Saturday, October 19, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

Let me preface this by saying that I know and understand that there are causes that are local and people with many needs within our own small community that need help.  Knowing this, Robert and I support and encourage our children to help work at our local Care Center.  We also encourage our children to think globally, there are people hurting everywhere.  One of our family favorite missions’ minded yearly projects is that of Operation Christmas Child or OCC.

If you want to learn more about OCC, I’d encourage you to check out their website, look here. 
I can tell you this is a project that the children and I all LOVE to participate in.  There is something so amazing about taking my children to Wal-Mart, Target, or any other Dollar Store and telling them to pick things out and pack a shoebox.  Oftentimes these shoe boxes (think about it, only ONE SHOEBOX), is the only gift this child will receive for that year, or maybe even their entire lifetime.  My children LOVE this mission’s minded shopping trip.  We pack the boxes with practical things.  We buy toothbrushes, soap, toothpaste, washcloths, band aids, and any other practically minded thing that we can think of.  Then we head to the toys section.  Oh, to see my children excited to be shopping for children who won’t get any gifts other than these!  We will get yo-yo’s, crayons, jump ropes, jacks, candy, balls, baby dolls, coloring books, puzzles, and any other “small” item that we can think of to fit into a shoebox.  Oftentimes we buy “extra” so that the shoeboxes that our church packs will have enough too.  Then the kiddos come home, pack up their boxes, and we will place them on the altar at church to be prayed over before they are shipped out.

I love this project for so many reasons.  I love watching the videos of the children who receive the shoeboxes.  The joy on their faces is so contagious!  When they cry because they are amazed that a stranger loved them enough to send them a gift, I sob too!  When these precious little ones laugh, dance, clap, and jump for joy over what they have in a shoebox; I want to sing, jump, and dance for joy with them.  I also love watching the joy that is seen in my own children’s faces.  Their joy as they pack shoeboxes, as they talk about what they bought for this precious unknown child and how they hope it blesses them; I smile at the peace that permeates our home.  More than that, I love how packing a simple shoebox allows us to talk about so many lessons on love, Christ, and His heart for us to GO and TELL about His love!

It’s not too late to pack a shoebox!  There is still time to bring indescribable joy to a precious child.  Our family is packing boxes this weekend.  Will you?

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