for you. I only wish I would have made the switch to non-toxic products when my kids were so young. It's never too late :) Paula-Naturally Paula

    1. Thank you Paula....I appreciate everything including the information from your blog! Blessings!
