Sunday, October 19, 2014


Once upon a time, a long time ago in a land that is not so far away, families used to sit down daily and eat together.  This was not an occasional occurrence regulated to holidays and special occasions.  No, family meals were an everyday occurrence that included everyone from Grandma and Grandpa to little Cousin Billy.  Families used to meet together, enjoy each other’s company, and connect all from the vantage point of the kitchen table.  The meals weren’t rushed, but homemade and slow simmered packed with delicious and healthy food that helped people slow down and reconnect. 

Now, I am sad to say, this is a rarity in our modern and fast paced culture.  Most families eat on the go or at different times.  Very rare is it to find a family that will all sit down and eat together. There is something that is missing within the confines of our family, we are losing the connection.  People are noticing this and noting that the issue needs to start in the home.  There are campaigns and reports showing the importance of being together as a family. There are even ads on TV promoting family meal times.  What has happened to us?  Why are we so busy that we can’t stop and eat together as a family?  More than that, what does this busyness say about our culture and what we deem is important?

In our Sunday school class we were discussing what our best was and most accomplished feat, the one thing that we wanted to be known for more than anything, and the one thing that we believe has brought us the most success.  For me, the answer was simple, it is raising my children.  Oh don’t get me wrong, there are no awards for this.  I am not top in bake sales, mother of the year, or cleanest house or yard on the block.  I am not noted as an eloquent speaker, someone of worldly wealth for fame, in reality I am judged and thought of as crazy because I have so many children.  BUT, one thing that I am known for is the sacredness of family meal time.

My family, aren't they precious!

I am so grateful that my sister-in-law introduced me to menu planning.  This useful tool has helped me to guard this sacred family time closely.  Our meals might be simple, like a quick breakfast for supper, a simple but filling casserole, or the meals might be complex, like our Sunday after church fare complete with a scrumptious desert.  No matter what’s on the menu, you will find the Best Family gathering around the table at 6:00 sharp.  You will hear lively discussions about fascinating topics, like horses, saddles, relatives, and of course the many adventures of our day.  History is discussed, Bible stories and prayer requests shared, jokes and laughter abound, but more than that, memories are made. 

I want to challenge all of you.  Take the time this week and enjoy the meals at your family table.  Sit down and enjoy the food but more than that, enjoy your family.  Have a family meal and relax, even if you’re talking about how big little Cousin Billy has gotten, I promise you fun will be had by all!

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