Monday, May 20, 2013


 We all have hopes and dreams.  We all have ideas on how we want our lives to look on a daily basis.  When I was a little girl I was going to go to Harvard and become the first woman president.  Then I was going to be a famous ballerina.  I wanted adventure, excitement, and to “be” someone important!  As I have gotten older, my dreams have changed.

There are times when I look at my life and question the path that I am walking down.  Truthfully, I think that we all do.  There are times when I question my sanity.  Do I really want to trust God to give me the amount of children that He thinks we should have?  What if we do end up with eight or even ten kids?  What about “me” time, will I ever have “me” time again if all I am doing is being a Mama and meeting everyone else’s needs on a constant daily basis?  How will I achieve the American Dream if my life is running opposite of it?  Yep, there are times that questions are prevalent and pretty much all I can ponder at any given moment. 

Yet, God has dreams for me.  He wants me to live my life in the NOW.  I am not to worry about tomorrow, I am not even to really worry about today, I am just to experience this moment.  IF I really trusted God with my life, than this moment, this adventure would be enough.  So it all goes back to what I believe to be true. 

I believe that God has dreams for me that are far better than anything I could ever hope for or imagine.  I believe that He knows my heart and my life’s purpose better than I do since He is the one that created me.  I believe that I need to learn how to embrace today, not just trudge through the day as if it is an endless chore or problem; but truly embrace today.  One more dirty diaper?  GOOD!  I can showcase the loving hands of God to my children while meeting their need.  One more dirty dish or another load of clothes?  GOOD!  I can show my children that serving others, even within my family is one of the greatest blessings and callings that we can be given within our lives!  One more, one more, one more…….whatever.  Today I am doing just what I need to be doing.  I am fulfilling God’s dream for me.

My dreams are so small compared to God’s dream for me!  It’s time that we as Christ Followers learn to embrace HIS dreams as our own and a life that we could never imagine, even if it involves dishes, laundry, and dirty diapers!  For it is in walking the path of God’s dreams that we truly change the world!

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