Friday, May 25, 2012


There is an old song that states time is on our side.  Ummm, I have to vehemently disagree.  I feel that there is not enough time for me on any given day.  Often times I feel as if I am drowning in a sea of busyness and run out of time to get my to-do list done.  There just isn’t enough time to get everything that I need to get done.  I am a wife, mom, teacher, student, housekeeper, cook, laundress, and well you get the point.

     At any given moment what I am doing is interrupted by someone who needs a towel for the pool, toilet paper for the bathroom, or food for the 100th time this day.  Okay, maybe that is a slight exaggeration.  My kiddos don’t eat 100 times a day, only 95 or so.  I often feel as if I am going under without a life jacket in the sea of our crazy lives.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband and my children.  Most days I don’t mind having to take care of the house or meet all their needs.  BUT, there are some days that I would like to have a little bit more time.  Even just 30 more minutes would be helpful.

     This got me to thinking.  What do I want the time for?  Do I want to be responsible and use my time wisely or do I want the extra time to do something for me?  Truthfully I wish that there was more time for me.  There are days that I need a break and if I had enough time to relax I might feel better about my hectic life.  BUT, I have the same amount of time that you have; a mere 24 hours in my day.

     This idea of a mere 24 hours got me to thinking again (this is dangerous d huh!?!), what does God say about our lives and time.  The Holman Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:16 that we need “to be making the most of our time for the days are evil.”  What exactly does this mean?  To me this means that I need to not worry about me time and focus more on others.  What have I done to share the love of Christ with someone?  How have I ministered to my family, my friends, my neighbors?  Have I redeemed my time, used it wisely to fulfill my God given role in this world?  Most days I would have to say no.  That saddens me!

     Oh, don’t get me wrong, ME time is vitally important!  If it wasn’t, the Bible would not have mentioned how often Christ went off to be alone.  He needed to punt and regroup after meeting the demands of the people everywhere.  He needed time to pray and be alone with His Father.  It is my sincere prayer that I am using my time as wisely a Jesus did.  After all, we have no promise of tomorrow.

     So, how will you use your 24 hours today?  Me, well I think that I am going to wash clothes, cook meals, change diapers, and steal away for some alone time.  Just me and Jesus and His Father.  Nothing sweeter than that!                                                                      

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