Monday, September 7, 2015


Anyone who hangs out with me or our family for more than a day knows that our home life is insane.  It’s not anything in particular; it’s just the dynamic of our family.  We aren’t the typical 2.5 kids in a perfect suburban house.  We are the atypical five kiddo’s family with crazy hours and lots of stuff everywhere.  Most days I am totally fine with this craziness, but some days I struggle with my lack of housekeeping perfection.   As much as I adore the idea of being the next June Cleaver or Donna Reed, the reality of our family doesn’t mesh with those perfect stay at home mom stereotypes.   

In reality, I don’t aspire to be the perfect housewife.  Yes, I want my house to be somewhat neat and clutter free, but the reality of a family our size with the stuff we have more often than not lends itself to clutter.  I want to have the homeschooling room, the workroom for my scrapbook hobby, and the work room for Robert’s leather and whip building.  Instead of having this, I have homeschooling stuff in bookshelves around the dining table and the kitchen area.  This is meshed with the leather and whip building stuff that Robert and now Maggie and John Robert are using.  And my scrapbook stuff?  Well it’s regulated to the top shelf of my closet next to my jeans.  To say that I don’t have my dream house or organized storage system would be a cold hard fact for me, but I am doing what I can to make our lives better.

This year our family schooling structure has changed as we have added dual enrollment for Maggie into the schedule.  Add to it the change that I am also teaching a Wednesday night Awana’s class and I KNEW we HAD to get things together in our house, especially with our chore system.   The simple reality is that what I was doing just wasn’t working anymore.  Everyone was getting burned out on their chores.  More often than not, I was picking up more and more slack, and getting grumpier and grumpier in the process.  I knew something had to give, so I did what any imperfect modern American housewife, homeschooling Mama, and full time Mom would do; I hit Pinterest with a vengeance.

If I am being totally honest, I was slightly bummed at the overall state of chore recommendations and organizing that Pinterest had to offer for a family our size.  It seemed like everything was geared towards the stereotypical American family.  You know, white picket fence, the perfect two children and a dog, mom is at home happily imitating Martha Stewart, while dad works a 9-5 office job.  Yep, this was SO NOT our family scenario, and I was getting more and more discouraged.  Then I found it, chore baskets from Joyful Homemaking.  

The idea was a simple one.  Get some baskets, fill it with the necessary cleaning supplies, and then put instructions on the baskets for how each chore is to be done.  Simple, easy, and for us, pure genius!  More than that, I think that this is a chore system that will actually work. 

So, I headed into town, bought a weekly whiteboard calendar to organize our crazy weeks, labeled each chore basket, printed up the labels and actually used some scrapbook paper to make them look pretty, and then created the baskets.  My plan is to have each big kiddo use a chore basket for the full week.  So if your name is next to the “B” on our weekly calendar, then for the next week it is your job to clean the bathrooms.  All you need to do is grab your basket and do what the chore card says on it!  I LOVE this idea!

Our new weekly calendar.  Hung up in the kitchen high enough that little hands CAN'T color on it!  HA!!!!

A trip to Dollar Tree yielded almost everything that was needed to put together these baskets.  I even found the laminating cards!  YAY!

Each chore basket is set up and ready to go.

I LOVE that everything needed to tackle a cleaning job is now in one place!

Today we started our new chore system.  So far it has been simple and easy for the kiddos to understand and follow through on.  My hope is that this system will work in two ways.  The first is that the kiddos won’t get burned out on doing the same chore day after day.  The weekly rotations will help with this.  The second thing that I want them to learn is how to really clean and care for a home.  Even my boys will know how to sweep, mop, scrub a toilet, and even hand wash dishes with this new system.  To me, this ingenuous idea will help me as a mother prepare my kiddos for life outside of our home. 

No, I’m not a perfect housewife.  No, my house isn’t spotless and totally organized.  Yep, there are times that I don’t always like what Pinterest suggests.  However, with our new chore baskets, I think we are making progress in the right direction, and that’s good enough for me!

Saturday, August 29, 2015


The countdown has begun for us to begin our 2015-2016 homeschool year.  We are officially starting our new BFS Homeschool Academy school year on Monday, September 7th.  Since we are in the home stretch I have spent part of the day lesson planning and gathering supplies.

  This year we are doing things differently.  Maggie is in high school and since Jacob is no longer an infant, we are looking at what we can do to help her reach her goals, specifically through dual enrollment, Florida Virtual School, and utilizing the local high school for AG and FFA.  Of course, John Robert is now in middle school so we are starting to tailor his education for his life goals as well.  Ethan is in his pivotal year, third grade, and working on developing strong reading and studying habits.  Cole and Jacob will be having fun playing and enjoying the ride.

  Since I know that everyone is on pins and needles waiting to see what we will be using for curriculum, I’ll give y’all the rundown. 

Sonlight is still our main curriculum choice for our history and our reading.  Maggie is using Core 100 for American History and John Robert and Ethan are in Core “E” for American History as well.  Robert asked that the kiddos look at some A Beka curriculum, since he used that at Landmark Christian School when he was in elementary school, so we are using that for our Language Arts, Spelling, and Vocabulary.  Maggie is also using A Beka Biology for her main science this year since it includes labs.  John Robert and Ethan are using Apologia’s Exploring Creation through Zoology Book II.  I think that we will be spending a lot of time at the local aquariums with this science.  Math is still Math U See, a favorite here; I really enjoy their video based teaching methods.  For “fun” Maggie will be at Lake Wales High School for AG (agriculture) and FFA along with some interactions at Warner University especially with their AG program addition.  John Robert will be exploring some leather working with CJ Brown at his saddle shop and still working on his artistic skills.  Ethan will be exploring engineering with his Lagos.  Cole and Jacob will be working on coloring and playing with their KUMON workbooks. 

All in all we are looking forward to the start of a great school year.  I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us!  Here’s to a wonderful, fun filled, adventurous year at the BFS Homeschool Academy!

Thursday, August 13, 2015


The first breath that a new born makes is considered the most precious gift of all.  It is the signal of something amazing; a new life that is worth celebrating.  I was recently challenged to consider that the last breath someone takes is just as beautiful.  It is the signal of the end of a beautiful life.  This breath is no more important than the first breath of life, in many ways it is the most important breath a person can take; it shows that someone here on this vast planet lived.  As many know I am a firm believer that all life is sacred.  This means that all the breaths that a person takes are sacred, special, and worth celebrating.  The first breath of life is just as breathtakingly beautiful as the last breath of life. 

This past week we have had to watch as Robert’s Granddaddy, Robert “Bob” Massey, took his last breath here on earth.  Knowing that this was his last breath here, we mourn, but we also cling to the beauty that this breath symbolizes.  Granddaddy’s last breath shows us a life that was lived; his was a life that was lived in a full and exuberant manner, and it was a beautiful life.
Granny, Granddaddy, and Lauri (Robert's Mom) at our Wedding

I met Granddaddy 21 years ago.  He was a strapping man with a big smile and an even bigger heart.  I watched him as he interacted with his first grandson, the boy that he had helped to raise and mold  into the man that he is today; the boy that I chose to spend my life with, my husband; and if I am being honest, I have always been envious of their relationship.  Granddaddy had a genuine deep love for all people, but the bond that he shared with Robert was particularly special.  Robert was the first born boy, indeed his relationship started from birth when he was named for his Granddaddy, and over the years the relationship evolved and changed from that of a little adoring boy to two men   who held each other with a deep love and a lot of respect as they navigated life’s pathways more often than not, together.

Granddaddy and Robert often butchered.  Mostly it was hogs but in spring of 2012 it was a steer.

In early 2009 he was showing us he still had it in him to be a GREAT cowboy!

The first time I remember seeing Robert away from school he was with his Granny and Granddaddy.  They were in the old gray truck doing what they loved, checking on the cows.  During the early years of our relationship I would watch as Robert and Granddaddy would gather their tack, gear, and horses to go work cows for at least two weeks.  I remember helping to clean for the last big party that was held at Granddaddy’s barn.  I remember helping to clean the barn for gospel concerts with the quartet Crimson River.  I remember the first Christmas I spent with Robert’s family, watching as Granddaddy and Robert stirred the huge cast iron pot full of swamp cabbage.  I remember watching Robert and Granddaddy butcher, working in perfect harmony side by side.  No need for words, they had worked together enough.  I remember watching Granddaddy clean the barn to prepare for our wedding.  I remember watching as Granddaddy, Uncle CL, Uncle Joe Buck, and Uncle Bill gathered together to sing at our wedding.  I remember family reunions where he introduced me as his granddaughter.  I was never an in-law to him, I was family.
Christmas of 2010 with his four great grand-kids.

I remember his joy when we gave him his first great grandchild, his baby girl.  I remember his excitement over his first great grandson, and his pride that this boy would too continue the family tradition of having the name Robert.  I remember his love of his great grandchildren, the way he would pull up to our house and honk the horn (which drove me nuts in all honesty) to haul the kiddos off to see a new calf or ride to the mailbox.  I watched him with love that shone in his eyes as he taught his great grandchildren the things that he had taught their father.  I watched him as he lovingly hauled Robert and our children into the woods to go hunting or just ride naming all the slews and hammocks he knew, into restaurants, and always to the jiffy stores for ICEES. I watched him as all five of my children climbed into his lap and patted his shirt pocket wanting either the Tic Tacs or the chewing gum awaiting him there.  I also watched as he fed them the gum or the mints, even when I asked him not to, because he was their Granddaddy. 

Summer of 2012 when he bought the kiddos Candy.  

These are my favorite photos of Granddaddy.  This was the last time I saw him ride a horse.  His horse, Socks, is too old to ride.  To me these photos show us who Granddaddy is, a true Florida Cowman!

I watched him as his body started to betray him and he could no longer do what he loved, but he still sat right in the middle of Robert and my children while supervising them as they continued on with his tradition of riding, popping a cow whip, and even butchering.  I remember the pride that he had as he talked about John Robert garnering his courage to finally ride.  I remember his joy when Maggie asked for the brand that his mother had given him, the HEART H brand.  I remember how he would brag on Ethan for his love of Lego’s and anything science related.  I remember hearing him defend the size of our family to a naysayer, commenting on how each child was so amazingly special.  I remember his laughter and joy when the little ones, Cole and Jacob,always ran into his house to see him.  The littles were always running past Granny to jump into his waiting open arms, play with his hats, and stomp around in his boots.  I watched as it got to be harder and harder for him to pick the children up.  I watched as he would walk into my house and just sit to watch the children play or do their schooling.  I watched him as he watched them, always with love.

I have watched Granddaddy laugh at the mischievousness of children, the jokes of his cousins, and the joy of life.  I have watched him as he generously fed anyone who needed a meal, sometimes to Granny's chagrin.  I have watched him as he handed what he could to those in need, never expecting anything in return.  I have watched him as he worked physically harder than any man I have known, often outworking the younger men around him.  I have watched him as he loved on my children as he willingly sang to them and imparted the knowledge that he had about the life of a  true Florida Cowman.   I have watched him in good times, great times, bad times, and hard times.    

I also watched as his health started declining.  I watched him as he stubbornly fought his body and its ultimate betrayal with his health.  When the phone call came in that his health was beyond repair, I watched as he still purposed to show his family that he loved them.  I watched him as Robert and he struggled to find the balance of their relationship, one that wasn’t defined as a little boy who adored the giant of the man that Granddaddy was, but one of a love so deep and a respect so strong, that even  disagreements and hurts couldn’t stop the love that they shared for each other; his love for our family.  I have seen so much, watched it up close and from afar, and have been amazed.

For 21 years I watched the life of Bob Massey, our Granddaddy, as he lived a life of love and purpose in front of me.  On Sunday, August 9, 2015, Granddaddy took his last breath.  This Saturday we will be gathering to celebrate his life.  Our world is a better place because he lived.  My world is a better because he lived. 

Granddaddy’s last breath was so infinitely beautiful, because we know that he is now in the arms of our Savior.  Granddaddy took his last breath here on this earth but is now  enjoying the beauty of heaven and holding his grandson, our baby Samuel.  This temporary separation is not a good bye, but a “see you soon”.  Knowing this, there is joy in our sorrow.  There is a deep love within our lives all because a man named Bob Massey, our beloved Granddaddy.


It has been a while since I have put pen to paper or in my case hands to keyboard.  This has not been a result of lack of thoughts on major world issues.  We all know that I have a broad vast and vast opinion about, well everything.  It hasn’t been because of a lack of interest in life either.  The lack of written communication from me is simply because I haven’t been able to say what I wanted to say. 

I know that this might sound silly, but truthfully I don’t always express myself, especially when I am hurting; and these last few months have been hard and pain filled for me for many reasons. In short, life has gotten hard, complicated, and un-fun!!  I have reached my breaking point many times, but I am still here, I am still standing, and I am still fighting for what I believe to be true.

I won’t go into all the boring details, I know that some are curious but we must remember that curiosity killed the proverbial cat.  I will say that life has a way of becoming increasingly difficult and complicated when you are trying to do what you deem is correct.  I will say that being an adult is hard and that being an adult that is willing to stand for their principals in the face of adversity is one of the hardest things that I have ever had the opportunity to do.  I will say that in standing for these principals I have seen my husband and children hurt in more ways than I care to admit to.  I have also seen the loyalty of a few that has surprised me and the betrayal of many.  In short, it’s complicated.

In spite of life’s complications, I am here.  I do have a voice and I will say what I think needs to be said.  I will also purpose to not take a two month hiatus again.  After all, I am not broken yet.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Have you missed me?  I know that I haven't been in the blogosphere for a while.  In all honesty, I have tons of stuff to say.  I have tons of thoughts, ideas, and musings about a ton of subjects.  I just haven't been inclined to share anything.  Why?  So glad you asked.....I'm done adulting.

Oh please don't get me wrong.  I am still being responsible.  The kiddos are all fed, the house is somewhat picked up, food is being done, therefore dishes are being washed, and of course no one is naked so I'm taking care of laundry too; BUT.....I'm tired.

I feel like I'm in a loosing battle with who I want to be and the life that I am living.  No, I'm not in a bad place.  No, I'm not saying that I don't love my husband or that I want to leave.  No, I am not running away from my life, on the contrary, I'm purposing to embrace it more.

I'm not adulting.  I am trying to remember what makes me smile.  I'm dancing in the kitchen more, even when I am made fun of for looking like an old chicken!  I am singing to songs that I love, even when I am being told I sound like a dying goat, which in all honesty I do because we all know I can't sing!  I am choosing a day at the play park and McDonald's (ICK!) over cleaning the house.  I am looking at the laundry that needs to be folded and I am ignoring it and chasing the kiddos around in tickle fights.  I am finding my voice and saying NO to things that I don't like, I am saying YES to what I want.  I'm done adulting!  I am done purposing to be just responsible.  I am choosing to embrace being me.

Last night at our IF table meeting, a question was posed to us:

What would Jesus say to you if He was right here at this table right now?

I closed my eyes and felt them well with tears.  I KNOW what He would say to me, He answered me in that moment. 

You are enough.  Now come dance with me!  

So I'm done going through the motions of adulthood.  I am choosing to be enough.  I am choosing me.   I am dancing more.  I am smiling more.  I am reading stories I love more (yep, corny romance books but hey.....).  I am smiling more.  I am laughing more.  I am done adulting, I am being me!

Have you missed me?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


On May 8, 2015 the kiddos and I took the day off from school and had an impromptu filed trip.  Our destination, Bok Tower Gardens here in town.  Robert and I have lived here for 18 years and I can count on one hand how many times we have ventured into the gardens, (actually Robert has NEVER been and he's lived here his whole life!), and I decided that it was time for the kiddos and I to branch out.  The plus side was that this was a FREE field trip for us!  And we had a great day!
Entering the gardens.

My adorable crew!

The singing tower.

We didn't get to explore as much as I would have liked, mainly because it was hot and the kiddos were all STARVING and insisted that we eat as soon as humanely possible.  In other words, it was lunch time!  HA!  We did manage to feed the fish in the koi pond, do some garden exploring, and get down to run some in the beautifully manicured grass!

Feeding the fish.

There were some BIG koi there!

In spite of the visit being shorter than I cared for, we had a GREAT time!  The gardens were lovely, even though many paths were under construction.  The smell of the fresh flowers and trees were heavenly.  I am hoping that I can talk Robert into coming with me, just the two of us soon.  I think it would make for a lovely date local for us!

Thursday, May 14, 2015


I know that this will come as a huge surprise to everyone but I am far from perfect.  As a matter of fact I make mistakes a lot.  This past week, I have made a big mistake and it is affecting us in a major way.

My wonderful husband has been very gracious to me in my mistake, he always extends grace to me and I appreciate it more than words can express.  BUT, I still messed up and I'm heartbroken over it.  Last night I wanted to try to stay awake and figure out a way to fix my problem.  The reality is that I don't know how to fix the problem and sitting up worrying about it was accomplishing nothing.  So, I did the only thing that I could do, I opened my Bible.

Yesterday afternoon I had the privilege of listening to Dr. David Jeremiah in his message on worry from Turning Point Ministries.  He is currently going over his Signs of Life study and yesterday's message was about worry.  The passage I kept going back to last night as I purposed NOT to worry.  

As I pondered what Dr. Jeremiah said and applied it to my own life, I was able to sleep and actually woke up refreshed this morning.  I chose not to worry about my mistake but to humbly confess it and ask God to have His way in the situation.  More than that, I am choosing to follow Him in all things and purpose to not worry today.  We will find a solution and I need to be mindful of the problem, but I know that God will give us His wisdom, His guidance, and His grace to take care of the problem.  

We are still in the predicament that I caused.  To be honest I don't see a way out of it right now.  In spite of my desire to worry and try to take control of this situation, I think that I need to learn to let God have His way in this more than I need to worry.  And, if you are so inclined, we'd appreciate prayers as we navigate this big mistake that I made.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


This past Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day in a very low key manner.  I knew that the celebration of me would be non existent that I day, in fact I asked for it to be that way.  My reason, it was my E-Man's 8th birthday and I wanted the focus to be on him and not on me.  It was a lovely day, and I got what I really wanted, a nap and was surprised with a lot more.

The morning started off in the normal way.  Robert and I bustled around trying to get all five kiddos up and dressed. It's funny to me that it never fails, no matter how many times I lay out clothes for Sunday morning, something disappears in the night.  Be it the baby's socks or someone's shoes there is always a rush to get things done.  This Sunday morning was no exception.  But we were able to get some Mother's Day photos in our Sunday best!

A silly picture to start the morning off right!

A serious everyone stand up and smile picture to make the morning complete.

After church we came home and enjoyed a wonderful meal and celebration with the birthday boy (more to come about him after his party this weekend).  That's when I purposed to get the little one's to lay down.  Of course they wouldn't sleep so Daddy offered to take them and I napped.  It was comical to wake up and find the chocolate cake smeared everywhere.  It seems Daddy fell asleep and Jacob the Destroyer struck.  Seriously, I'm still finding chocolate in places and it's been almost a week!  UGH!  It was at this time that I got the best compliment I've ever been given from my sweet husband.

     It's hard work keeping up with these kids!

I laughed, hard.  He's right!  It is hard work keeping up with all these kiddos.  Yet they are also the ones that make my life so amazing.  Take, for example, my gift.  Everything was planned by Maggie.  She made the entire gift just from listening to what I have been saying about organizing the house.  I was given a beautiful tray, a lovely glass jar, some make-up ( including some samples of Organic Cow girl Dirt, but more on that later), and some beautiful earrings.  

I'm really enjoying this natural ~ organic makeup, but more about that later!

I LOVE the tear drop shape to these earnings!

My new tray and jar.  I think it's cute how Maggie wrapped the jar in burlap and the Cowgirl Dirt makeup came in the little burlap bag.

My Sunday morning selfie AFTER church showcasing the makeup still going strong!

All of the gifts were chosen for me because of something that she had heard me say I wanted to use, try, or she thought I would like.  It was a Mother's Day gift worth cherishing, I am so grateful that Maggie took the time to hear me when she heard me chatting.  I felt so special!  More than that, it was a perfect Mother's Day.  We celebrated the kiddos, I napped, and I was abundantly blessed by my daughter and husband with a gift that means so much.

I am not a perfect mom.  More often than not I fail, at every turn.  It is easy to make life seem perfect in blog posts, choosing only to highlight the pretty and not the "real" of a life with five kids.  In spite of not being perfect, I have children who love me and think of me as the Proverbs 31 Woman.  I am abundantly blessed by God as He allows me to walk this path of being my kiddos Mama.  I pray that everything I do brings glory to Him and helps prepare my children for His purpose in their lives.  Mother's Day was special because of the family that I have.  I am so glad that they are mine!

Friday, May 8, 2015


Lately Robert and I have really been looking seriously at what we eat and he effects that chemicals have on our bodies.  I have been carefully reading product labels, pricing items, and reading up on what Organic -vs- non GMO and all the many different products mean.  I have been watching our grocery bill climb higher and higher as we switch more and more of our food to organic.  And as the bills climb higher, I have been asking if it is really worth it.  

I got my answer, and it was YES, it is really worth it.  My answer came from Facebook, a post from Robyn O'Brien showing what the Swedish Environmental Research Institute discovered about the chemicals in our bodies from the food that we eat.  This blog post is worth reading and the video linked in it is really worth watching.  The information that the video contains really cemented that we are doing the right thing eating organic.

So, in the end we will eat organic.  We will adjust our food budget accordingly.  We will purpose to eat as healthy as possible.  Why?  Simply because, in the grand scheme of things, the health of my family matters more than anything. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

SERVE ONE ANOTHER ~ A Beautiful Thing

Our pastor has started a new sermon series for our Sunday worship at First Baptist detailing what it takes to have a "Choice Marriage".   This past Sunday the message was based on Ephesians 5 and Mark 10, specifically Mark 10:45, and what it takes to serve one another in our homes and our marriages.  He challenged us to memorize Mark 10:45 and make it a central verse for our marriages.  He also challenged us to look for five to seven ways to serve your spouse through out the week.  I must admit, I have enjoyed this challenge immensely.

Firstly, let me confess that I have never thought of using Bible verses to play a central role in my marriage.  I pray for my husband daily.  I have prayed Scriptures over my husband, my favorite verses are found in Psalms for this.  BUT, I have never thought of finding verses and saying THIS applies to my marriage.  After Sunday morning, now I am thinking of what verses are good for our marriage.  I love the idea of serving one another in our marriage because Christ came to serve us.  I love that marriages are made up of daily choices to actively love and serve one another.  More than that I am amazed to see that God has His design for marriage and active all encompassing love shown through these acts of service.  Mark 10:45 is the perfect example of this.  I am grateful for the challenge that Pastor Scott issued and that this is the verse that we are now using to remind ourselves of what marriage service and love really is.

Now onto confession number two.  Robert and I have already been looking for little things to do for each other to serve one another daily.  Why?  It's the little things that make a marriage.  I can give you two examples of what I do for Robert.  I make his coffee nightly so he can have a fresh, hot cup of coffee waiting on him when he wakes up.  

Why is this a big deal?  I HATE the smell of coffee. Literally, I despise coffee.  I don't like the smell of the grounds, the smell of it brewing, and don't get me started on the taste.  BUT, my husband LOVES having a big pot of coffee waiting on him when he gets up at 5:30 for his day of work.  So every night when I clean the kitchen, I put coffee on and set the timer for at least 15 minutes before he is to wake up.  He gets up to the smell of coffee and he knows that I was thinking of him the night before.  

Another little thing that I do is I try to learn to cook things that he likes.  Most people think that I am a decent cook, and I have learned a lot over the years, but I am NOT the cook that Robert is.  Robert is the one that can cook everything from scratch.  I am still learning.  Robert is the one who grew up in the kitchen, me, well let's just say my Mom's favorite meal is still take out menu's!    In spite of my lack of culinary skills, I do try to make things that I know are pleasing to my husband.  More than that, I purpose to plan our meals so that when he comes in from work, supper is being served.  I also like to make things that I know he enjoys.  Like this morning, I made his "kool-aid".

In my attempt to maintain a healthier lifestyle, I knew that traditional Kool-Aid had to go.  BUT, this was something that Robert grew up enjoying, so I researched and found a healthy alternative.  Robert LOVES to drink this healthy "kool-aid".  The recipe is super simple (I'll share it below), the house smells incredible as the Tazo tea steeps, but more than that, Robert knows how much I love him because I choose to make this for him and the children.  Literally this morning he was super excited that I was making him his "kool-aid".

Now, I know that I have gone on and on about all the things that I do for Robert.  But, I want you to know that he serves me in a lot of little ways too.  He will run by the bread store for me so I don't have to make a special trip.  He will let me sleep in knowing that I am not a morning person by nature.  He knows, even in his sleep, that I need him to hold me at night when I tap his shoulder.  He gladly cooks on the days that life is too chaotic and stressful for me to have his meal ready on time.  He willingly comes in from working, often a 10-14 hour day, and sweeps the floors for me because he knows I can't stand the sand and crumbs.  He compliments me on cleaning the house even though it looks like a bomb has exploded.  When I ask him how he can even tell I cleaned his answer is usually:  "Because the toys and books are in a different spot."

All of these things, and maybe more than 100 more happen on a daily basis.  Not because we are prefect, as our "discussion" last night can show.  Rather these things happen because we are purposing to have a marriage where we put each other first, where we seek to show each other the love of Christ daily, and we purpose to show our children what love is.  Love is dying to one's self daily.  Love is an active choice.  Love is working hard, even when you don't feel like it, simply because you WANT to serve one another.

Thank you Pastor Scott for this timely reminder this past Sunday.  Thank you for the challenge of a collection of verses for our marriage.  More than this, thank you to my husband of 17, almost 18, years for his continual acts of service, unfailing devotion, and unending love to me.  It is a joy for me to find ways to serve him, simply because it's what makes our love story unique and beautiful.  We  choose to love each and choose to stay in love with each other by serving one another.  These constant acts of service is what makes our messy, chaotic, stressful, amazing, beautiful, and Christ centered marriage a truly beautiful thing.


1 Tazo Iced Passion Tea Bag
1/2 Cup Organic Sugar
2 TBSP  Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with the Mother.  I like Bragg's Brand the best)

In a small sauce pan bring water to a boil, turn the burner off, and add the tea bag allowing  it to steep for at least 5 minutes.  Enjoy the smells coming from the kitchen, believe me, it is heavenly!  In a 2 quart pitcher pour the sugar, hot tea, and vinegar.  Add water to fill the pitcher to the top, stir well, and enjoy over a tall glass of ice.  You can thank me now for this amazingly refreshing summer drink recipe! HA!

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Today was a great day for surgery.  Jacob got his tubes put in his ears.  I am praying that this cuts down on his chronic ear infections, constant ear pulling, and his super clumsy walking. When we met with the ENT, I described all of his symptoms and told Dr. Merrit he needed tubes.  One look at Jacob's X-Rays and his ears told the doctor that I was right.  Surgery was set, it was at 7:30 this morning.

 His surgery was a success, it was a quick procedure, as tubal surgery  usually is.  Jacob's right ear was worse than the left, it was filled with lots of fluid, wax, and yucky goo.  His left ear had minimal fluid in it, but it still had fluid.  He woke up slightly disoriented and fussed until he saw his Daddy.  Robert left the center and headed to work and I brought little man home for a hearty breakfast and some snuggle time with all of his siblings (three of them were still sleeping when we got home), and lots of time to play.  

Enjoying his yummy breakfast.  Toast and scrambled eggs, YUM!

Snuggles and cartoon time with big brother Ethan.

Time to take off all his tabs, bandages from the IV, and armbands.  

All in all, the surgery was a success.  If the active little boy is any indication he is also feeling a lot better already!  I am really hoping and praying that this helps his ears, his balance, and his already cheerful disposition.  Today was indeed a great morning to have surgery!  I for one am very thankful for modern medicine and the healing power of doctors and nurses. 

Monday, April 27, 2015


My Grandma left us on Friday, April 17, 2015.  Her birthday was April 26th, so we all gathered together to celebrate her life on her birthday.  My Grandma passed away a few days shy of turning 81.  It was a bittersweet day for me.  I loved my grandmother, a lot.  She was my biggest supporter, the person who thought that I could do anything, and someone who encouraged my love of reading since it matched her love of reading too.   I have so many fun memories of her, sharing books, pouring through the J.C. Penney catalogs together, sitting in their kitchen eating, being given a new journal to share my thoughts with her,  having her sing the song she made just for me, and most of all listening to her stories.   As much as I miss her, I know that my Grandpa will miss her even more.  They had shared 62 years of love together.

My grandma loved to tell of how they met.  Grandpa was in the Navy and would come into the department store where she was working to play the newest Hank Williams album.  My Grandma didn't care for that style of music, but made sure it was ready for him when he came in.  That's how it started.  Soon, they had their first date.  Both knew that this was it.   After walking her home from only a handful of dates, he hollered back to her one day that he had a question to ask.  Her response was perfect:

        If it's what I think it it, the answer is yes.

That yes started 62 years of life together.  My grandparents were married for 62 years.  To me, this is simply amazing.  

I loved watching my grandparents interact together.  I loved watching my grandma's hands, she had the most beautiful slender hands (my aunt and my sister have her hands), as she held my grandpa's hand when walking or at the table.  In her later years as her health declined, her hand would reach out to him for comfort and he was always there, always.  I loved watching my Grandma's eyes light up when she told the story of the Hank Williams albums, how she answered his important question, and even how Grandpa taught her to drive.  I loved how Grandpa responded.  I loved how he'd smile at her and talk about what a lead foot she had once she learned to drive, how she was often compared to Maureen O'Hara, but for him there was no comparison; she was prettier than any movie star he'd ever seen.  I loved how much they loved each other. 

My grandparents spent 62 years together.  They raised three children, were blessed with four grandchildren, and nine great grand children.  They are an example of what love is.  Their legacy will live on because they taught us how to love.

I always associated my grandparents with Hank Williams songs.  After all, that is how she won my Grandpa's heart, having "his" music playing.  Yesterday, Grandpa shared with us "their" song.  The song was "Walkin' My Baby Back Home" by Johnnie Ray.

To me, this song is the perfect song for them.  I had never heard this song and it immediately brought tears to my eyes.   It was the story of their life together.  It was a song that was written for them.  Grandpa did walk Grandma back home.  After that important question, they continued walking together, for 62 years they walked side by side.  There was joy, there was laughter, there was heartache, and there were tears; but they never stopped holding hands or walking together. 

 I am so thankful for the love that they shared.  I am so thankful that I got to witness 62 years of love in action.  I am so thankful that my Grandpa walked Grandma home.  More than that, I am thankful that she told him yes and walked with him through the rest of her life.

My Grandma was a beautiful woman.  She had a huge capacity to love.  She had an incredibly giving heart.  She was an integral part of who I am today.  She was an incredible gift to this world.  As much as I miss her, I am so grateful that I knew her.  More than that, I am grateful that I knew my grandparents together, knew of their love, and now know what 62 years of love together looks like.  I pray that my life makes her as proud of me as I am of her.   I pray that I can honor the legacy of their lives, of their 62 years together, of what love is as I purpose to walk beside Robert and walk through our marriage together.  

I love you Grandma.  I miss you.  Thank you for blessing my life with your love.  More than that, thank you for saying yes and walking with Grandpa for 62 years.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


I must admit that this month's Sonlight and their Sonlight Blog Party challenge has been just that for me, a huge challenge.  This month we are discussing our average homeschooling schedule.   This month, due to life and the way that it tends to get in the way, I have no homeschooling schedule.  Please don't get me wrong, I started the year off with an awesome schedule.  I was going to be an amazingly organized homeschooling mama that would make the blogosphere proud.   Oh, to be an organized homeschooler with an awesome schedule, it hasn't happened yet.

At the beginning of our school year, I had a wonderful schedule written out.  It went something like this:

7:00      Wake Up
7:05      Personal Prayer and Devotions
7:30      Start Laundry / Morning Chores
8:00      Begin Breakfast
8:45      Organize Children for their Private Bible Study
9:00      Morning Meeting for School
9:30      Family Bible Study
10:00    Fun Monthly Unit Study
10:30    Morning Seat Work 
11:30    Lunch
12:00    Science
12:30    Finish Science / Morning Work
1:00      Reading Together
2:00      Afternoon Free Time
4:00      Afternoon Chores
5:00      Supper Preparations
6:00      Supper as a Family
7:30      Start Baths
8:30      Little Best's to Bed
9:30      Everyone to Bed

Doesn't that schedule look amazing.  To me, there was plenty of time for errands, chores, and well life.  If I am being totally honest, our schedule is no where close to this.  Oh, there are some things that do happen.  Supper does have to start around 5:00 or else the five little Best's revolt, but that is about all that is same.  In reality our schedule looks more like this:

8:00       Try to get up.  Some kiddos are up, some aren't.
9:00       Remind kiddos for the 5th time they need to eat                     breakfast.
9:30       Remind kiddos that before school starts they have                 to be at least dressed with their teeth brushed.
10:00     Announce that school is starting in FIVE minutes
10:30     Actually start school skipping Bible and Unit Fun to               tackle morning work and feel like your being                         productive.
11:30     Lunch, because boys are starving after only two                     hours.
12:00     Time for chores, playing, and errands.
2:00        Nap time.  Quiet reading time and finish morning                   work time.
3:00        Bible / Prayers / Unit Fun
4:00         Reading
5:00        Supper
7:30         Baths
8:00         Bedtime / Finish Reading

In many ways, the second schedule is really how our days go.  Too often life happens and even the second schedule is thrown out the window.  If there is one thing that I have learned in our four or so years of homeschooling it's that being flexible is the best way to handle life.  Having a schedule is a GREAT IDEA, but being a slave to the schedule isn't always feasible.  Besides, in my opinion, homeschooling is about teaching your children how to roll with the punches and teaching them to be flexible and loosely follow their schedule teaches them just that.

Having a schedule is great.  Being organized is great.  Maybe one day I will get there.  In the mean time, I will have fun being flexible and trying to follow a schedule, whatever it may be.