Tuesday, July 5, 2016


This year our July 4th celebration didn’t go as planned.  That’s fine with us, we are nothing but flexible here!  Robert headed into work and I browsed Pintrest to come up with some last minute recipe ideas.  After a quick trip to town, our menu was set and we were ready to have fun!  We celebrated the fourth by ourselves in true Best Family style!

Our menu was simple.  We had ribs, broccoli salad, potato salad, baked beans, and a red, white, and blue poke cake.  The cake was a huge hit; the kids can’t wait for us to make another one.  Even Robert enjoyed the cake flavors, he was a little uncertain when I mentioned jello in the cake!

My plate before we dug in!  Have I mentioned that Robert is an amazing cook?

Our jello poke cake thanks to Pintrest!  We will be making this again for next year for sure!

While I was in town, I picked up some simple fireworks for the boys to enjoy.  We also had some sparklers from the previous years so the boys had fun with those as well.  Maggie wouldn’t come outside to join us, she always gets eaten by mosquitoes so she was smart and watched from the kitchen window this year.  Jacob adored the fireworks display.  He clung to John Robert’s leg and kept saying: “OOOOH, FIRE!”  It was a lot of fun for us to see the simple fireworks through Jacob and Cole’s eyes this year.

No, we didn’t have a huge get together with everyone.  Yes we did miss visiting with family.  But, in the end the simple, laid back, at home celebration was just what we needed this year.  Our Fourth of July wasn’t huge, but it was perfect for us!