Friday, February 22, 2013


It is amazing to me how two people can be in the same situation living through the same moment and see things from two different perspectives.  Take for example last night.  Robert’s eight hour work day was over at 4:30 in the afternoon.  BUT, I had to meet him at 6:30 with some supper and tea because he was on a call out.  When I met him, he was upset at missing supper with us and I was, well I was glad to see him and know he was making up his time that he got off “early” at the beginning of the week.  Two people meeting in a same place for a similar purpose (in our instance it was to enjoy a quick hello and food together), but we had two different outlooks on the same situation.  Our perspective was totally different.  While we were discussing that this morning, I laughed as I pointed it out.

This is so interesting to me.  I am not a psychology major by any stretch of the imagination, but I still found this interesting.  How can two people share a life experience and yet see it through a different lens?  I believe that it is because our pasts are so vastly different that we have learned to view things differently.  There are some who see the glass half full, some who see the glass half empty, some who see the glass as something in the way, some who see the glass as a hindrance, some who see the glass as a gift; all of these perspectives are okay just different like we are!

What do you think of your life?  How has your perspective shaped you for the better or the worse?  What is your life perspective?  And knowing this about yourself, how will you let this life perspective shape your furture?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentine’s Day

So I just realized that I never posted what we did for Valentine’s Day!  UGH!  No good at this blogging thing am I?  In my defense I had every plan to do this last Friday, BUT Friday turned out to be a not so very good day with a super busy weekend following it so; better late than never right!?!
This year we drew names at the begining of the week to be Secret Valentines with each other. We looked for ways to encourage, help, and serve each other throughout the week with the big reveal at our Valentine's Day Supper. Some of us were better at keeping things a secret than others, but it was a fun thing to do and I know that we will do it again next year!

OK, on to the fun stuff.  Robert got a new watch from me.  Well, it really wasn’t his gift since he broke his watch at work and needed a new one, so while I was shopping with my Mom and my Grandma I ducked into Penney’s and got him a new watch!  He was very excited and felt bad that he didn’t have anything for me.  Ummmm, I thought that I was driving my gift, but hey if he wants to get me something else who is to argue right?  The only thing that I asked for, he got me……Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!!!!  YUM!

For the kiddos we did something little.  Each little one got a gift bag that had all kinds of sugar inducing coma items, in other words lots of CANDY!  The three oldest kiddos got lots of candy while the youngest one just got a little bit of candy, but all in all they were all excited and super happy to get the yummyness of it all.  However, they had to wait until after their special supper to open their gifts and go on their scavenger hunt.
Four Kiddos Gifts Ready to Go!

Supper was a special affair indeed.  We ate a menu that Daddy requested (meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, a veggie, dinner rolls, and cupcakes with hearts), that we deemed worthy enough to serve on our finest china.  We had a candlelight supper with Mama’s best china and silverware.  The meal was wonderful, the company perfect, and the fun was about to begin.  The big kiddos got a together gift, (something to use in the house and in Mama’s new truck), so the scavenger hunt began.  There were six clues all together and thanks to the wet rainy night Mama had to rethink hiding places, but the kids found it and had a great time!
Scavenger Hunt Gift with All the Clues!

The Table Set for Supper
I LOVE that my kiddos know how special they are everyday and that they are loved no matter what.  I also LOVE that there are times that we can make special just to show them how much we truly love them, Valentine’s Day was just such a day for us!  YAY!
Being Silly!

Their "Together" Gift.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day 2013

I am not sure if you can call it growing up or finally being totally content with whom I am and what I have in my life, BUT for the first time ever I am not obsessed with gifts for Valentine’s Day.  I have my health, my husband, my children, and most of all; my God.  What more do I need?

I am saying that my “new” used truck is my gift this year.  What a great gift that it is.  More than that though, I am thankful to just have my life and all the little surprises that I have been given today by my kiddos.  We did do something little for them….check back for tomorrow and I will give everyone the scoop on what we did for the kiddos and you can enjoy pictures from our candlelight family supper!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Three Months

Today has been three months since I lost my precious little Samuel, or as I tell the children the day that he was born into Heaven.  Today has not been easy for me on many levels.  These past two weeks I have been off schedule and out of routine which is driving me nuts.  Add to that the memory of what today is, and not happy-go lucky skip through life kind of mood.
I am, however, thankful for so many blessings.  I am thankful for my sister and her support.  I love how encouraging she is when I need it most, even if she is having her own issues.  I am thankful for my husband and the love that he freely gives.  I am thankful for my children, for the laughter that they bring to my Mama’s heart.  I am thankful for the privilege of finding joy even when life seems joyless. 
No, I am not having a great day today.  I know why.  I also know who holds my heart, and I can rest knowing that joy always comes in the morning, He told me so!
For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor, a lifetime. Weeping may spend the night, but there is joy in the morning.” Psalm 30:5 (HCSB)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I know that I have been MIA lately here in the blogging world.  I am sorry; it’s not that I haven’t had any great things to say.  It’s just that we have been uber busy and, well, that’s life!  We just finished up with the two oldest kiddos participating in their first ever Polk County Youth Fair.  Boy, has it changed from when I was a kid, but I also think that my perspective is different since I am now there as a parent and not an exhibitor.

First, let me state that both kiddos did great.  Maggie participated in the cake auction, the digital photography contest, and showed her rabbit.  John Robert showed his Rhode Island Red Bantam rooster and pullets.  Both kiddos won blue ribbons (first place) for their animals. This made my Mama heart burst with pride.  Almost like I had been the one who had raised the animals myself, I was that proud.  Maggie also placed with a white ribbon (third place) with her photograph and in the cake auction. 
Dropping off Magpie.

The prize winning bunny!

 Maggie and her homemade Lane Cake.

She won third place too!

Maggie's photo of Socks our old horse that placed as well.
John Robert checking on things in the chicken barn.

Little Red was happy to have some water this day, it was HOT!

Buckshot took home a blue ribbon!  This Mama strutted like a proud rooster some too!

I hope that the kids, all of them, will treasure these memories as much as I did.  I hope that this past week of crazy schedules, running back and forth to Bartow everyday will forever be in their memory as some of the best times in their lives.  That is what Youth Fair was for their Daddy and I!