Friday, July 8, 2011


Okay, I will admit it.  There are days that I struggle with, well, life!  I work very hard to balance home, school, housework, homeschooling, being the encouraging wife, laundry, dishes, cooking, and laundry.  Did I mention laundry?  When I want to do something for me, I feel like I just don’t have the time.  Who can find the time to be everything to everyone?  Some days I feel totally overwhelmed, exhausted, and yes in spite of a house full of children alone.

Today has been one of those days.  Oh it is nothing in particular.  Maybe it is the rain.  Maybe it is the fact that the laundry that I folded and put into the appropriate child’s basket still has not been put away.  Maybe it’s the fact that I realized that I have not sat down to scrapbook for 3 years.  Maybe it’s because I am missing the “me” time that I was always able to find when we just had 2 children and I wasn’t in school full time.  Maybe….well maybe it is a lot of things.  In spite of this today has been a day of struggles.  Oh there is nothing in particular, just a blah day.

This has lead me to thinking about a lot of things.  Why am I so blah?  Haven’t I been abundantly blessed with everything that I desire?  Didn’t I always want to grow up?  Well, I’m grown!  Didn’t I always want to be a mom?  Been there, done that times four now!  Didn’t I always want to be a teacher?  Doing that too!  Why am I so blah?

The answer is simple, I’M NOT PERFECT!  To those of you who know me, this will not come as a big surprise.  I am not Super Mom!  I am not Super Woman!  I am just me, purposing to honor God the only way that I know how and be obedient to His call on my life.  For me that means washing clothes, doing dishes, cooking more food to be devoured by three hungry children, washing more clothes, educating aforementioned children, and deciding that yes I am worth the time to try to carve out some scrapbook time!

I know that I am not done running the race set before me!  I know that I cannot grow weary while doing good, although on days like today I am tempted to do just that!  I know that I am not perfect, but I know that I don’t have to be!  Jesus said that His yoke was easy and that His burden was light.  So on my not so perfect blah days, I can run to Him and be okay! 

 YES, I ADMIT IT ~ I’M NOT PERFECT, but that is what makes me wonderful and I know that it is okay!  JESUS IS PERFECT~ HE’S THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS ANYWAY!

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