Monday, September 23, 2013


There are some things that I am good at, like corralling three rambunctious boys on a rainy day or helping to squelch the teenage hormones of a girl.  Then there are some things that I am not good at, like keeping my house totally spotless or fixing a gourmet five course meal nightly.  I think that there are things that we all have strengths and weaknesses in.

There is one thing that I am NOT good at.  I am not a good “ball” mom.  To be honest, I don’t enjoy sitting at the ball field for endless hours at a time.  Baseball, (well if we are being honest, sports in general), is not my cup of tea.  I would rather be home watching a good musical, (Music Man anyone), than sitting at the ball field.  Well, I don’t usually get to sit.  I am normally running between two to three ball fields trying to watch all the kiddos at once and then chase the Cole man around the play ground and thanks to all the rain, keep him out of all the puddles. 
Maggie practicing her pitching.

John Robert warming up to bat.

Ethan practicing his fielding.

Cole hanging out at the dugout watching ball players warm up.
Oh don’t get me wrong.  The ball complex is awesome.  It’s clean, has four great fields, and the coaches are awesome.  The issue is me.  I don’t like ball.  BUT, I do love, adore, and think the world of my kids.  So, I will sacrifice my time, comfort, and sanity; and load up four kiddos no less than three nights a week to spend no less than two hours a night at the ball field.  WHY?  Because my kids are worth it!
So, if you need me or miss seeing us, come on out to the ball field.  Be prepared, I’ll let you chase Cole so I can sit!

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