Saturday, June 2, 2012

Practically Speaking: Meal Planning

So often I use this blog to talk about things that I am thinking of.  Today, I am not in a philosophical sort of mood.  I could lament on many, many things.  Why my children insist on growing up.  Why the baby and Daddy insist on Saturday afternoon naps together.  You get my drift.  However, today I will refrain.  Let’s get practical.

Since I have begun the joys of homeschooling, I felt like my house was too chaotic.  After all, these precious people that I have to care for I am now schooling.  I am not, contrary to popular belief <AHEM>, Superwoman.  I cannot do everything on my own or even get it all done in on any given day.  I am still finishing up the laundry that I sorted yesterday.  However, I do think that I have found a tool that is so simple I wonder why I didn’t start it sooner.  You ready for this:  MENU PLANNING.

Yep, planning the meals for the nightly feast has been a HUGE timesaver.  It is so much easier to go look at my menu and KNOW what we are having for supper.  I have been doing it for about three months now and I LOVE it!  (Please let me clarify here that I LOVE the menu planning, not the cooking and eventual kitchen clean up. Thank you!)  For me, it was easy to begin.  I sat all the big people in the family down and asked them to tell me their favorite meals that I cook.  Maggie gave me a list.  John Robert gave me a list.  Ethan told me what he liked.  Robert said whatever the kids picked out was fine with him.  

These list ideas were my spring boards.  Since we get paid twice a month, I make a menu for each pay period and shop accordingly.  I do not plan breakfasts or lunches in there since I refuse to have to cook more than once a day.  Truthfully, my 3 big kiddos can all work the toaster or microwave with minimal help.  Toss in pouring up milk for a drink or a bowl of cereal and we’ve got those two meals covered too! 

So, today I am planning my menu for the next two weeks.  I need to head to the grocery store since payday was the 31st, but I am covered meal wise until Monday so I will head to town then.  I do not use an excel spreadsheet or anything fancy, just plain old notebook paper that gets stuck to the fridge.  Curious about our menu?  Here we go……..

WEEK ONE                                                          WEEK TWO

Sunday: EAT OUT                                                Sunday: Meatball Subs

Monday: Spaghetti w/ fixings                               Monday: Sour Cream Pancakes

Tuesday: Salsa Chicken & Rice                             Tuesday: Taco Tuesday!

Wednesday: Hot Subs w/ Fries                              Wednesday: Meatloaf / Veggies / Rice

Thursday: Cube Steaks / Veggie                            Thursday: Mushroom Chicken & Rice

Friday: Eggs & Bacon                                             Friday: Pizza Night

Saturday: Bar-B-Que Chicken / Salad                    Saturday: Company’s Coming Bar-B-Que

So, there you have it, two weeks of knowing exactly what I have to fix and when.  If you notice I have also included some easy meals and at least one day of not cooking.  Practically speaking, this meal planning has been the greatest thing here since, well sliced bread!

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