Monday, July 7, 2014


We are so abundantly blessed to have very near our home Kissimmee State Park.  The land that the park is on was once owned by Robert’s family and going there, stepping into the woods, and even venturing into the cow pens is like coming home.  We love visiting the park together as a “large” family, visiting with Robert’s Granny and Granddaddy while he tells us stories of working cows, being in the woods, and using the cow pens as a boy.  More than visiting with Robert’s family, we love venturing out there on our own. 

In June when we had the heart scare with Robert, the kiddos really needed to make sure that Robert was really okay!  I’m not going to lie; I needed that reassurance as well.  So we decided to venture out to the park for an afternoon of uninterrupted family time at the park.  The kiddos climbed the observation tower, climbed trees, and played on the playground. Robert and John Robert grilled some sausages with onions and peppers while Maggie and I took goofy photos.  The best part was that we had no cell service, and thanks to the heat, there were few guests that day.  In spite of it being close to 100 with no breeze we had an awesome afternoon.

I love uninterrupted family time, and I love that we have the perfect spot to venture to so close to home.  More than that, I LOVE that my husband thinks that family comes first and really wants to instill that in his children.   What a blessing family time at Kissimmee State Park is!  We can’t wait until it cools off; we are ready to go back!

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