Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Before I begin please let me preface this by saying that I do not believe that we belong to the Quiver Full Movement or that we believe that our sized family is right for everyone.  We do, however, believe that we should leave our family size to God’s hands.  To that effect we have been blessed with five children.  Four children that we are being privileged to raise and one that we get the privilege of waiting to see in Heaven.  Five children, by our standards not enough, but to the world that we now live in, it’s a ridiculous HUGE amount of children!

The reactions that we get from people always makes me chuckle.  For example, yesterday Robert ran into an old family friend, a person that almost became a member of our family.  He asked how many kiddos we had and Robert told him.  His eyes bulged slightly and he asked if we were done.  Robert told him that we were leaving the amount of little ones that will run through our lives in God’s hands.  This friend nodded but still looked incredulous.  Of course as Robert was recanting this, I had to chuckle (and roll my eyes a little).

Why do people act so crazy when WE decide to have kiddos?  I mean it’s not like I’m asking them to come nurse the baby at 2:30 in the morning or change 3-50 dirty diapers a day.  It’s not like we are asking anyone else to come sit up with them when they are sick or wake up at 3:00 AM after having another bad dream.  Why do people think that what we choose is so insane?

Recently in the news (which we should all be ashamed at the real lack of news coverage the media has offered), has been the story of abortion doctor, Kermit Gosnell.  Let me say that I firmly believe that abortion is wrong in any instance; the baby is not at fault for their conception and does not deserve death because they are alive. Yet in this case, the man has been found guilty of murder.  He is being given life in prison because he killed babies that were “aborted” living.  These children were not wanted by their parents or their mother to say the least, and our society deems that acceptable; a woman’s right.  BUT, if I WANT to be a mother, if I WANT to have at least six children (which is what I have always wanted), then I am deemed as crazy as a loon.  I don’t understand that.

I KNOW that our choice is not for everyone.  I KNOW that some people can’t have children and long for them.  I KNOW that people do think we are crazy for having “tons of kids”.  I DO KNOW that I desire to be a Mama and desire to have as many children as God desires for me to have.  I DO KNOW that I love being a wife and mother more than anything in this world.  AND, I can’t wait to see what God has in store for my future.  We do think that life is precious and that children are of infinite worth and value.  So why does this make us crazy? 

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