Tuesday, July 1, 2014


For the past month we have been learning about what it means to be the branch of Christ.  These lessons are based on the scriptures found John 15.  One of the most famous verses found within these verses are “I am the Vine and you are the branches.”As a Christ Follower I am called to be a branch of Christ, to rely on Him as the Vine for all of my substance, strength, and needs.  Studying this simple lesson that Christ wanted to impart for all of us has literally changed me.  I am learning how to abide in Christ in a very real way, and the blessings of this are amazing.

Abide; a simple word with a profound meaning.  To me this means to literally live within something, within the context of this lesson it means Christ.  This is not a concept that many understand.  For me it has taken14 or more years to finally “get it”, and even in my new knowledge I know that I don’t fully understand everything.  For me, abiding in Christ simply means that I purpose to trust and stay within Him all day.  It’s a conscious decision to remain dead to myself, to stay on the altar of myself, to choose Christ daily.  This can be hard, especially as life throws curve ball after curve balls at me.  In spite of this, I am learning and purposing to abide. 

Learning how to abide has been so freeing. This new knowledge has blessed me with something that I finally understand, the peace that passes all understanding.   Life has thrown a lot of curve balls this past week as I have tried to live out this simple command; the death and funeral of a precious baby, a “short” paycheck, and even some pretty sick kiddos.  Yet in my conscious choice to abide, to not be the Vine that Christ is but to be the branch that He has called me to be, some amazing things have happened.  I have experienced peace, even in the midst of sorrow.  I have felt pure joy, even in the most trying of moments, think 1:00 AM up with sick babies trying moments.  I have even caught myself singing old hymns and praise songs not even realizing I’m singing just because of the pure peace, joy, and love that have welled up into my soul.  I can’t explain this.  It is a feeling that I have never had before.  All I can say is that abiding in Christ is a miraculous feeling that I want to last. 

Christ is the Vine.  I am the branch.  All I have to do is be the branch and abide.  Who knew something so simple would so radically change my life.  Abide, what a beautiful word.

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