Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Home Improvements

              Home improvement jobs aren’t that much fun.  They are hard work, they take planning, and often times once you get started you realize that you are missing something.  Home improvement tasks are not on my everyday list of this that I want to do today.  BUT, the end results are so worth it, I wonder why we did not undertake the task sooner.

                For example, last year we redid our master bathroom.  It was, well, not pretty before we started.  Green carpet, old shower, and well just ugh.  After spending months at Home Depot (the kiddos began to dread that store) and after spending a year on what was to be a two week job (kind of like that movie the Money Pit….Two Weeks…..Two Weeks….) the end result was worth it all.  Oh, how I LOVE taking a shower in our new bathroom.  Candlelit bubble baths are joyous.  The stress and chaos of the project was well worth the end results.  
Isn't it dreamy?  UGLY gone, replaced by all natural slate tile beauty!

So, being the brave souls that we are, this year we decided to redo the living room / dining room and the master bedroom.  So far the living / dining areas are done; sort of, they still need to be painted.  The birth of a new little one and the idea of moving cribs and beds just don’t appeal much to us right now so we are waiting to tackle the master bedroom thank you very much.  Once again it was sheer and utter chaos.  It took a month for the special order flooring to arrive.  Once they arrived the first day we started laying the new floors our new furniture arrived.  Oh did I forget to mention that new furniture wasn’t on the agenda but when Robert’s Granny fell through one of our old chairs we decided that we needed to do something and fast!  The couch and was too big for the front door so it had to come in the sliding glass door where Robert was working.  I was trying to cook, kids were running crazy, and the baby was screaming.  Yes that day is forever burned in my memory as stressful!  Once again, the week long process, (supposedly it was going to be done in two days…..see a pattern here?!?) yielded some results that we are proud of.  We find ourselves asking why we didn’t do this sooner!
Here Ethan and Mommy tear carpets out....

John Robert helps carry them out while Daddy is at work.

Welcome Home....Now, start the floors!

Isn't the new furniture pretty?

Saturday BEFORE Easter Sunday, last board done!

All 4 kiddos showing off the finished results.

The new TV armoire and the new area rug.


All of this has started me to thinking.  Why don’t we just trust God and do things His way sooner?  The end results are always so much sweeter.  Yet, I fight God on almost everything.  I want what I want now.  I don’t want to start on the journey He has for me, and when I do get started I find that I haven’t prepared like I should.  When the bumps and stress come, (and believe me, they do and will come), I panic and want to run away and hide.  BUT, the end results are always so much better, so much sweeter than I could ever imagine. 

So, here’s to Home Improvements!  Here’s to letting God have His way in my life.  May I never grow tired of either one!

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