Monday, December 31, 2012


We all have memories.  Some are good while others are painful.  No matter what, we all have memories.  Memories are good to have; they remind us of who we are, where we have come from, and even more importantly mold us to make our future choices.  Most people use today, December 31st to remember their past year.  They look at their successes and failures and shape New Year’s Resolutions to change things about themselves into what they want.  I don’t do that.  I take December 31st and remember one of the most important men in my life, my Grandpa. 

My Grandpa, John Howard Peacock, would have been 82 years old today.  That’s right, December 31st was his birthday.  That reason and that reason alone, Grandpa’s birthday, is what makes today so special.  I don’t choose to reflect on my past year, I choose to focus on my Grandpa.  He was an amazing man.

I remember hearing stories of his enlistment in the Air Force during “the Big War”.  He lied about his age, leaving his small home in Avon Park to help fight for his country.  I remember hearing stories about how the Air Force had to “retrain” the way that he spoke so they could understand him over the radio; I guess that is where I get my “twang” from.  I remember hearing stories of how he met my Grandmother in New York on a blind date on Halloween.  I remember hearing about their month long honeymoon so they could come to Florida so Grandma could meet her in-laws.  I remember hearing stories about Vietnam, their adventures living overseas and in California.  I remember hearing about how he beat my parents to the hospital when they went into labor with me.  I remember hearing the stories and seeing the pictures on how he was the first person that I walked to and yes it was because he was holding a present out to me when I was only 9 months old.

More than the stories that I remember hearing I remember talking to my Grandpa as I got older.  I remember hearing his voice answer the phone when I would call.  I remember hearing “Hey Jennie”, like I was the one person that he was waiting to talk to that day.  I remember him telling me how much he liked Robert when I was still in high school and we were still dating.  I remember him telling me when we got engaged that I had a good man.  I remember his joy when we had Maggie and his excitement when we had our first son and named him John.  I remember his hugs, his smiles, his life with such loving joy that I can honestly say that I can’t believe it has been nearly 2 years since he left me.

More than anything, when I remember my Grandpa, I remember love.  He loved me no matter what.  He supported me no matter what.  He thought that I was special because I was his first born granddaughter.  He loved me, and I loved him too!

Today as I think of my Grandpa and all that he was in this life, I smile knowing that he is waiting for me with Christ.  I smile because I know that he is holding my precious Samuel and rocking him the way he held all babies, and he loved a baby!  I miss him.  I miss hearing his voice.  I miss seeing his smile. I miss hearing him laugh.  I miss his hugs.  I miss our chats.  I miss his cooking.

Today I remember more than a year, I remember the man.  These memories are so sweet!  Happy Birthday Grandpa Peacock!  I LOVE YOU!!!!!

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