Thursday, December 5, 2013


I was 16 when I met Robert.  I can remember that day like it was yesterday.  I walked to the Ag Department with a friend of mine looking for another boy.  Robert was there with his good friend Scott and told us that boy wasn’t there at that time.  We walked away, like two girls will, giggling.  I told my friend that the short one (Robert) was the goofiest thing that I had ever seen.  That was at the end of my 10th grade year. 

Fast forward past summer break (when I got all my hair cut off) to the start of my junior year.  There was a mix up with my schedule and mid week of the first week of school I was transferred to Mr. Allen’s class.  I walked in and saw that “goofy” looking boy; as a matter of fact the only desk available was right in front of his.  Being the thoughtful guy that he was, Robert leaned forward thinking I was a new student and offered to show me where my next class was.  Being me, I told him that if he wanted my phone number all he had to do was ask.  He turned red and sat back down.  That’s how we started.

I can still remember Robert telling his friend Scott that dating me was a mistake.  I can still remember knowing two weeks within us dating that I “KNEW” he was the one for me.  I can still remember being amazed by him and his talents.  I can still remember graduating high school and his huge hug.  I can remember begging God to have him ask me to marry him.  I can still remember his proposal, I was 18 and he was 19.  It was before a church league softball game he tossed me the ring box across the living room and asked me: “Ya want to?”

I can still remember the excitement of my wedding day until they put the veil on my head when I looked in the mirror and thought HOLY COW WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?  I can still remember our wedding, the simple beautiful ceremony where two young “kids” said that they would stay together forever.  I can remember our honeymoon, when Robert called the front desk looking for the Pro Rodeo finals for that weekend.

I can remember our first anniversary, our 5th anniversary, our 10th anniversary, and now our 16th. 

I can remember the joy on his face with the birth of our daughter, our firstborn.  I can remember the joy on his face as we have had each additional child.  I can remember his sobs when we had to say goodbye to our son.  I can remember the doctor’s awe when Robert insisted to know if we had lost a son or a daughter.  I can remember his joy when we found out about Jacob’s impending arrival, and the very real fear he expressed over this new baby.

More than anything, I can remember that Robert has always been my rock.  He is my steady, my comfort, and my joy.  No other person on this earth has been able to calm me with just a touch on the shoulder or by holding my hand.  No other person can infuriate me more or make my knees melt faster than Robert. 

I always thought that marriage was drudgery.  I always thought that life would be dull and boring.  For us this is not the case.  I can honestly say that because of God’s grace I love Robert more today than when we married.  Because of Robert I have learned what love is, what love looks like, what tears, laughter, and joy a life shared can be.  Because of Robert, I know that marriages can work, even when times are hard.  All because of this one man who took a chance and made the biggest mistake of his life!  I am forever grateful that I was that mistake!   

1 comment:

  1. This is the MOST beautiful testimony to marriage and love I have ever read! I remember you two "kids" in my classroom to this day! I love you both SO much and am very proud of the adults you both have become! And with God's continued blessings and love I know you two will share a wonderful life of laughter, love & joy as well as a few tears--but through it all you will remain children of God!
