Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Breast cancer is a horrific disease that affects a lot of women.  This disease has affected a friend of my daughter’s mom, some women from our church, some women within my family, and my own Grandma.  It is a disease that we need to focus on and pay attention to.  It is a disease that we as women need to educate ourselves on.  We need to learn how to do self exams, watch for warning signs, and be willing to do the detailed screenings at the appropriate time.  October is the month that was chosen for Breast Cancer Awareness, and there is nothing wrong with that, but there is more to the month of October than just breast cancer.  October is also the month that has been designated to bring awareness to infant death, something that I am all too familiar with.

On November 6, 2012 my world was forever changed by the news that my 4th son, my Samuel was Heaven born.  He died before I got to hold him in my arms. His death forever impacted my life and the lives of his siblings. He was and still is, my precious son.  I still mourn and miss him daily; I know that I always will.  This is the path that I was called to walk on, and I know that I am not alone.

It has been said that miscarriage statistics are hard to document.  The average accepted statistic is that 20%-30% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage that is about 1 in 4 pregnancies.  Most happen before the end of the first trimester (or the 12 week mark), but many, like my loss can occur later (we were at week 19 when we lost Samuel).  With the back to sleep campaign, the SIDS rate has fallen some, but it does still occur with approximately 2,300 babies dying annually here in the US alone.  These numbers also don’t take into consideration the number of baby’s that are stillborn which is estimated to be 1 in 160 births.  No matter what the numbers look like, the simple fact is that today, someone somewhere is sadly going to lose their baby, and it will happen again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that.

October 15th has been designated the day to remember these precious little ones.  Today is the day that we should pause and celebrate their lives, honor their memories, and hug their parents tight.  This day, this reason, is why October is so much more than Breast Cancer Awareness month.  This month is more than just women’s breasts, it’s about their hearts as well, and the pieces that are forever missing from them because so many women have been called to walk the path of losing a baby. 

If you know someone who has lost a child, please hug them close.  Not all women are able to be as open to talking about their little one, but if they are a nice note or quick phone call letting them know that you remember and you care can make their day.   If you have been called to walk this path too, then please know that I am thinking of you, that I am praying for you, and that I am remembering you and mourning with you.   I know how hard this path is to walk down.  Believe me when I say that as a mother, you NEVER forget your child.  You NEVER stop loving your baby, it doesn’t matter if they are Heaven born or taken from you too soon.  No matter what happens, they are your child and you are their mother. 

Please remember that October is so much more than Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Please remember that October, especially today, October 15th is also about women and their precious babies.  Let’s take October to celebrate women, to honor their strength, their courage, their fragility, and their capacity to love.  More than that, let’s remember that there are women whose hearts are missing because a piece of it was taken from them too soon and let’s honor those women today.

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