Saturday, June 21, 2014


Robert is an amazing Daddy.  The kiddos, all of them even the “teenaged” one, can’t wait to spend time with him daily.  From early morning coffee to late at night snuggles, Robert is an amazing daddy that loves his children greatly and is loved in return.  They all meet him at the door or in the living room when he comes in.  They all either hug or stop to speak to him as soon as he walks into the door.  All the children are so excited he is home; they all love and adore their Daddy.  Very rare is it to hear Robert called “Dad”; more often than not he is “Daddy”, the perfect term of endearment for him.  Of course Father’s Day is the perfect day to remind him of this. (And yes, I know that this post is late, I’ve been hunting the camera chord to put up the pictures I’ve taken and can’t find it anywhere!!!!)

Father’s day started off as a typical Sunday, cinnamon rolls and coffee for breakfast.  I had let Father’s Day creep up on me this year (as in I had totally forgotten it was coming so soon), so I didn’t order his gift in on time.  We did manage to get some cards and I put his Glock handgun catalog next to his card, so he knew what we had ordered would be awesome.  Next we all headed for church, but Robert didn’t go to Sunday School with me; he had to go to the special Father’s Day breakfast Donut’s for Dad’s in the preschool department with Cole.  When I met him in the sanctuary, he was wearing the cutest M&M’s bowtie made by Cole for his Daddy.  To me, this personified the whole day.  Why?  Oh, I’m glad you asked…..

Robert is a reserved person by nature.  Don’t get me wrong, he does a lot of fun stuff with the kiddos (like watching their favorite cartoons with or without them or buying them a bad mitten game set to play with outside), but he is not outgoing or over demonstrative with his affection, except when it comes to his kiddos.  Robert always goes above and beyond for his kids.  So on Sunday morning, all through church, Robert wore his M&M’s bowtie, simply because it was made by his son.  He didn’t take it off until we left church. Cole was so proud.  The entire ride home he chattered from the backseat: “Colie and Daaawdy donuts. Daaawdy tie on.  My Daaawdy.  Love you too.”

Those last three words sum everything up perfectly.  Our children have an amazing relationship with their Daddy because he loves them so much that they can’t help but love him too.   He never demands that they change to make him happy or to meet his needs, he is the one that steps out of his comfort zone to make them happy and meet their needs.  It’s not easy for Robert to be super silly in public, in private yes, in public no.  BUT, he was willing to do something “silly” just for his son, just because he loved his child. 

Whether they realize it or not, Robert is showing our children how truly loving our God is.  God is the one who showcases His love for us daily, meeting us where we are, never demanding affection from us, but freely giving it to us simply because He loves us.   Because of Robert’s example complete with his imperfections, the children can see the love of Christ daily in action daily.  Father’s Day was a perfect day for us simply because Robert is the perfect imperfect father for our five children.  I thank God for my husband daily, but especially on Father’s Day.

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