Monday, June 18, 2012


Oh what a glorious day Box Day is!  The aftermath though is not always fun!  There are boxes, books, packing papers, piles, packing peanuts, and well in general chaos everywhere!  I am not a fan of chaos.  My house has a regular day to day lived in feel, but chaos is not something that I can stand.  Laundry on the couch, a few dishes here and there are okay but chaos?  UGH!  What to do with all of these glorious books became my question since they are technically not needed until September when we start school.  BUT, I just had to open boxes and make sure all items were present and accounted for.  Umm-Hmmm….that’s it exactly.  I HAD to open the boxes to make sure they were ok, not because I wanted to see the new books!  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!

The mid box day chaotic mess!

So here I was, in a living room covered with books divided into three not so neat piles, boxes empty behind the couch, and my husband and kids grumbling as they had to gingerly step around the piles.  What to do?  Then it hit me……what would Pinterest do?  Oh Pinterest, how I love you and yet you tempt me so.  The answer….get organized!  So Robert and I left the 3 big kiddos with Granny and Granddaddy and headed to town to get storage bins.  After much thought I bought enough clear bins to see all my glorious books but keep everything organized and ready to go.  The bins fit perfectly next to my desk and I can organize and plan next school year with ease!

I labeled everything with black marker but did not label directly on the storage container unless I knew that it would be the same container for that product year after year.  You know, art supplies will always be in that ONE container but cores might change with different children needing to be at different levels so they were written on paper only.  The end result was books we could all still see, a clear and clean living room floor, and I felt like I had been Pinteresty all in one day!
Genius, sheer genius if I do say so myself!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree. Putting away and organizing all those books is a lot of work.
