Saturday, January 7, 2017

IT'S BEEN A WHILE.........

Hey all!  I have tons to say but I'm so sorry I haven't been here to say it. Be on the look out for a couple new blog posts so I can kick of 2017 with a bang. Before I do, let me catch y'all up on what's been happening.

In August we endured several trips to Winnie Palmer which allowed us to monitor the kidneys of our newest Best Baby Boy, who we named Thomas Lane. Thankfully the careful monitoring proved effective and no surgery was needed to correct his issues. In September Maggie and some lovely ladies at our church gave me an awesome baby shower. We celebrated a day filled with fun and laughter at the ranch. It was a great day. We also had fun starting school. This year Maggie is in 11th grade, John Robert is in 8th grade, Ethan is in 4th grade, and Cole and Jacob are in Preschool. We have kicked off the school year in a slow manner knowing we had the newest Best coming soon.

In October we welcomed our sixth and final baby boy. Thomas Lane was born via c-section on October 20,2016. His birth was amazing.  This c-section I was awake for and loved having Robert in the room with me. It was a bittersweet day for me knowing that this was our last baby. I am so thankful we've been blessed with him in our lives.

In November we got to celebrate Maggie turning 16 and John  Robert turning 13. We are now the proud parents of two teenagers.  Life is an a,aging adventure with them. We are so thankful we get to call hem our teens, even on the days that life is challenging. We also had the fortune to be home and be of assistance when Robert's Granny had a stroke. It was an exciting and scary time for us as we watched the medi-vac helicopter land in our front yard to air lift her to Tampa General. I'm happy to report that today she's doing much better.

In December, Robert and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary. I can honestly say that I'm amazed and honored that he chose to marry me 19 years ago. We were also given the gift of celebrating Cole turning five!  We had a simple day of playing at the park and celebrating together as a family. Of course we gathered together to celebrate the birth of Christ in true Best Family style. As always the joy of being together as a family of eight made the day extra special. We also continued our tradition of remembering Grandpa Peacock's 86th birthday and his fifth birthday in Heaven by enjoying some chicken and dumplings.

Which now brings us to 2017. We are looking forward to many new and exciting adventures this year.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


This year our July 4th celebration didn’t go as planned.  That’s fine with us, we are nothing but flexible here!  Robert headed into work and I browsed Pintrest to come up with some last minute recipe ideas.  After a quick trip to town, our menu was set and we were ready to have fun!  We celebrated the fourth by ourselves in true Best Family style!

Our menu was simple.  We had ribs, broccoli salad, potato salad, baked beans, and a red, white, and blue poke cake.  The cake was a huge hit; the kids can’t wait for us to make another one.  Even Robert enjoyed the cake flavors, he was a little uncertain when I mentioned jello in the cake!

My plate before we dug in!  Have I mentioned that Robert is an amazing cook?

Our jello poke cake thanks to Pintrest!  We will be making this again for next year for sure!

While I was in town, I picked up some simple fireworks for the boys to enjoy.  We also had some sparklers from the previous years so the boys had fun with those as well.  Maggie wouldn’t come outside to join us, she always gets eaten by mosquitoes so she was smart and watched from the kitchen window this year.  Jacob adored the fireworks display.  He clung to John Robert’s leg and kept saying: “OOOOH, FIRE!”  It was a lot of fun for us to see the simple fireworks through Jacob and Cole’s eyes this year.

No, we didn’t have a huge get together with everyone.  Yes we did miss visiting with family.  But, in the end the simple, laid back, at home celebration was just what we needed this year.  Our Fourth of July wasn’t huge, but it was perfect for us!

Monday, June 27, 2016

IT'S A BABY............

Isn't the newest Best cute?

And it's a BOY!

Yes, you read that correctly, the Best family is growing by another two little feet, specifically boy feet!  I'm not getting my lace and pink.  I am not getting my bows and princess tiaras.  I am getting another son.  I am getting more rough play, more trucks, more dirt, more action figures, and one more son. 

We had an ultrasound at the end of May and the ultrasound tech suspected that our new little one was a boy.  However, the baby was uncooperative so it wasn’t confirmed.  I must admit, I did cry.  Knowing that this will be our last Best, I really wanted a little girl.  I had a ladybug bedding set picked out.  I had headbands and bows ready to order.  I had ruffles and bows in mind.  I did mourn that for a minute.  I know what I am missing out on; I’ve had the privilege of tea parties and pedicures with our daughter.  I know the joy that little girls can bring.  I missed out on so much because I worked for the first year of Maggie’s life that I really, REALLY wanted to experience it all again.  Of course, God in His infinite wisdom had other plans.

This past Thursday, June 23, 2016, Robert and I ventured to Winnie Palmer hospital for a level two ultrasound.  The previous ultrasound showed that the baby has enlarged kidneys so they are monitoring them closely.  It was on Thursday that it was confirmed that indeed, the newest Best Baby is a BOY!    We had already suspected as much thanks to our previous ultrasound, but Thursday confirmed it for us.  This time I didn’t cry, I didn’t mourn, I have accepted that we are having a boy.  I am fine with that now.

I know that I am not getting lace, bows, and princess things.  I am getting more dirt and mud, more rough housing, more loud insanity, more fart jokes, more burps, more endless appetites, and most of all more love.  I am getting early morning snuggles, more cries for mama, more declarations of being my boy, more hugs, more kisses, and most of all the love of a son, not just any son but another Best Son. 

I adore all my children.  I am so happy that we have been blessed with our sixth baby here on earth.  I am so grateful God thought that we were worthy of another son, another young man to train to be a man of integrity and honor like his Daddy.  We are being blessed with another boy to raise and train to be a man of God.  What a gift that it!

 So, without further ado, the Best Family would like to announce the addition of Thomas Lane Best coming October of 2016!

Monday, June 20, 2016


If there is one thing in this crazy and uncertain world that I am certain of, it’s Robert’s love for his children.  While he is far from perfect, as we all are, he is a man who knows what he values and what matters the most.  For Robert and I, what matters the most is our children.  Each one of our children is a precious reminder of the man that Robert is.  I truly believe that the reason we have so many sons is because of the legacy that Robert is leaving through his children, especially his sons.  Growing up, Robert never really had a great male role model.  He didn’t meet his biological father until he was 17.  In spite of his upbringing and its aftereffects; he is an amazing father today. 

For Father’s Day this year we decided to get a gift that the family could enjoy, well most of us can enjoy.  Several years ago, Robert had a very nice fishing rod and reel stolen from him. This year we bought three cane poles for the boys to use and replaced Robert’s rod and reel.  That was an adventure in and of its self.  I HATE fishing and anything to do with the sport, so in our shopping quest for the perfect gift for Robert, I made some great friends with two gentlemen as they laughed at me in the sporting goods department!  

Opening his card.  He laughed so hard at this card this year.  Maggie did a great job picking it out!

Opening his new reel.  

Putting together his new rod and reel.  

Needless to say, Robert was beyond thrilled with his gift, but most of all he was thrilled with the thoughtfulness of his kiddos.  Not only was this gift a personal one, but it was one that the kiddos and Robert can enjoy together as a family.  This is part of the legacy that Robert and I want to build in our children.  We want to instill in them the idea that gifts are meant to be shared and enjoyed as a family.  We want them to want to spend time and enjoy us while they are growing up so we will have the right bond with them when they leave our home.  I think that Robert’s Father’s Day gift shows this perfectly!

Robert and our five kiddos posing under our tree.  

Happy Father’s Day to my amazing husband!! We are beyond blessed to have you in our lives.  We adore you and can’t wait to use your new Father’s Day gift.  Yes, I will even go with you, as the official Best Family photographer of course! 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Summer School, Here we Come!

It’s that time of year again.  It’s time for graduation celebrations, last day of school fun, and welcoming summer with a bang.  Many families are planning fun summer vacations and looking for ways to bond and enjoy the summer.  That’s not what’s happening in our home.  We are looking at reorganizing how we do school and looking at how we can continue doing school throughout the summer. 

Since our newest little Best blessing is due at the end of October we have decided to school through the summer and take November, December, and January off as our summer.  The good news is that since we homeschool this option is perfect for us as we adjust to a new member of our family.  We’ve decided to school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and have Tuesday and Thursdays be family fun days and days left open for doctor’s appointments.  We will go “full time” again in August and September and then enjoy our new little one.  Then we will start up full time in February and go through school into June. 

We have found a math program that Maggie finally likes, “Life of Fred” so we are doing a basic review to get her caught up on everything.  She will be using Sonlight American History for her reading and history, and A Beka Grammar to round everything out.   She will be in Chemistry this year as well.  I can’t believe she’s going to be a junior in school.  When public school starts back, she will continue taking some AG classes.

John Robert and Ethan will continue working on their Math U See books and moving forward with their Sonlight American History as well.  We will be doing a little detour in Florida history as well.  Of course there will be fun activities like A Beka Language Arts, Handwriting, and Science.  John Robert will be moving up in middle school and Ethan will be advancing onto fourth grade. 

Our Sonlight Instructor's Guide is ready to go!

Cole is going into Pre K for four year olds.  I don’t have a set curriculum for him.  I am a firm believer in better late than never and subscribe to the delayed school approach for my little ones.  We will be doing a lot of hands on puzzles (I made some great file folder games from Teachers Pay Teachers), learning our ABC’s, practicing counting, and learning how to spell his name.  We also made a trip to the dollar store and got some fun puzzles and ordered some Melissa and Doug toys from Rainbow Resource, my homeschool "candy" store!!

Cole playing with a new file folder game.  He loves matching the tools.

Even Jacob loves matching shapes.  He enjoys having Maggie help him too.

Teachers pay Teachers have some great preschool resources.  The boys really enjoy these file folder games.

To get everyone organized this year I purchased some composition notebooks from the local dollar store.  I made a schedule and laminated it and put in the front of their “agendas”.  Then I have written all their weekly assignments so they can tackle as much school on their own as possible.  I have also posted the schedule on the wall near our table.  I have gotten most of the new school books ready and organized with only a few little things left to do. 

Our schedule that hangs at the table. 

Today marked our first day of summer school and so far, this plan is working well for us.  We will continue to revamp and change things as needed to make our homeschooling adventures a success.  Here’s to Summer School Best Family style, and another year of great adventures!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Ethan is NINE!

Time is flying by faster than I am ready and willing to admit to.  This year we had the privilege of celebrating Ethan turning nine.  Since he is our only “summer” baby, we opted to have a bounce house and water slide for his party.  We rented it from Beefarooz here in Lake Wales.  Not only were their prices incredible, their service prompt, but we were able to rent the whole set up for the entire weekend.  My kiddos had a blast, it was the perfect addition to our birthday party weekend.

We had E-Man’s party a couple of weeks after his actual birthday. We did this hoping we would be able to have him open a box for a gender reveal for the newest Best.  Unfortunately, that didn't happen, our little one wouldn't cooperate during our ultrasound.  In spite of that, we didn't let that stop us from celebrating an amazing kiddo and his ninth birthday.  We had so much fun.  Of course my kiddos were there, but when our friends arrived, the real fun started.  We had 11 kiddos total, bouncing, sliding, splashing, playing, and in general having an incredible time.  Ethan made out like a bandit, making almost $60.00 in birthday cash and getting three new Lego sets.  All in all, it was an amazing birthday weekend.

We rented a bounce house and water slide combo.  It was tons of fun!

Setting up everything for the big birthday celebration.


And visiting with all the guests.

Happy 9th Birthday Ethan!!  We can't wait to celebrate his birthday again next year.  

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Mr. Paul Reed has a special place in the heart of our family.  He was Robert’s favorite AG teacher at Haines City High School.  In 1994, Robert didn’t have a driver’s license, in fact he didn’t have a truck to drive to school, and so being the Florida Cowman that he is; he rode his horse to and from school.  In reality he didn’t really ride to school.  He rode his horse to Mr. Reed’s house, stored him in the pen there, then Robert and his saddle caught a ride to the high school every day with Mr. Reed. 

Mr. Reed was more than a teacher to Robert; he became a lifelong mentor and friend.  We didn’t always stop to visit him at the school, but when we could we would swing in and say hi.  Fast forward nearly 10 years after Robert graduated.  Mr. Reed, being the man that he was, offered to help our son, John Robert, learn everything about raising poultry to prepare him for his trip to youth fair.  Not only did he give his time he also gave Robert his first prize winning hen and rooster.  He ingrained himself as an integral part of our children’s lives that day in the HCHS Ag department, sharing his wisdom and love with our next generation.  Every year at youth fair our kiddos can’t wait to go and see Mr. Reed.  Sadly, this was our last year to visit him there.
Youth Fair 2013, John's winning rooster.

The prize winning hen.

Last night Robert and I had the privilege of attending the 58th annual Haines City High School FFA Awards Banquet.  It was a special night for us because after 34 years of teaching, Mr. Reed has announced he is retiring.  It was an honor to sit across from his family last night.  It was sheer joy talking about our kiddos with him, watching his eyes light up with pride about their latest AG related exploits.  More than that, it was an honor to be with him as he remembered his 34 years of teaching, and told us stories that he remembered about us when we were in school.   

Mr. Reed laughing at something Robert shared with him about our lives.

Robert and Mr. Reed, 21 years after high school.  Still good friends!

It is with joy that we tell Mr. Reed congratulations on his retirement.  More than that, it is with pure love that we look on the impact that he has had on our lives as teenagers and later the lives of our children as they learn and grow to love the AG lifestyle.  I wish we could have our children experience the joys that the Haines City High School AG department was in the mid to late 90’s under the direction of Jack Halibrin and Paul Reed.  More than that, we wish him nothing but success as he embarks on his latest adventure, retirement and being Papa! 

Thank you for all that you have done for us Mr. Reed.  We love you so much more than the education that you gave us.  We love you for being an amazing teacher, mentor, and having you as our friend.