Saturday, November 9, 2013


Last year at this time our lives were torn upside down and life was not easy.  This year, there was some trepidation about having “big” birthday parties and celebrations.  BUT, since this year was so important and special (after all, one child was now a TEEN and one child was hitting double digits!), we forged on and made this the weekend of birthday’s to remember!

First of all, our new teenager!  Maggie is now 13!  In spite of not wanting to have a party, we planned a girl’s weekend!  We picked up Maggie’s best friend from school on Friday and had a great time partying all weekend long.  Our Friday started off with lunch out (just Mama, Maggie, and the boys), followed by some serious shopping at Kohls, and then a trip to the library to find some new books.  Then we picked up her best friend and let the giggling and fun begin.  We opened presents, listened to the girls rock out to music, giggle about boys and their craziness, and then headed out to eat at I HOP (of all places, HA!).  Then the girls giggled until late in the evening, woke up on Saturday bright and early (thanks to the boys), and had fun partying to celebrate John Robert!


Getting ready for a girl's night out!

BUT, first things first: PRESENTS!!!!

The boys got Maggie some fun and funky earrings.

Mama and Daddy got Maggie some much needed new shoes and clothes.
We had to celebrate John Robert’s birthday “early” this year since Robert is on call next week when John Robert officially turns 10.  At first we weren’t going to have a party, but then John Robert decided that he wanted a baseball themed party.  So I got to work, made lots of party decorations, cleaned the house, and set up our house for the party.  Even though two friends weren’t able to make it, the party was a huge success and everyone left full and happy!  No one was happier than John Robert who made out like a bandit in the gift department, especially with birthday cash!
Setting up the candy buffet.

Food, Food, and MORE FOOD!  It was yummy too!


John Robert has been up since 7:00 this morning waiting for gifts! 

New clothes and shoes from Mama and Daddy!

The best gifts: MONEY CARDS!

Party aftermath....not too bad!
All in all, we have had a busy weekend of birthday fun!  As exhausted as this Mama is (and believe me, I’m whipped!  HA!), I am still overjoyed at the joy that has permeated our home this weekend.  As I was lying in bed last night I was crying as I thanked God for His blessings this year. I praised Him for the joy and laughter that filled our home, just one year after November brought unspeakable sadness.  I wept at the sounds of laughter and giggles, not because I was sad but because I really felt like God was brining joy in the morning of our lives.  We have had a GREAT birthday weekend, and all the joy comes from Christ! 

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