Thursday, January 29, 2015


I did have big plans for today.  The kiddos and I were going to go to Youth Fair and watch the showing of some friends of ours show their heifers.  We were going to have a picnic and enjoy the cool Florida air before it gets so hot again that picnics aren't enjoyable.  I was going to come home to a picked up house and supper simmering in the slow cooker and finish folding laundry.  Then I was going to load pictures from Jacob's first birthday and our week at Youth Fair.  I was even going to do a blog post or two about our end of January adventures.  Those were my plans for today; they didn't happen.

Instead of having my plans come to fruition, I spent the night up and down with a baby that is getting sick.  Today I was in my pajama's until 1:30 because the baby would sob hysterically if anyone but Mama held him.  It's 1:55 and he has already had two naps and is working on his third, all on me.   Supper isn't simmering away, morning dishes aren't done, and the laundry is still in the basket waiting to be folded.  Today, the rocking chair is my place to be.  My plans have been forgotten and that's fine with me.

Here I am, rocking my sick baby at noon in my pajamas.  This folks is as real as it gets.  
I wouldn't trade this for the world!!!

You see, I started 2015 off deciding I needed to choose a word, and i felt like God was calling me to choose TRUST.  If I am living by this, then today was not a mistake and rocking my sick baby is just what I am supposed to do.  If I'm trusting God, the rocking chair is the perfect place for me to be in.

No, my plans didn't happen today, but God's plans did.  I choose to trust Him in the good and the bad.  Now I need to go, I've got some more snuggling and rocking to do.  

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