Saturday, April 26, 2014


Recently someone asked me to share why we were purposing to go “green” and what we were looking for in our products.  So, I decided to answer them for everyone to see. Yep, this blogging is a great way to share information and what I think.  HA!

 As a Christ Follower I feel that we need to be good stewards of the earth and all that God has given to us.  In Genesis we are told that we are to have dominion over the earth.  This means we are to rule over it, and any good ruler will take care of everything within its kingdom.  We also need to take care of our body’s and treat them with respect and do what we feel is best for them.  I think that this is very true since our bodies are the temples that Christ is dwelling in.  As a home educator, I believe that it is important to be forever learning. I also need to be willing to show my children that if I’ve made a mistake I can correct it, learn from it, and continue to grow and change as needed.  As a wife and a mother, I want to do what is best for my husband and my children.  I want to ensure that they are happy, growing, enjoying life to its fullest, and healthy.  So that’s the short answer as to why we are going “green”.

So basically, we are going green because I want to ensure that we are healthier and happier.  I want to do what’s best for my family in all situations and in all conditions.  Sometimes that means changing how I’ve done things for years, as is the case now.  I have also shared how my sister is in this process with me, although she is a little bit more educated and “advanced” in her process than I am.  Actually she is the one that started me on this journey by sharing what she was dealing with as she struggled to find what would work best for her precious babies.  She is also the one that has taught me some of the things to look for with the products that we buy.
 When looking at what to use and why, my sister shared a website that has now become my go to site, the Environmental Working Group site.  When looking at household cleaners, I want a grade of “C” or better.  I am willing to consider a product with a “C” simply because this website takes into consideration smells and asthma issues, something that we have not had to battle with in our home, so I am willing to use a product with smell. I actually enjoy a cleaning product that has a fresh or sweet smell. For example, my Seventh Generation All Purpose Lemongrass Cleaner is rated a “C” because of the lemongrass scent and the asthma attack probability.  The METHOD glass cleaner that I have is rated “B”, again because of smell.  The peppermint smell is not as harsh as the lemongrass scent which is why it has a higher rating.
When it comes to skincare I want a rating of 4 or lower.  Anything rated 1-2 is considered no risk.  Anything rated 3-6 is considered moderate issues.  This is usually due to lack of research, product newness, and some ingredients which can be considered harsh to sensitive skins; again it’s usually the scents.  I have switched myself, Robert, Maggie and John Robert over to Desert Essence products, and the highest score anything we use has is a 3.  The three rating is in only two of the products that we are using and it deals with the scent of the item.  For example, Maggie’s coconut shampoo and conditioner is organic but rated a 3 because of the scent.  I am using their jojoba shampoo and conditioner and again it is a 3 because of scent (it’s a lemony citrus smell).  However, the tea tree shampoo that Robert and John Robert are using is a 2, low risk.  Ethan and Cole are using Jason’s Natural kids shampoo (a 4) and Jacob is using Earth Mama Angel Baby (a 0-2).

Another deciding factor that is important to me when looking at what to use is the product reviews.  Reading all the advertising and the company reason why I need to use their products is one thing.  BUT, reading what actual consumers have to say is entirely a different matter.  Most of the complaints with any of the products that we use have to deal specifically with their scents and severe asthma or allergy issues.  Since these are not issues that directly affect our family, I look at how they clean and how well the reviewer says that the product works.  Reviews are a great way to do more consumer research.  I look for product reviews on company websites and I ask my Facebook friends for their thoughts as well.  Facebook is a great way to get honest feedback.
The third deciding factor for me is ease of access to products.  I’m not to where I am into making my own products or totally proficient in everything natural and green.  I am still learning, so having a more mainstream brand that is tried and true is a great way to be able to research and read the product reviews.  Plus if a product that I am using is a more mainstream product I know that it will be cost competitive, which brings me to my fourth deciding factor, cost.  Cost is a big thing for us.  We are a family of seven living on a tight budget.  I can’t spend $20.00 for a bottle of cleaning spray or shampoo.  I need to spend as little as possible.  By using a mainstream product that has ease of access, I can compare prices and get the quality that I am looking for.  So far Amazon, Vitacost, Piping Rock , and Lucky Vitamin have been my go to shopping sites.  Their prices are competitive, the products are what I am looking for, and the free shipping offers a HUGE PLUS!
So there you have it.  Here is why we are going green and what I am looking for as we make this transition.  I am still learning and researching new products and choices for our family.  I am not done learning and growing in this area, and I am not totally proficient in this lifestyle choice.  I am getting there however, and now you know why!


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