Monday, March 30, 2015


I haven't really chatted about our path to a more natural and healthy life style.  I am still using my Norwex to clean, I am now using essential oils more than over the counter medicine, and we are using our organic and natural body care products.  I am slowly switching our food to as much organic as possible as well.  We are now purchasing the Simply Organic spices (most of the time from Vita-Cost), and we love their robust flavor.  I am buying Annie's  snacks and salad dressings more and more.  Slowly but surely I have been changing to organic or natural.  The one thing that I was dreading changing was our sugar, because of cost and how much we use weekly.  

Truth is, I know that we are consuming way too much sugar.  We are a family of sweet tea and kool-aid drinkers.  I knew that this would have to give.  We need to be healthier.  Well about three or four weeks ago, I took the plunge.  All the kool-aid was thrown out and no more white sugar is allowed in our house.  I am now making "organic" or natural kool-aid and using organic sugar.

While we are now still consuming sugar, it is less processed and organic.  I have been purchasing the Florida's Crystal Organic Cane Sugar in the three pound container.  

The  smell and taste is slightly different.  The organic sugar has more of a natural cane or molasses smell.  The taste isn't that noticeably different from the over processed sugar.  I have actually found that I can use less of the organic sugar and still have the flavor that we like.  

While our food tastes the same, a big change has been noticed.  Robert had recently been really complaining about his joints aching more and more.  This was especially true after he built whips for a long period of time.  Of course we chalked it up to arthritis, after all we aren't as young as we used to be.  But, I don't think that was all that it was.  As I was stirring the kool-aid and tea last night, Robert commented that since we switched to the organic sugar his joints in his hands haven't been aching.  I was blown away.  I knew that sugar was "bad" for us, but never put the use of the over processed white sugar with his joint pain.  

We aren't using all organic products.  We are making slow changes, but we are changing and purposing to create a more natural, organic, and overall healthier life.  We are learning as we go, and so far we have been pleased with the results.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


We are slowly but surely remodeling our home.  We got off to a GREAT start in 2011 when we redid the master bathroom and added a front porch, which I didn't think to blog about!  Then in 2012  we redid the great room floors, which I did share about in the blog.  Then life happened at the end of 2012 and our home improvements stalled out.  

Truthfully life stalled out for me in a lot of ways after I lost Samuel.  It has been hard for me to find the spark and joy of life.  More often than not, I was just purposing to make it through the day  With the passing of 2013 and the surprise gift of Jacob in 2014 joy has slowly started to return.  With this returning joy and thanks to the inspiration that is Pinterest, I am slowly getting into the remodeling bug for my whole life including our house.  

I am slowly gathering ideas and deciding what is my style.  I am not looking at what I think Robert or the kiddos will like, but I am starting to choose what I like!  Sure, there are some compromises that have to take place, but hey, that's with anything in life and marriage.   I am looking at Pinterest and browsing the internet with some great results.  I am finding my voice and growing more and more comfortable with what I like.  I am enjoying this journey.

I think that our first big new project will be updating and remodeling the master suite.  We will start with our master bath, nothing major just paint and adding some linen storage.  Seriously, this house has no storage, NONE!  Then we will tackle the master bedroom and the closet.  We have new floors to put down, they will match the great room's wood look.  I want to paint, redo the furniture, get a new rug, and dejunk and organize the closet.  The big thing to happen will be moving Jacob out of our room and into the boys room.  This will free up some floor space for me to finally have something I have always wanted, a place for me to scrapbook.  

After we are done with the bedroom, we will head into the great room.  This year I updated all our family photo display, I will have to share pictures of that soon, and I updated our entry way.  My goal is to find a paint color that Robert and I agree on and look at updating my homeschool desk and the room in general.  Nothing much really needs to be done in here with the exception of painting and light cosmetic touches.  

Then we will move into the kitchen and laundry room. Then we will tackle the spare bathroom.  Then we will tackle the carpet in the kids rooms.  I imagine that these will be updated  over the next few years.  Since we are tackling things on the weekends and they have changed the call out schedule for Robert our time is limited, we have to plan and organize things.  This doesn't bother me in the least.  We have a plan and are slowly moving forward.  I am thrilled that we are moving in the right direction.

I can't wait to see where this journey takes us.  More than changing our home, I feel like we are really building our lives.  We are moving forward in the house that we rebuilt into our home!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

SONLIGHT BLOG PARTY: Homeschooling Advice 101

This month we continue with the fun of the Sonlight Blog party.  Every month on the 25th we celebrate Sonlight's 25th anniversary  on their blog with snippets of fun advice, ideas to encourage, and ideas to inspire.  This month we are focusing on advice with regards to homeschooling, specifically advice that will benefit new homeschoolers.

I must admit that this was something that really made me stop and think.  While there were some who encouraged me in the beginning of our homeschooling journey almost four years ago, I really wasn't given much advice.  I was encouraged to put the kiddos back in school.  I was encouraged that I was indeed doing the right thing.  I was encouraged to consider the drain that I was being on our family by not returning to work, not teaching, and not being a productive member of society.  I was encouraged to consider the impact of the limitation my teaching style would be on our children.  I was encouraged to consider a lot, but not really given any advice, and then the conversation happened.

I was chatting with a sweet older woman of our church who had homeschooled her seven kiddos.  We weren't discussing homeschooling per say, but her advice was aptly applied.  I was taken in when she said:

"There is a certain maturity in knowing when to say NO.  Whether it is in life or school, knowing when to say NO and that it is okay to say NO is the mark of a wise woman."

This advice is something that I have tried to live by. It is a wise woman, wife, mom, and homeschooling mom who knows that it is okay to say NO.  More than okay, there are seasons in life when it is necessary.

 It is okay to say NO to art lessons and Latin in Kindergarten.  It is okay to say NO to reading inside and to head outside to play.  It is okay to say NO to school and take a mental day if you need it.   It is okay to say NO, you do have to finish your math today.  It is okay to say NO that you do have to work on science today.  

It is okay to say NO, you refuse to listen to the negativity around you.  It is okay to say NO when someone insists that you are harming your child by not socializing them all the time in a classroom.   It is okay to say NO to changing, to not fit into a mold, to allow your children to be who they were created to be, and to be who you were created to be!  It is okay to say NO when doubts assail your mind!    It is not a weak woman who says NO, it is a strong and wise woman who knows when to say NO.

Knowing that it is okay to say NO, it is also important to remember to say YES.  Don't forget to say YES to snuggles, hugs, and time together.  Say YES to the fact that you are doing what is best for you in this moment and current season of your life.  Say YES to letting your children be who they are.  Don't forget to say YES to who you are!  

So here is the best advice that I can give to any homeschooler, veteran or novice.  Saying NO is not a sign of weakness it is a sign of maturity.  Saying NO doesn't make you a bad wife, mom, or woman.  Saying NO can be good for your soul.  There is power in the word NO.  You as a woman, wife, mother, and as a homeschooler have the ability to harness the power of NO!  Use that power wisely!


Saturday, March 21, 2015

THE PHONE RANG..........

Robert and I were set to go out on our date this Saturday morning since my Thursday and Friday evenings were booked.  I knew he was on call, but our goal was to go shopping and start pricing freezers since ours died.  We were dressing kiddos, organizing lunches, and collaborating stops and stores to hit on our trip when it happened.  The phone rang....

I knew Robert was on call.  I knew that there was a possibility that his phone would ring.  As I was dressing Jacob, it did ring.  Of course it was time for Robert to head out.  Our date for the day was canceled.  So, I changed plans up and took the little boys freezer shopping and dropped the bigger kiddos off to a job that they had to do.   

We didn't buy a new freezer.  We priced one store, browsed the kitchen displays (since that's the next project on my list!  HA!!), and then went grocery shopping.  We had a low key afternoon at home and waited on Robert to come in from work.  Luckily the call out wasn't as bad as it could have been so Robert made it home in time to nap with Jacob while I snuggled Cole.  

Our date for this week didn't happen.  I'm not complaining, I totally understand that there are times when life happens.  As I was sitting down to chat with Robert about what I found and thought of for the kitchen and our freezer situation, life happened again! The phone rang!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I am  a busy mother raising four boys and one girl. I love having a girl, I wish I had more.  Alas, I don't.  What I do have is four boys ranging in age from 11 to the wonderful age of 1.  With these boys I have conversations that I never imagined having.   I talk about things like lizards and frogs.  I talk about farts, burps, and other bodily functions more than I care to.   I say things that I never imagined saying.   Things like "Don't pee on your brother, I just bathed him" and "Spur your brother outside please, I don't want blood on the floor."  Most of all, I deal with dirt.  Lots and lots of dirt.

I always imagined motherhood as a perfectly neat and tidy experience.    I was going to raise six perfectly beautiful and healthy children.  I was going to have three girls who were always going to be in princess dresses and hair bows.  I was going to have adorable little boys in cute sailor suits and adorable shoes.  Life would look like the photos that I see on Pinterest or in a Martha Stewart magazine.  

Then I married my husband.  He's an amazing man, but a cowboy.  I can remember his jeans being green with cow mess from working.  I can remember hosing them off in the yard of our first little house before I was even willing to throw them into the washing machine.  Early on in our marriage I was officially introduced to dirt,and it's a good thing he broke me in when he did.

After three years of marriage we had our first blessing, a girl.  As soon as I found out it was a girl, I started buying dresses.  I didn't mind that she wanted to dress like Cinderella to go to town.  I loved it. I loved Easter and Christmas dress shopping.  I loved tea parties and nail polish fests.  I loved having a little girl.  Then, at about five my beautiful little princess discovered T-shirts and jeans or shorts with cowgirl boots and rolling in black dirt.  She hasn't looked back.

I didn't worry too much, I knew we would have more kiddos and I was right.  With our second baby we had a boy.  And then we had another boy.  And then another boy.  Then another boy who wasn't able to stay here on earth with us and I just knew our next blessing (if we had one) would be a girl.  We found out we were expecting  and then, you guessed it; along came another boy.  Gone were my ideas of ribbons and bows.  Gone were my ideas of more tea parties and nail polish fests.   With the addition of each boy who wanted to be just like their daddy I even had to give up my dream of sailor suits and cute shoes.  All of these illusions of motherhood were replaced with boots, jeans, and dirt.  And I do mean lots and lots of dirt.

There is dirt in my tub and shower.  There is dirt in my kitchen sink.  There is dirt on my rugs and under my table.  There is dirt at the front and back doors.  There is dirt in my laundry.  There is dirt, tons of dirt in my yard.  More than that, there is a lot of dirt on my boys.  Age is irrelevant when it comes to this love of dirt, even the one year old gets in on the act of loving dirt.

The good news is, I really don't mind the dirt.  I have a broom, an amazing vacuum, and a mop.  I have cleaning rags and an incredible washing machine.   I have a bathtub to scrub those dirty little boys clean.  If none of those things work, I have a garden hose that I'm not afraid to turn on.  

More than that, I have the good sense to realize that this stage of life won't last forever.  One day I will miss the dirty floors, the dirty laundry, and most of all the dirty faces.  I will look back and think that this phase of my life went by just as quickly as our nightly bath time did.  I will blink and have no more kiddos at home.  All will be clean, just like the little man as he snuggles with his daddy at night.

So forgive me if you come to see us and you find dirt everywhere.  Forgive me if I grow misty eyed as I sweep all that dirt up.  I know that it won't last forever.  More than that I know a little dirt is good for this Mama's soul, it reminds me how temporary this time in my life really is.  Most of all, it reminds me of just how blessed I am with four boys and one girl, their dirt and all.

Monday, March 16, 2015

20 YEARS ~ My High School Reunion is Coming Up!

It's been almost 20 years since I graduated high school.  Robert was class of 1995 and I was class of 1996, so technically he's already been out of school for 20 years.  Recently on Facebook I was added to the group that is planning our high school reunion.  In 2016 I will have been out of high school for 20 years. I must admit that I have mixed feeling about this, very mixed. 

I enjoyed high school, but I don't feel like I ever really "fit" in.  I didn't grow up with the kids, we moved down when I was in 8th grade.  I hear people say that high school was their favorite time of their lives.  For me, that is simply not the case.  I wasn't happy with who I was in high school.  I never felt like I really fit in.  I wasn't sure of who I was, let alone who I was supposed to be.  I wasn't sure who I was supposed to be in Christ.  

After high school all of that changed. I am finally comfortable in my own skin.  I like who I am now.  I know who I am.  I have confidence in my intelligence and my ability to not only be a mother but also the mother who teaches her kiddos.   Then I start thinking about high school and old insecurities come back.  Here I am, a grown woman with five children, happily married for almost 18 years; and the thought of high school intimidates me.  Funny huh?

I want to go to the reunion.  It was actually the topic of discussion with my Robert on our last date night.  There are some people that I would like to see.   Then I think about high school.  Then I start to feel insecure again and wonder if I should go?  I start to panic thinking that I need to loose at least 40 pounds.  Then I start to think about how I now have lines around my eyes and around my mouth.  Then I start wonder if I even showed up if anyone would want to talk to me or if they would only want to talk to Robert.  Then I start to think that if I don't show up I doubt if anyone would miss me.   Then I look in the mirror and see who I am now and wonder why I feel insecure in the first place.

I know that we have time to plan if we will go to the reunion.  But for now I will wonder how in the world I can honestly say I remember 20 years ago when I was in high school.  I will wonder how on earth I can have a daughter that will be a sophomore in high school very soon.  I will ponder how Robert and I will be celebrating 21 years together with 18 of them being married.  And I will seriously consider going to my high school reunion; 40 pounds over weight, wrinkles around my mouth and eyes, and secure in who I am as a proud wife and mother. 

Friday, March 13, 2015


Robert and I are working on a new tradition.  Thursday nights are date nights.  This tradition started last Thursday and we managed to make it happen again last night.  This little tradition all started thanks to a sweet friend of mine, sort of.

You see, this very sweet friend gave me a book by Angela Thomas, 52 Things Kids Need From a Mom.  One of the first chapters was on the importance of date nights.  If a Mom is single or married, Angela encourages that weekly she take the time to charge and refresh.  This spoke directly to my soul.  So often the only adult conversation that I get is the passing "Hey, How Are You" kind during the busy work week with Robert and the hour long interaction in my amazing Sunday School class.  I've been craving more than this.  I've been craving time with Robert where we can chat about anything and everything!  Thankfully when I mentioned this to him, he had listened to a broadcast by James Dobson and Focus on the Family that was similar to what I was saying and he agreed.  

We talked about what night would be best for us and agreed that Thursday would work the best.  We chose this night since Maggie is starting to have invitations to head out on Friday's and Saturday's some weeks.  We want her to have a social life too, but part of her phone payment for the month is babysitting for us.  That's how our Thursday night date night began.  It was a compromise and a win for everyone involved.

Last week our date was a shopping trip to Home Depot and some blizzards from Dairy Queen.   Last night Robert offered to plan our date and it was a trip to Chili's complete with desserts for us both and a stop at Publix for milk and cereal for the kiddos.  Next week Robert is on call so our date night might just be a trip to McDonald's for ice cream. I am already running out of ideas, but that's what Pinterest is for!  HA! Whatever our date is, I am beyond thrilled that he heard me when I told him that I needed this and agreed that as a couple we need to start connecting more.

While we realize that we still have young children at home, we also realize that we have children who will be leaving our home soon.  I don't want to be a couple who splits later in life because the whole focus the marriage has been children.  I also don't want to make my children the whole focus of my life.  Date night has been the answer that I was looking for and to a question I didn't even realize I had: how can I connect with Robert, and the answer is working. 

 Once a week for two hours a night it's about us.  We talk about anything and everything, from bills to dreams.  We focus on each other and what we would LIKE to see happen in our lives.  We reconnect and purpose to love each other more.  After two weeks, I already crave this time with Robert.  The kiddos need to see that we are more than parents, that we are friends, lovers, life partners that genuinely want to be together.  This new tradition is doing that and so much more.

I am loving our new date night tradition.  I am loving that Robert and I are talking about things we never thought of before.  I am loving that we are showing our kids that we do choose to stay together, that we really do like each other.  I am also amazed at how much it is improving my attitude and heart during the week as I look forward to Thursday nights.  

Do you have a date night?  If so, what are some of the things that you love to do?  I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


It's that time of year.  Time for me to start planning the kiddos birthday for the next year.  I am not 100% sure what we will be doing for each kiddo.  So far we have a few ideas that need to be pinned down.

Ethan wants a splish-splash outdoor water party bash.  Not necessarily a pool party but definitely one that involves lots of wet, water fun!  With his birthday being in May, I think that we will have a lot of fun making this party a huge success!

Maggie wants to go see Tim Hawkins.

John Robert isn't sure yet what he wants.

Cole is talking about having a Minion birthday party.  He loves watching the Minions sing "Banana-bananana", so I think that this will be the perfect party for him!  It's also a theme that will be easy and a lot of fun to create.

I am thinking that for Jacob's birthday we will go with a Little Man, Farm, or maybe the Monster theme this year.  No matter what, it will be fun.  Whatever I decide to use for his theme, this year I purpose to have his party theme cemented and everything made by the time I make Cole's this year so I'm not scrambling after Christmas like I did last year!  Lesson learned there for sure!

There you have it.  We are in party planning mode.  I love having birthday parties for my kiddos, celebrating their life and the blessings that they are for me!  This is one thing that I can do for them, remind them that they are super special in my own unique way, by giving them a birthday party!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I AM 37

My birthday was Sunday.  I didn't really want  anything major this year but to get away from life for a little while.  Robert gave me that gift the week before my birthday when we ran away from life and played in High Springs and Gainesville for a few days.  We had a great time, and I needed that time away.   I was also given an amazing birthday brunch on the Saturday before m birthday.   So when my actual birthday rolled around, all I asked for was some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Twizzlers, and a nap.  

Well, I did get my Reese's Cups, but not my Twizzlers.  My parents came by with a birthday cake insisting that I had to see them on my birthday.  Of course they couldn't wait until late in the evening so I didn't get my nap either.   I wasn't able to blow the candles out on my cake, Cole did that for me.  BUT, I did have the perfect day for me.

My pretty cake.  Publix cake, of course.

My helper inching closer and closer.  Boy, I look exhausted!

And he beat me to the candles!

I got hugs and snuggles from my kiddos.  Having Cole try to sing "Happy Birfday" was one of the cutest things ever.  I got breakfast made for me, cinnamon rolls and bacon.  I got to go to church and enjoy the teaching that I needed to hear.  I was taken out to lunch and was given the best compliment about my family by a stranger in the restaurant.  I was given the chance to go and do some shopping for the kiddos all by myself.   I was also given a new phone since I had dropped my old one in water and then cracked the screen.  Not an overly eventful day.  Nothing that stood out as being extraordinarily special about being 37.   

And to me, that is what made the day so special.  Maybe it's my age.  Maybe it's the fact that I am maturing and gaining experiential wisdom in my life.  Maybe it's that I am starting to learn what contentment is.  Whatever it is, I can honestly say that I had the perfect birthday for me.  It was simple and filled with what I love the most, my husband, children, and Christ.  It was the perfect way to celebrate turning 37!

Saturday, March 7, 2015


My birthday is tomorrow.  I am another year older and now that much closer to reaching 40.  I haven't had a birthday party in seven years, since I turned 30. (And yes, I realize that I just gave you my age).  This year Maggie wanted to remedy that.  She offered to throw me a brunch.  I offered to make it her Home Economics midterm.  The day was a smashing success and I am truly abundantly blessed.

Our morning started off with the table and serving areas beautifully decorated with festive spring colors, lovely thank you gifts for attending the party, and the table set with my "good" china.  It was truly breathtaking and Maggie did a superb job ensuring that everything was set beautifully.

The completed table.

I love how the attention to details is everywhere.  Everything was coordinated with chevron paper. 

I also LOVE this glass she found at the Dollar Tree.

The centerpiece was beautiful.  I loved the candles, flowers, and my doves.

The cake area is beautiful and waiting for the cake!

The meal was simply delicious.  Maggie truly outdid herself with her menu and meal choice.  I wish we would have thought to take photos of her creations and the party favors that she made, but we forgot.  Our menu was:

Banana Muffins
Blueberry Muffins
Mixed Berries with Granola or Fluff

Main Course
Bacon and Spinach Quiche
Egg and Ham Crescent Bake
Mixed Green Salad

Angel Food Cake with Whip Cream Topping and Strawberries

Orange Juice
Sweet Tea

The "starter" breads.  Oh how yummy the croissants were.

The drink station

My brunch was all the gift that I wanted, but having the generous and beautiful friends that I do, they surprised me with some lovely gifts.  One sweet friend got me a lovely tea cup with new devotional books and my favorite candy and breakfast teas.  Two sweet friends went in together to get me some flowers and chocolates.  All of the gifts were unexpected but truly appreciated!

My beautiful flowers.

I LOVE this candy and the tea inside!
Confession: Cole opened a tea bag thinking it was candy I was trying to hide from him!!!  HA!

More than the gifts and the wonderful food, I LOVED this day for a simple, selfish reason.  This day was about being "girly".  We used the good china.  We ate food that we normally don't enjoy because it's not meat and potatoes.  For a few hours today I got to have something "pretty" and "frivolous" because I love that.  For a few hours it wasn't about cowboys, trucks, monsters, Avengers, and hunting.  For a few hours it was about good food, pretty place settings, and good friends.  Today was the perfect day for this Birthday Girl!  

Sunday, March 1, 2015

UGH~ It's Sinus Infection Time!

If you walk outside our home you will smell the incredible smell of orange blossoms blooming.  Look around and you will see the yellow pollen falling off the oak tree in our yard.  The sight and smell are breathtaking, literally.  Thanks to these wonderful trees and the onset of spring; the puny's have hit our house.  No one is really down hard, except for poor Robert.  While everyone is in a general state of suffering with various degrees of sinus pressure, coughing, sneezing, and in general stuffy heads, Robert is miserable.  This is no fun and it's something that happens every year at this time.  We knew it was coming, but this year it's different.   Instead of grabbing tons of medicine, we've been reaching for some essential oils and we've been really pleased with the results.

I recently ordered the First Aid set and the Create Your Own Set from Eden's Garden. The biggest go-to for me has been the Head Ease.   This oil really helps me fight headaches without applying the oil.  Just opening the bottle and smelling the oil for a minute or two makes a huge difference.  I'm not reaching for Advil or Tylenol as much but for Head Ease.  With this oil, my headaches usually dissipates in a minute or two instead of 20 and I'm not popping any pills. 

 We aren't reaching for Pepto Bismol as much either.  Instead we are using the ginger and peppermint mixed together with a carrier oil (we are using Jojoba).  This has helped calm upset or nervous tummy's and even heart burn and acid reflux.  Another favorite is their muscle relief.  This oil has helped with some tense aching muscles and joints, especially after a rough day at work.  BUT, the main thing that I have noticed is the Breath Ease and how it's helping everyone breath easier.

 Remember me mentioning the sniffles have hit?  Well, the main person down is Robert.  He is suffering from his annual allergy/sinus infection that always knocks him for a loop.  He started with his symptoms while we were gone.  It started off with watery eyes, sneezing, and slight sniffles.  He is now in the full blown total congestion, can't taste, and has so much head pressure that he sounds like Lurch from the "Adams Family" with the moaning and groaning he is doing.  

People have called to check on him.  Mucinex, Alka Seltzer, Sudafed, and Nyquil have all been suggested as what he needs to take.  Thanks, but no thanks, we aren't using them because we have found that they don't work.  What has helped him the most has been the Breath Ease essential oil.  Within minutes of putting the oil on (which has been mixed with Jojoba Oil), Robert is breathing.  He will start coughing as he feels the congestion breaking up.  No over the counter medication, no prescriptions, just natural essential oils.  

Yes, Robert has the sniffles and is miserable.  Yes it's that wonderful time of year.  But, thanks to our essential oils, specifically Breath Ease, I think that we might make it out of this time of year without a trip to the doctor.  We will fight this naturally, and be healthier in the long run.