Wednesday, November 10, 2010


In our house, November is C-R-A-Z-Y!!!!!  Why?  So glad you asked!  The main reason is that God, in His infinite wisdom and grace, gave us two babies three years and five days apart!  LOL!  That’s right, Doodle Bug is 11-8-00 and Cowboy is 11-14-03!  Can you say BUSY?  Yes, we are with a capital “B”!  Between school, finding the perfect gift, planning the perfect party, and keeping up with life in general (who knew that laundry still had to be washed in November?), November is CRAZY!

However, today I find myself in a reflective sort of mood.  Our oldest was 10 on Monday…our middle will be 7 on Sunday.  Yes, reflection is common for a Mother whose children are growing too fast.  I was thinking of Hannah, that amazing example of not only an awesome Mother but a True Woman found in 1 Samuel.  She longed for a child, just one, and then had to give him away, not having the privilege of watching him grow up!  WOW!  That is something that I could not imagine.  Next my thoughts drifted to other family members, who through their own choices or not, lost babies.  I could not imagine laboring to be told that I can not hold my baby, for whatever reason.  Then I closed my eyes and saw my children as babies, and had the overwhelming urge to weep!  Gone are the cherubic cheeks, milk grins, beautiful sleeping eyes, contented sighs.  My children are growing, and I don’t want them to!  How selfish is that?

After all that reflection (and a few Kleenex that were used), I realized something; something profound and deeply important.  I am morning the loss of my children. WHY?  They are growing too fast for this mother’s liking.  Yet, because of the provisions of my God, (the One that gave my children to me to start with), I have nothing to mourn over!  You see, one of my children accepted Christ as their Savoir at the young and tender age of 5!  The other one, while not having made an open profession of faith, is working on it!  They are questioning everything, wanting to understand the mind workings of a God that loved them enough to die for them.  Knowing that, I have peace that I will have my children forever!  All because of the never ending love of a Father that wants to have His children with Him forever!  AMAZING!

When was your Happy, Happy Birthday?  Not the date your were born, but the date that your were born again?   Don’t know if you have a Happy, Happy Birthday?  There is a way to know, it involves some personal reflection, thinking, confessing, and looking at the one True God to provide you with a Birthday that will last forever!

Happy Birthday to my amazing children!  I look forward to the next millennia with you all, celebrating the happiness that only Christ can bring to our lives!  I love you and it is a pleasure being your Mommy!

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