Saturday, June 30, 2012

In Our Family, Communication is Key

On any given day at any given moment we are busy.  Having four children, a husband who works one full time job and picks up part time work as he can, homeschooling, and then being in school myself our lives are forever busy.  The one thing that we need is to be able to communicate effectively to maintain our crazy lives.  Here are three hints that we use to ensure that there is effective and clear communication within our family.

1.       Be willing to actively listen.  There is a big difference between hearing someone and really listening to what is being said.  This holds true for reading any messages as well.  If a person in the family, making eye contact, repeating key phrases, and in general showing respect and a desire to understand is crucial.  If you are reading a note, respond in a kind manner rephrasing key elements so that the writer knows that you understand.  All of this goes into the category of actively listening, the first crucial key to effective communication.

2.      Offer feedback in the right way.  Having young children means that there will be some squabbles.  Truthfully, there will be more squabbles than I care to mention or truly desire, but there will be squabbles nonetheless.  One of the best was to minimize these squabbles is to  try to offer thanks for any job that is done, even if it is not done to my satisfaction.  I am sure that most people know the old adage: “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”  In short using kind words that are sweetened with love will have a better impact than using words that will cut or hurt.  This can be a difficult thing for children to learn, but it is important for them to learn.  This also holds true in the business world or when dealing with those pesky insurance claims adjustors.

3.      Give information in a clear and concise manner.  This is hard for some people to remember.  It is easy to get bogged down in unnecessary details.  When dealing with children, and let’s be honest our spouses, simple and direct are best.  For example, if I want my children to put their clothes away, I hand them their clothes and tell them that their jammies go in their jammies drawer.  While I am having them put their clothes away, they know exactly what is expected of them and where the clothes are to go.  Likewise, if I need something from my amazing husband, simple and direct is best.  After all, I haven’t met a man yet that could read my mind and know exactly what I want without spelling it out……..maybe one day! <SIGH>

There you have it.  Three simple steps to communicating that I think are the keys to everything.  Actively listening, kindness in giving feedback, and keeping it simple are things that I think we should all take to heart.   Now if I could just fin three simple steps for making chores disappear all together than I would be one happy woman!


Vacation Bible School, also known as VBS was this past week.  Guess what…..we survived, er I mean made it through the week with nothing major going wrong.  This year was a little bit different for me, someway good and some not so good.  Let me explain!


I was the Kindergarten teacher again this year.  There is just something about Kindergarten kiddos that make me smile and my heart skip a beat.  Add to the mix the 1st graders that got to tag along to and I was in heaven.  We did the Go Fish Guys VBS again this year.  The kids adore their songs, dances, and I adore the heart of their lessons.  What a great VBS this was, we learned that we can PRAISE God for anything.  It was awesome, and I got to let go and rock it out with my funky hair again!  I loved getting my kiddos to church every morning, although I will admit getting 4 kiddos ranging in ages from 6 months to 11 to church can be a challenge in and of itself, it was well worth it.  I loved watching my two boys rock it out for Family Night and sing and even dance.  I loved hearing how awesome my Maggie was as she helped with different classes or activities since she is now a youth.  I love how the kids woke up this morning and put on their new Go Fish Guys CD to rock out as they cleaned the house.  I mean, come on, who doesn’t want to clean, sing, and dance while listening to Sunday School Swing?
Here I am rocking out on the first day!

All 4 of my kiddos getting ready to go!

Setting up our story time, it was Daniel in the Lions Den.

Mommy with her snow cone hair on the last day.

My three big kids getting ready to rock out agian!
I will admit that the bad really isn’t THAT bad, unless you are a Mama!  This year was so different for me.  I didn’t get to see Maggie on stage.  She didn’t have a class to go to since she was a youth this year.  UGH…..that broke my heart.  It was wonderful seeing her helping in so many areas, in the nursery with the babies, in the kitchen making and setting up snacks, even in my classroom with all my kids.  BUT in spite of that, it was hard on me realizing that she is growing up.  When she wanted to wear make-up (just some eye shadow and lip gloss, nothing too over the top!) for Family Night, I wanted to jump up and down screaming NOOOOOO!  BUT, I got out my bag of tricks and did what she asked.  She looked beautiful and too grown up!  That was the BAD part of VBS, realizing just how fast my own children were growing up.  John Robert only has 3 more years and then he will be helping with the youth too. 
Maggie's snack handiwork!

She even helped bake cupcakes!

Here she is for family night.....crazy girl!

Overall, VBS is something that I adore.  I wish that more people shared my passion and wanted to help with the kiddos more!  I honestly can’t wait until next year!!!!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012


Robert and I have the worst track records with date nights!  Literally for the last year every time we have tried to escape something went wrong, usually it was children who wound up with stomach bugs!  Tonight that chain of misfortune was broken……sort of!

It all started off when Robert won a Chili’s gift card from church on Father’s Day.  I was excited…..what a great gift.  My thinking was that since I was the reason he was a father, there was no one better to spend the card on, but I didn’t tell him that.  Little did I know that he had already talked to a wonderful young lady and made arrangements for her to come and babysit the three big kiddos tonight.  It was a lovely surprise, until I almost ruined it!

The day started off normally.  We did 100 or so loads of laundry.  I fed the children their required meals and snacks.  I cleaned the house, (sort of cleaned it we still need to mop), and in general had a fun Florida Friday.  Kiddos had been dropping hints to me all week that something was up, I bet you Robert never lets them in on any surprises ever again!  LOL!  Robert called me and told me to be ready by 4:00ish!  I was super excited…….and then I did it!

Oh, please know that it wasn’t my fault.  I know it was an accident, but I still cried, HARD.  I just knew that our date night would have to be canceled.  What did I do?  Trying to drive the van under the barn to get out of the torrential downpour, I hit a tool lying on the ground and slashed the side wall of the rear tire.  I mean slashed.  We heard the air rush out.  I was heartbroken.  I came home and sobbed. 

Luckily for me, my cowboy took the old tire off, ran to the Tire Barn, bought a used tire, came home changed said tire, and jumped in the shower.  Our date went on as scheduled.  We ate too much.  We laughed like crazy when we shared the dessert.  We held hands.  We ran in the rain. 

YAY for date nights!  YAY that our track record of no dates for a year and half were finally broken!  Most of all, YAY that I have my husband.  He is my hero, my knight in shining armor, my rock, my joy, my life.  I love him more daily, even more so because he worked so hard to make sure I finally got my date night!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Children; my life is surrounded by children.  Not a moment goes by that I am not helping a child in some form or fashion.  From falling asleep nursing a little one to waking up to the smiles from the same little one, my days are spent in service of my children.  Not that I am complaining, mind you, I would not give my children up for all the money in the world. 

This leads me to think about an article that I recently saw on AOL.  For the first time in American history, couples with children are a minority.  This saddens me for many reasons.  My children are my greatest joy.  I am honored more than words can express at the joy and unique privilege of being a Mama.  Truthfully, I would not mind having more children!  I know that there are people that think that we are crazy, after all we have four already.  I know that people wonder how we can afford the ones that we have.  I know that there are people that think that we are homeschooling hippies that are trying to form our own baseball team.  Truthfully, we are just trying to do what we feel honors Christ.

The Bible teaches that children are unique gifts from God.  We firmly believe that.  The Bible teaches that God opens and closes the womb, that God knows us before we are born, and that each child is a unique creation made with a special purpose and plan.  Who am I to deny these gifts and blessing in my life?  Who am I to tell God that He can’t give me these children, these gifts?  Who am I to tell the Creator of the universe that what He has for me is not acceptable or right? 

I am a Mom.  I love having four children.  I do not see them as numbers but as people.  These children are not #1, #2, #3, and #4 but they are Maggie, John Robert, Ethan, and Cole.  Children; my life is surrounded by children.  I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


On December 7, 2011 something amazing happened, we welcomed our fourth blessing and our third boy! 

Big Little Man is Here!

Maggie meeting Cole.

John Robert meeting Cole.

Ethan meeting Cole with Daddy's help.
On June 7, 2012 something amazing happened, Cole turned 6 months old! 

He is still our Big Little Man!

Maggie and Cole, six months later!

John Robert and Cole!

Ethan doesn't need Daddy's help anymore!
Cole is almost as big as Ethan is!

Where has time gone?!?

Monday, June 18, 2012


Daddy, there is something magical about that one simple word.  I read somewhere once that anyone can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy.  I really believe that there is a lot of truth in that statement.   I have witnessed it daily for the last 11 years with my own husband.  He is truly a remarkable Daddy.
What I love about my husband as a Daddy is that he is willing to admit that he doesn’t have this parenting thing down.  Every day with every child we are learning how to do things differently.  Robert is a remarkable Daddy because his vocabulary contains five magical words.  “I LOVE YOU” and “I’M SORRY!”  For children learning and teaching their parents as they embark on this life together, those words are the most important they will ever hear.
While he is not perfect, I cannot think of another man in the world that would be a better Daddy to my children.  Robert Best is truly the BEST Daddy in our town!!!  I hope that he enjoyed his Father’s Day as much as we enjoyed celebrating him!
Gifts complete with books about why we love Daddy!

PRESENTS!  According to one little man, they are
the most important things in the world!


Oh what a glorious day Box Day is!  The aftermath though is not always fun!  There are boxes, books, packing papers, piles, packing peanuts, and well in general chaos everywhere!  I am not a fan of chaos.  My house has a regular day to day lived in feel, but chaos is not something that I can stand.  Laundry on the couch, a few dishes here and there are okay but chaos?  UGH!  What to do with all of these glorious books became my question since they are technically not needed until September when we start school.  BUT, I just had to open boxes and make sure all items were present and accounted for.  Umm-Hmmm….that’s it exactly.  I HAD to open the boxes to make sure they were ok, not because I wanted to see the new books!  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!

The mid box day chaotic mess!

So here I was, in a living room covered with books divided into three not so neat piles, boxes empty behind the couch, and my husband and kids grumbling as they had to gingerly step around the piles.  What to do?  Then it hit me……what would Pinterest do?  Oh Pinterest, how I love you and yet you tempt me so.  The answer….get organized!  So Robert and I left the 3 big kiddos with Granny and Granddaddy and headed to town to get storage bins.  After much thought I bought enough clear bins to see all my glorious books but keep everything organized and ready to go.  The bins fit perfectly next to my desk and I can organize and plan next school year with ease!

I labeled everything with black marker but did not label directly on the storage container unless I knew that it would be the same container for that product year after year.  You know, art supplies will always be in that ONE container but cores might change with different children needing to be at different levels so they were written on paper only.  The end result was books we could all still see, a clear and clean living room floor, and I felt like I had been Pinteresty all in one day!
Genius, sheer genius if I do say so myself!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

BOX DAY!!!!!

Books, Books, Books!  They are everywhere today!  Oh, how I love books!  It was our Box Day for our second year adventure in homeschooling.  Don’t know what Box Day is?  It’s that magical day where all your new books arrive.  In a way, it’s better than Christmas or even my birthday!  After all, books are the gifts that keep giving.
This is really an organized mess!  I promise!

For our history and reading books I use a program called Sonlight.  I adore their products.  I LOVE their book suggestions.  I love books, (have I mentioned that already), and Sonlight feeds my love for great quality books for my children.  Not many textbooks here, just awesome books that seem ALIVE in their stories and adventures.  This year Fed Ex dropped off over 90 pounds in Sonlight books.  SIGH!  Pure Bliss.  For math we use Math-U-See since it offers a video teaching program that makes life easier for Mama!  Science we are using Jeanie Fulbright’s Apologia Exploring Creation with Anatomy series.  I have added a few other books into the mix as well.  I’ll break it down for each little one so you can see the joy we have in our books!
LOVE thes blue binders!

Ethan’s Supplies for Kindergarten
HISTORY: Sonlight Core P4/5
LANGUGAE ARTS: Queen’s and Sonlight LA mixed together.
HANDWRITING: Handwriting Without Tears Kindergarten mastery books.
MOTOR SKILLS: Kumon cutting and pasting books.
MATH: Math-U-See Primer math concept introduction.
SCIENCE: Apologia Junior Notebook for Science
Very excited little man!

John Robert’s Supplies for 3rd Grade
HISTORY: Sonlight Core C, world history.
LANGUGAE ARTS: Queen’s and Sonlight LA mixed together.                
COPYWORK: Queen’s Copy work for boys
SPELLING: Queen’s Spelling Instructions
PHONICS: MCP Plaid Phonics
HANDWRITING: Queen’s Introduction to Cursive
ART: Artistic Purists
MATH: Math-U-See Gamma.
SCIENCE: Apologia Notebook with labs.

John Robert was the official box opener for me!

Maggie’s Supplies for 7th Grade
 HISTORY: Sonlight Core F, a study of the Eastern Hemisphere.
LANGUGAE ARTS: Queen’s and Sonlight LA mixed together.                
COPYWORK: Queen’s Copy work for Girls
FOREIGN LANGUAGE: American Sign Langugae
MATH: Math-U-See Zeta.
SCIENCE: Apologia Notebook with labs.

The thing about new books is that they are begging you to read them NOW!

The reason for all this joy over BOX DAY…the excitement of everyone in the family (including Daddy) over opening new boxes of school books!  The joy that everyone in the family has over looking at new school books!  This is reason number 1,000,001 why I LOVE homeschooling.  Learning has become fun and boxes of books are wondrous things to behold! 
See, I told you that even Daddy was excited!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Practically Speaking: Meal Planning

So often I use this blog to talk about things that I am thinking of.  Today, I am not in a philosophical sort of mood.  I could lament on many, many things.  Why my children insist on growing up.  Why the baby and Daddy insist on Saturday afternoon naps together.  You get my drift.  However, today I will refrain.  Let’s get practical.

Since I have begun the joys of homeschooling, I felt like my house was too chaotic.  After all, these precious people that I have to care for I am now schooling.  I am not, contrary to popular belief <AHEM>, Superwoman.  I cannot do everything on my own or even get it all done in on any given day.  I am still finishing up the laundry that I sorted yesterday.  However, I do think that I have found a tool that is so simple I wonder why I didn’t start it sooner.  You ready for this:  MENU PLANNING.

Yep, planning the meals for the nightly feast has been a HUGE timesaver.  It is so much easier to go look at my menu and KNOW what we are having for supper.  I have been doing it for about three months now and I LOVE it!  (Please let me clarify here that I LOVE the menu planning, not the cooking and eventual kitchen clean up. Thank you!)  For me, it was easy to begin.  I sat all the big people in the family down and asked them to tell me their favorite meals that I cook.  Maggie gave me a list.  John Robert gave me a list.  Ethan told me what he liked.  Robert said whatever the kids picked out was fine with him.  

These list ideas were my spring boards.  Since we get paid twice a month, I make a menu for each pay period and shop accordingly.  I do not plan breakfasts or lunches in there since I refuse to have to cook more than once a day.  Truthfully, my 3 big kiddos can all work the toaster or microwave with minimal help.  Toss in pouring up milk for a drink or a bowl of cereal and we’ve got those two meals covered too! 

So, today I am planning my menu for the next two weeks.  I need to head to the grocery store since payday was the 31st, but I am covered meal wise until Monday so I will head to town then.  I do not use an excel spreadsheet or anything fancy, just plain old notebook paper that gets stuck to the fridge.  Curious about our menu?  Here we go……..

WEEK ONE                                                          WEEK TWO

Sunday: EAT OUT                                                Sunday: Meatball Subs

Monday: Spaghetti w/ fixings                               Monday: Sour Cream Pancakes

Tuesday: Salsa Chicken & Rice                             Tuesday: Taco Tuesday!

Wednesday: Hot Subs w/ Fries                              Wednesday: Meatloaf / Veggies / Rice

Thursday: Cube Steaks / Veggie                            Thursday: Mushroom Chicken & Rice

Friday: Eggs & Bacon                                             Friday: Pizza Night

Saturday: Bar-B-Que Chicken / Salad                    Saturday: Company’s Coming Bar-B-Que

So, there you have it, two weeks of knowing exactly what I have to fix and when.  If you notice I have also included some easy meals and at least one day of not cooking.  Practically speaking, this meal planning has been the greatest thing here since, well sliced bread!