Friday, June 22, 2012


Robert and I have the worst track records with date nights!  Literally for the last year every time we have tried to escape something went wrong, usually it was children who wound up with stomach bugs!  Tonight that chain of misfortune was broken……sort of!

It all started off when Robert won a Chili’s gift card from church on Father’s Day.  I was excited…..what a great gift.  My thinking was that since I was the reason he was a father, there was no one better to spend the card on, but I didn’t tell him that.  Little did I know that he had already talked to a wonderful young lady and made arrangements for her to come and babysit the three big kiddos tonight.  It was a lovely surprise, until I almost ruined it!

The day started off normally.  We did 100 or so loads of laundry.  I fed the children their required meals and snacks.  I cleaned the house, (sort of cleaned it we still need to mop), and in general had a fun Florida Friday.  Kiddos had been dropping hints to me all week that something was up, I bet you Robert never lets them in on any surprises ever again!  LOL!  Robert called me and told me to be ready by 4:00ish!  I was super excited…….and then I did it!

Oh, please know that it wasn’t my fault.  I know it was an accident, but I still cried, HARD.  I just knew that our date night would have to be canceled.  What did I do?  Trying to drive the van under the barn to get out of the torrential downpour, I hit a tool lying on the ground and slashed the side wall of the rear tire.  I mean slashed.  We heard the air rush out.  I was heartbroken.  I came home and sobbed. 

Luckily for me, my cowboy took the old tire off, ran to the Tire Barn, bought a used tire, came home changed said tire, and jumped in the shower.  Our date went on as scheduled.  We ate too much.  We laughed like crazy when we shared the dessert.  We held hands.  We ran in the rain. 

YAY for date nights!  YAY that our track record of no dates for a year and half were finally broken!  Most of all, YAY that I have my husband.  He is my hero, my knight in shining armor, my rock, my joy, my life.  I love him more daily, even more so because he worked so hard to make sure I finally got my date night!

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