Sunday, November 3, 2013


Yesterday Robert and I had to attend a birthing refresher course something that I will admit that we both chuckled over since this our fifth little one.  BUT, we enjoyed the morning off and learning things about labor that we had never thought of before.  We also enjoyed meeting the other expectant parents and laughed at their awe of our family size (most of them were on their second or third little one).  We also smiled as the midwife and birth assistant discussed WHY larger families have such a “fun” and “neat” family dynamic.  When we came home our four little ones were waiting on us and couldn’t wait to see what we had learned.  Then the fun began.

My three oldest, one named E-Man in particular, was ready for us to get all the newborn clothes out for Jacob.  What can I say we got them out; we sorted, we organized, and then today we washed four loads of laundry all for Jacob.  What made it even more “fun” for me was that all I had to do was fold the laundry, E-Man put them all in the washer, dryer, and then into Jacob’s dresser and onto the changing table.  He is that excited!

This lead Robert and I to a discussion about an article that I recently read about a population crisis in Japan, there are literally hardly any children being born.  What struck me was that the older people of Japan are hiring people our age to “be” their grandchild for the day.  The article also discussed how the upcoming generations have no interest in marriage or children.  In fact, most of them have no interest in anything past a platonic relationship.  This amazed me in light of what was happening here in my home.

I see the dynamic of my family.  I see their excitement with the addition of our newest son, even though it is another boy.  So far there has been no jealousy, no malice, and no comments asking why are you having more kids!  In fact, there is just the opposite.  I have children asking us to give them at least five more brothers and hopefully a sister.  Seriously, my kiddos want us to have 10 kids!  I have children that are discussing what their new jobs are going to be when the baby gets here, asking if they will be allowed to babysit, wash clothes, and even bathe the baby.  In comparison to a nation that seemingly does not want children, my family is asking for more!

I know that the size of our family is not right for everyone.  I know that there are people who are content with their family size.  I am not sharing this to make people want more children, I am sharing this to show why WE want to allow God to give us the children that He has for us.  For our family, it’s not about us.  It’s all about God and His love pouring through us into our family.  And I for one think that this example, the unabashed joy my children have because of a new baby coming into our home is amazing.  I also totally think that it is the result of a loving God who loves us and, our children, and our families more than we realize.

To answer the questions that I get often, no I am not sure that we are done.  Not I’m not sure that we will not be having at least one more child, if not more than that, I honestly don’t know.  And not knowing is okay.  My God knows, just as He knows the joy that my children are experiencing because of the upcoming arrival of a new baby.  For me, that is enough.

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